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This year,The full implementation of the sanitation department"After the first doctor pay"system."Originally the doctor is his first disbursements,Finish see go medical insurance reimbursement;Now is the hospital disbursements,Patients with watching the disease into the part,The rest pay by health care providers to the hospital.In addition,The original hospital to need to pay a large sum of deposit,Now only signed[Hospitalization cost settlement agreement]You can directly in the hospital"(On February 19,[Yangzi evening news]).
"After the first doctor pay"The advantage is obvious.On the one hand,Cancel pay up front and pay the deposit,Greatly reduce the patient's capital turnover pressure,Make it can feel at ease with the treatment;At the same time,Don't make a check will row a team pay cost,Help to optimize medical service process,Reduce hospital patients waiting time.after,Shandong part of the hospital has conducted a pilot program.The earliest to implement this model of jining city as an example,In the past two years the implementation of the total benefit of more than 640000 people,Does not appear in 1 malicious escape fee of the patients.
but,This does not mean that the full implementation of the"After the first doctor pay"By simply copying.And all for the same system,"After the first doctor pay"Can't ignore risk problem,Such as the patient cannot afford charges,Or malicious owe, etc.Shandong university school of public health, health management and maternal and child health department XuLingZhong pointed out,This model can promote depends on three aspects,"One is the medical security system coverage and funding level,The wider coverage,The actual medical expenses reimbursement the higher level,The feasibility of the promotion of the good;The second is the local residents' credit level,Higher credibility,The feasibility of the promotion of the good;The third is the local economic development level,The higher the level of economic development,People's actual ability to pay is stronger,Appear the phenomenon of malicious owe less".obviously,when"After the first doctor pay"From the area to the full implementation of the pilot,The developed cities and rural poverty between regional difference/High earners and low-income group differences and so on,Which is the presence of a reality check.
Must see,After implementation of the"After the first doctor pay"Service mode of medical institutions,The vast majority of the basic-level hospitals is below the county level,Because of its low cost of the whole to see a doctor,Greatly level in patients with the ability to pay and integrity level of risk.If the municipal/Provincial big hospital implementation,Costs associated with high,And there is a different to submit an expense account settlement problem,Hospital of the risks they might face characterised by nature.moreover,Compared with the eastern region,The Midwest regional economic level is relatively backward,Unable to return to avoid the phenomenon of high medical costs.
"After the first doctor pay"Goal is to improve medical environment and doctor-patient relationship,Realize government/public/Hospital to win more.As a public welfare reform with color,Can't let alone hospital risk,Must be through the supporting measures,Realize government/public/The hospital burden sharing/Risk in all aid,For the promotion of the model to escort.
First of all,To speed up the national health care plan as a whole.At present,All medical expenses top line/Reimbursement to the different proportion,Even catalog of medicines and medical insurance/Diagnosis and treatment projects are also different,Resulting in different difficulties to submit an expense account.Must improve the health level of overall planning,In the unified national medical insurance policy/A consistent medicine catalogue and reimbursement policy,Let different medical reimbursement unimpeded;secondly,Establishing personal credit system.According to patients' repayment condition,Give different credit rating,Such as malicious owe,Will affect the future clinic and hospital to submit an expense account,Can even consider and bank loans/Linked to employment,Improve the faithless cost.In addition,Set up a special relief fund.On the one hand,The hospital after the encounter malicious owe,Special fund first disbursements,Again by health care providers to visit patients,Reduce the hospital financial pressure and rights protection cost;At the same time,To really due to the economic difficulties to payer,The fund for the pay for another,Safeguard the rights and interests of the hospital and patients from loss.(ZhangFengYi)
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