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yesterday,The ministry of health and Red Cross society of China united national human organ donation work video meeting,After pilot in 19 provinces and cities of the human body organ donation work,This month will start marketing all provinces throughout the country.Before the end of the year,Human organ donation information system will be built in our country,When the,Organ donor and demanders can log in the system of report and registration.
◎平台捐献网络年内建成 Platform to donate network built over
The Red Cross society of China vice President zhao said,China's human organ donation information management system will be developed and launched in years.At present,The system has completed the tender and initial financing work.System will reflect the dynamic changes of the human body organ donation in a timely manner,And implement the national network,Organs come from,Where to go can clear.
The system includes four parts:To declare/The registration/Organ allocation/assessment."At present a lot of people willing to donate organs,But I don't know where to go,After the completion of the system,Can provide citizens with a declaration/Registration of the platform."Zhao said,Later also will improve distribution and assessment system,"There will be a set of standard distribution,Such as the illness severity/Requirements, etc.".
◎人员协调员设准入资格 When researchers coordinator for approval
We have learned,Organ donation coordinator is responsible for the implementation of the whole donation work,In the process of organ donation assume an important role,When the organ donor experience symptoms such as brain death,Hospital immediately inform is the coordinator,He will be responsible for all kinds of work until the donor's cremation.
"Every coordinator needs to have medical/ethical/Psychological and other kinds of knowledge,But the coordinator team three problems at present:Access standards strictly/Specialized level needs to be improved/Most of the coordinators are part-time workers."Zhao said,This year,Red Cross and the ministry of health will revised joint coordinator management rules,And make the teachers form a/training/Test and certification work.
◎缺口捐献供需比为1:30 Contributions of supply and demand gap than for 1:30
Zhao is introduced,Since March 2010, since the pilot work of human organ donation,In the year to February 22,Implement donation total of 659 cases,The donation of body organs, 1804,"Prior to the pilot,Through the donor organ sources less than 5%,Now, the source of donor organs has accounted for 13%."
Deputy health minister huang jiefu,Earlier media reports,Need organ transplants in China as well as the symptom such as organ failure patients each year about 1 million - 1 million,Organ transplantation of supply and demand ratio has reached to 1:100,The idea that there is an error.
"1:100 is theoretical data,Organ failure is not necessarily can do transplant,In fact according to the actual proportion of supply and demand the number of patients waiting for transplantation and organ donation."Huang Jiefu said,Organ transplantation after comprehensive promotion this year,List of patients awaiting transplants in China is expected to reach 300000,But now I can only do the transplantation of more than ten thousand cases,"The current supply and demand ratio should be 1:30".(Reporter Chen Qiao)
□会场传真 Fax/venue
梦想成真,黄洁夫流泪 A dream come true,Huang Jiefu tears
"End death as the only source of organ transplantation,With the real organ donation system in our country,Organ transplant doctors can stand to speak in the world,This is our dream.now,Organ donation transplant will promote in the country,This is paving the way for achieve our dreams."
yesterday,In a national video conference on the human body organ donation,A 67 - year - old deputy health minister huang jiefu made the above remarks,Emotional he tears several times.
Huang Jiefu introduction,Due to the national level in our country has not set up citizen voluntary donor organs of formal channels,For a long time,Organ transplantation mainly come from executed prisoners organ donation,Our country is also the only country to have a system dependent on death row organs.
"Organ donation is a noble profession,For treating patients,Can save was associated with law enforcement and the execution ground,Doctors are helpless for a long time.With the progress of the society,The amount of death by 10% a year in reducing year by year,Later will be abolished,If also can't build a citizen organ donation system,Organ transplantation career will become a madrassa reflected."He said,Death can be a source of organ donation,But it must be voluntary,And should enjoy the same rights with other donors.
Officials said,Huang Jiefu is both a physician and vice minister of health,For organ donation work poured a lot of energy and emotion.The reporter understands,At the end of last year,Huang Jiefu said in an interview with the media,In case of misfortune,Is willing to donate their organs.(Reporter Chen Qiao)
□连线北京 - in Beijing
器官捐献电话将公布 Organ donation phone will be released
The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Red Cross said,Municipal committee of the Red Cross is working with the Beijing municipal health bureau to start work donated organ transplantation,Organ donation management center in Beijing is expected to formally completed during the year.
After the completion of the center,Will open special call,In the unified platform to accept organ donation.Management center under the panel/Panels and advised to donate part of team,The expert of the committee of experts which determine when it can remove the donor's organs,Previously you will need to advise to donate part of in-depth communication with patients' families.
Beijing now nearly 30 organ transplant surgery in the hospital,Including the army hospital/The central hospital and city hospital,Need all unified in a future platform to carry out the human organ transplant related work.This is Beijing to hospital the cause of the consolidation process is more complex than other provinces and cities.
At the same time,Beijing urged member will also mount guard,Is mainly composed of Red Cross volunteers,While organ eventually allocation by the city's unified deployment according to corresponding principles.Due to organ donor and was waiting for the personnel of the proportion of the disparity is very big,So the organ allocation principle formulation will also be very careful.
The above said,Organ donation management center of Beijing/platform/The scheme will be introduced by the end of this year.At the same time,The Red Cross is to carry out the body donation of Beijing/Organ donation legislation research,For the organ donation work smoothly to provide legal guarantee.(The reporter Li Qiumeng)
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