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  中新网1月22日电 据卫生部网站消息,卫生部等四部门日前联合对《职业目录》进行调整,制定《职业分类目录(征求意见稿)》,卫生部就《职业病分类和目录》有关问题答问时表示,调整后的《职业病分类和目录》对3类职业病的分类名称作了调整,将原尘肺改为职业性尘肺病及其他呼吸系统疾病。答问全文如下:

Beijing on January 22 (xinhua) -- according to the ministry of health news website,The ministry of health has four departments jointly to[Occupational disease directory]adjusted,make[Occupational disease classification and catalogue(draft)],The ministry of health will[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]The problem that talk,After the adjustment[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]For 3 kind of occupational disease classification name changed,The pneumoconiosis to occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases.Quiz the following is the text:


关于《职业病分类和目录》调整的答问 about[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Adjustment quiz


一、为什么要调整《职业病目录》? a/Why do you want to adjust[Occupational disease directory]?


According to the published in 2001[The prevention and control of occupational diseases],In April 2002,The ministry of health and the ministry of labor and social security jointly issued by the[On printing and distributing the occupational disease catalogue > notice](Who JianFa method [2002] no. 108).[Occupational disease directory]To guarantee laborers' health rights/Prevention and control of occupational disease which has played a positive role.


On December 31, 2011,The standing committee of the 11th National People's Congress adopted the 24th meeting[Will on revising the prevention and control of occupational diseases > decision].In order to thoroughly implement the newly revised[The prevention and control of occupational diseases],Protect laborers' health rights,To adapt to the prevention and control of occupational diseases in our country situation and characteristics,The ministry of health/Safety supervision bureau/Human resources and social security, the all-china federation of trade unions decided to study published in 2002[Occupational disease directory]adjusted.for[The prevention and control of occupational diseases]Expression in,After adjusting for the name of the protocol[Occupational disease classification and catalogue].


二、请简单介绍一下《职业病分类和目录》调整工作开展情况。 two/Please give us a brief introduction[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Adjustment of the carrying case.


According to the[The prevention and control of occupational diseases]regulations,The classification and catalogue by the health administrative department under the state council together with the department of safety supervision and regulation/Formulated by the administrative department of labor and social security/Adjustment and published.


In order to give full play to the trade union organizations according to law on the prevention and control of occupational diseases supervision/Maintain the legal rights and interests of labourers role,In business, the all-china federation of trade unions,In January 2012,The ministry of health/Safety supervision bureau/Human resources and social security, the all-china federation of trade unions official start[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]adjustment.Specially set up to four departments[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Adjust work leading group,Sasac also invited to participate in the related work.Leading group under the working group and technology group,Establish a working mechanism.


According to the revised[The prevention and control of occupational diseases]Legislative spirit,The first clear[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Adjustment principle and occupational disease to select principle;Carried out[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Adjustment questionnaire survey/Our country occupational disease incidence present condition analysis and extensive reference the world health organization/The international labor organization and more than twenty countries/The occupational disease in the list;Organization occupational health/Occupational medicine/Clinical medicine/Health toxicology/Labor protection/Social security/Law and other related professional experts thorough reasoning and solicit the opinions of the relevant departments after and construction,Puts forward the quasi add or delete the list and basis.the[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Adjust work leading group plenary meeting review,formed[Occupational disease classification and catalogue(draft)].


三、《职业病分类和目录》调整的原则是什么? three/[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]What are the principles of the adjustment?


1. Adhere to the people-oriented,In order to maintain the health and the rights of laborers for the purpose.


2. Combined with the practical work of occupational disease prevention,Highlight the key.


3. Adapt to the present economic and social development level and the capacity of inductrial injury insurance.


4. Keep directory continuity and operability.


5. Build directory dynamic adjustment mechanism.


6. According to the public/The principle of transparency,Fully listen to all/The relevant departments and social opinion.


四、职业病的遴选原则是什么? four/The selection principle is???????


1. Have a clear causal relationship or dose-response relationship.


2. The disease has a reliable medicine that method.


3. Able to clearly define professional people and amateurism crowd.


4. The disease most patients for professional people,Namely there are specific.


5. Have a certain amount of exposure population and sick people.


五、《职业病分类和目录》是如何分类的?这次分类方面作了哪些调整? five/[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Is how to classify?The classification of the adjustment of what?


[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Continue to use the current[Occupational disease directory]Classification method,Still will be occupational disease is divided into ten categories,were:Occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases/Occupational dermatology/Occupational eye disease/Occupational ent of oral diseases/Occupational chemical poisoning/Physical factors caused by occupational disease/Occupational radiation sickness/Occupational infection/Occupational tumor/Other occupational disease.And current[Occupational disease directory]Compared with,For 3 kind of occupational disease classification name changed.One is to consider pneumoconiosis in our country the status of occupational disease prevention work and maintain the integrity of the respiratory system disease,The pneumoconiosis to occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases;The second is to consider the consistency of the classification system,The occupational poisoning modification for occupational chemical poisoning;The third is the biological factors of occupational disease caused by modified as occupational infection.


六、调整后《职业病分类和目录》包括多少种职业病?本次调整的具体病种有哪些? six/adjusted[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Including many kinds of occupational disease?This adjustment is in a specific disease of what?


According to the[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Adjustment principle and the principle of selection,After the adjustment[Occupational disease classification and catalogue]Including 130 kind of occupational disease(Contains four open terms).The new 17 kinds of occupational disease,Delete one kind of occupational disease,Two terms to open the integration,In addition, the 16 kinds of occupational disease name has been adjusted.Specific adjustment content as follows:


1. Occupational pneumoconiosis and other respiratory disease classification,One is to increase the three kind of occupational disease,were:Irritating chemicals caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/Metal and its compound dust lung AD cool-headed disease(tin/iron/antimony/Barium and compound)And hard metal lung disease(Such as tungsten/titanium/Cobalt,);The other is amended as pneumoconiosis pneumoconiosis.


2. Occupational skin disease classification,One is to increase 1 kind of occupational disease:White spot;The second is the photosensitive dermatitis modification for light contact dermatitis.


3. Occupational ent of oral diseases classification,Add 1 kind of occupational disease:Knock deaf.


4. Occupational chemical poisoning classification,One is to increase the 5 kinds of occupational disease:Respectively is vinyl chloride poisoning/Epoxy ethane poisoning/Indium and compound poisoning/Methyl iodide poisoning and bromine propane gas poisoning;The second is the carbamate pesticide poisoning/Pyrethroid pesticide residues can poisoning/Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning/Uranium poisoning and industrial fluorosis modified respectively for carbamate poisoning/Quasi pyrethroid poisoning/Organophosphorus poisoning/Uranium and its compound poisoning and fluorine and inorganic compounds poisoning;Three is to"According to the[Occupational acute chemical poisoning diagnosis standard(general)]Can other diagnosis of management of occupational acute poisoning"and"According to the[Occupational toxic liver disease diagnosis standard]Can the diagnosis of occupational toxic liver disease"Two open terms for integration,Modification for"The above items not mentioned in the chemical factors caused by poisoning,What happened with contact poisoning occupational harmful factors between the direct causal connection,According to relevant occupational disease diagnosis standard can diagnosis of other occupational poisoning";The fourth is to delete 1 kind of occupational disease:Chlordimeform poisoning(Chlordimeform has banned the production use).


5. Caused by physical factors of occupational disease classification,Increase 2 kind of occupational disease:Were frostbite and laser caused by eye(corneal/Lens and retina)burn.


6. Occupational radiation disease classification,Expand the scope of radioactive tumor,The miners high radon exposure caused by lung cancer on radioactive tumor range.


7. Occupational infectious disease classification,Add 1 kind of occupational disease:Medical staff due to occupational exposure to HIV infection.


8. Occupational tumor classification,One is to increase the four kind of occupational disease:Respectively is beta naphthylamine caused by carcinoma of urinary bladder,Coal tar/Coal tar pitch/Petroleum asphalt caused by skin cancer,Erionite caused by lung cancer/Pleural mesothelioma,Double chlorine methyl ether caused by lung cancer;The second is the asbestos caused by lung cancer/Mesothelioma is amended as asbestos caused by lung cancer/Pleural mesothelioma;Will the arsenic caused by lung cancer modification for arsenic and its compound caused by lung cancer/Skin cancer;The coke oven workers lung and chromate manufacturing workers lung cancer were modified to hexavalent chromium compound caused by lung cancer and coke oven escape scattered content caused by lung cancer.


9. Other occupational disease classification,The coal mine underground workers bursitis modification for downhole operation caused by the elbow/Knee bursitis.
