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  中新网上海2月28日电 (陈静韩若麒)上海市健康促进委员会28日披露,2012年,此间网吧等互联网营业场所、娱乐和餐饮场所吸烟发生率均呈上升趋势,依次为54.4%、46.1%和25.7%,仍然位居16类法定禁烟场所中吸烟状况最严重前3位。90.9%的被调查民众赞成将上海所有工作场所和公共场所纳入禁烟范围。

Beijing, Shanghai, February 28 (Reuters) (Chen jing Han Re jiaqi)Shanghai health council for the promotion of 28 disclosure,In 2012,,The Internet business premises such as Internet cafes here/Entertainment and dining venues,Smoking rates are on the rise,Followed by 54.4%/46.1% and 25.7%,Is number 16 class statutory no-smoking place of smoking status before the worst 3.90.9% of people surveyed approve of Shanghai all workplace and incorporated into the scope of smoking in public places.


By the end of 2012,Shanghai tobacco control supervision law enforcement departments at all levels check 26 class legal tobacco control places more than 1.16 million(time),For more than 14000(time)Found that the problem of place a check shall be ordered to make rectification and tracking,Rectification must be 90.4%,Some serious problems, 270 places and 111 illegal smokers are put on record and impose a fine,Fines totaling $530800.


This year is March 1[Shanghai control regulations on smoking in public places](Hereinafter referred to as[regulations])3 anniversary of.For three years,Shanghai Internet cafe/Entertainment and dining venues are always ranked 16th class to attract the most serious before three statutory no-smoking places,Smoking rates are much higher than other places,Smoking rates compared with the same period in 2011 and 2012.


Health promotion board 28 released in Shanghai[Smoking in public places in Shanghai in 2012 white paper].Monitoring results show that in 2012,Compared with the same period in 2011:Statutory no-smoking places within the overall incidence of smoking,Of 18.1%;Smoking rates dropped in most places,but,Internet cafes and other Internet business premises/Entertainment and dining venues,Smoking rates are on the rise.White paper display,Current to the areas covered by the above place of tobacco control law enforcement remains to be further greatly.


According to the 2012 Shanghai comprehensive tobacco control public opinion survey report in public places,In 2012, shen tobacco control public opinion survey in public places,90.9% of respondents in favour of Shanghai all workplace and incorporated into the scope of smoking in public places.Shanghai health promoting committee said,Will promote a smoke-free legislation research group in 2013,In order to speed up Shanghai indoor smoke-free legislation process.
