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网络问诊平台只能提供咨询建议 不能取代面诊--亲稳网络舆情监测室

According to the symptoms appear in the online search conditions/cause,Almost all people never leave home made"Self diagnosis and treatment".Professional health web site springing up all over the Internet counseling/Video interrogation,But also solve a lot of people"Registered difficult"Needed right now.With the advantage of new media platform,Through the APP of mobile client,Diversification of interrogation channels at the same time,Will also ordinary sought to offline medical development/Registered the green channel and overall health management field.But in the mass/The age of the Internet and information,How to eliminating the/Find good doctor and silver bullet,Is need system/supervision/The authentication/Personal scientific literacy and other aspects of joint efforts.
网络问诊形式 Network inquiry form
搜索引擎 在搜索引擎中输入病症如“偏头 痛的原因”、“风热感冒与风寒感冒 的区别”、“乳腺增生会不会转变为 乳腺癌”等内容,立即就能弹出由网 民、网上医生提供的各种建议、诊 断、防治方法,或直接在论坛上问诊;
Search engine in the search engine input diseases such as"The cause of the partial head pain"/"Wind hot cold and chill cold difference"/"Hyperplasia of mammary glands will not change for breast cancer", etc,Immediately can pop up from the net people/Online doctor provides all kinds of advice/Fault diagnosis/Prevention and treatment,Or directly in the BBS on inquiry;
专业健康网站 在好大夫在线、家庭医生在线等专 业健康网站上直接向有资质的大夫 进行咨询;不少健康专业网站嵌入 了预约挂号、电话咨询、体检和就医 绿色通道等线下服务;
Professional health web site on the good doctor online/The family doctor online, such as AD industry health web site directly to the qualified doctor for advice;Many health professional web embedded the make an appointment/Telephone counseling/Medical and medical green passageway line service;
微博 在微博上通过医生直接提问;
Micro bo in micro blog through the doctor ask direct questions;
网络医药平台 网络医药平台也开始涉足 医药电 商行业,人们可以在网上购买OTC药品;
Network medical platform network medicine platform also began to set foot in medical electrical business industry,People can buy on the net OTC drugs;
Mobile phone
专业健康网站客户端产品 如春雨掌上医生、家庭医生在线的 “掌上家庭医生”;
Professional health web client products such as the spring rain doctor/Family doctors online "Palm family doctor";
健康彩信 嵌入了预约挂号、电话咨询、体检和 就医绿色通道等线下服务的健康彩信;
Health MMS embedded the make an appointment/Telephone counseling/Medical and medical greenway offline service health MMS;
网上咨询满足个性化健康诉求 Online consulting satisfy personalized health claims
"The new media of health information 80% is junk,How to select information is the key problem."The director of the centers for disease control and health education LiuXiuRong said,The official caliber information relatively more authority/More direct,Now Beijing is trying to do similar"Health baidu"This website,But the difficulty is large.She thinks,Each media release platform should have the corresponding management department,The doctor in micro bo should give priority to with health education,To the problem of universal JieJianXing give advice,On the inside of the clinic ask and answer in the way of new media such as micro bo platform will not be hasty answer.
"Respiratory medicine doctor certainly can't to do urology department of the inquiry,Professional qualifications is the spread of health condition,And the doctor's words often level/Don't bo eye,So how to major/Accurate information spread out,Is need a doctor and media/The relevant organizations to promote."The sino-japanese friendship hospital respiratory physicians/The Chinese medical doctor association breathing surgeon branch deputy managing director ZhangYongMing think.
And as the media of China central television[Focus interview]Program director ZhangZiLi think,New media to disseminate healthy education of the real key to meet the personalized needs.Such as the spring rain that doctor"Point to point"The personalized needs of customized information platform,Truly reflects the characteristics of the new media,Is the strongest force information,Not big and there is no specific ocean of information is a new media.Online health consultation to meet more and more personalized health claims.
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