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调查称中国医学教育模式陈旧 医学教改需顺应医改--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网3月1日电 近日,一份由中国大陆地区百余名医学院教师参与的调查显示,中国全科医生师资培训资源匮乏,医学生的临床思维、人文关怀、团队合作和沟通能力四大能力亟待提高。专家呼吁,中国医学教育改革须进一步顺应医学教育国际化发展趋势、贴近社会需求,以更好的为中国医改服务。

Beijing, March 1 (Reuters) recently,A by mainland China hundred medical college teachers to participate in the survey,The Chinese gp teacher training resources,Medical students' clinical thinking/Humanistic care/Team work and communication ability of the big four needs to be improved.Experts are calling for,China's medical education reform should conform to the trend of internationalization of medical education development/Close to the social needs,To better serve China health reform.


医学教改政策的一致、连贯受关注 Medical reform policy/Coherent concern


Old education mode/Modern teaching and research resources lack of information/The curriculum is not reasonable/A serious shortage of clinical training/General practitioner training behind/Humanities education weak...In recent days,A from China's hundreds of medical college teachers to participate in the questionnaire,Concentrated lists problems Chinese medical education.


the"Hundreds of professor of medicine in the eyes of the Chinese medical education"The survey,By the power group(China)Launched in November 2012,Investigation in mainland China more than 50 medical school,Through the questionnaire survey/A phone interview/Expert interviews and other forms of 124 teachers(Basic and clinical)The investigation.


In the survey,Respondents think,In medical education faces the biggest challenge in China,Number one is medical education reform policy consistency and continuity(71.8%).


Chinese medical education experts/Tongji medical college huazhong university of science and technology professor wen Yang pointed out,Clinical medical education is a long process of the system,Factors are complicated,What is the power of medical school and teachers,Key depends on the policy/The construction of the supporting measures and its supporting system.

  同时,文历阳称,国内外成功的医学教育改革无一不是经过了科学论证、周密设计、试点推行、持续改进等步骤, 绝不是短时间内可以一蹴而就的。因此,政策和配套支持的一贯性就显得尤为重要。

At the same time,Through Yang wen said,Successful medical education reform at home and abroad all through the scientific argument/Careful design/The pilot implementation of/Continuous improvement, etc, Is not a short period of time can be achieved overnight.so,Policy and the necessary support of consistency is particularly important.


全科医生师资培训资源匮乏 Gp teacher training resources


In the survey,71% of respondents think set up and improve"General practitioner"The training system is important for the medical education reform.

  2011 年7 月1 日,国务院颁发了《关于建立全科医生制度的指导意见》,明确指出到2020 年,初步建立起充满生机和活力的全科医生制度,基本实现城乡每万名居民有2-3 名合格的全科医生。这对于医学院校来说,面临的首要问题却不是全科医生的培养而是负责培养全科医生的师资的培养。

On July 1, 2011,The state council issued the[Guidance on establishing a GPS system],Clearly points to 2020,Preliminary build GPS system full of vitality and vigor,Basic implementation of urban and rural every 2-3 thousands of residents have qualified general practitioners.This for medical schools,Face rather than the cultivation of general practitioners' first problem is responsible for the cultivation of the teachers cultivation of general practitioners.


"We need to let the teacher know,Culture difference between gp and before we develop a specialist in where,"Beijing university school of medicine, deputy director of the office of the sequel rock said,From the syllabus to integrated into the teacher training course,All teachers to the cultivation of general practitioners with a more better the practical challenges.


In addition,Survey, 46.8% of respondents thought"Adapt to the new situation of medical teachers team construction and ability training"Medical education is one of the main difficulties facing.Cultivate the gp another challenge is the employment problem in the future.

  “城乡差别大,医生的就业、晋升等问题如果得不到妥善的解决,无法保证未来到基层工作的全科医生能够留的住,”文历阳说。“目前需要建立的是一个包括帮助全科医生就业、职业发展等政策在内的培养体系,而不仅仅是教育的问题。 实现对全科医生的有效激励,需要一个好的机制,这牵扯对人事、分配、补偿、管理等制度进行综合配套改革”

"Big difference between urban and rural areas,The doctor's job/If not properly solve the problems such as promotion,There is no guarantee that the future to work in grassroots gp can stay live,"Through Yang wen said."Now need to build a including help gp employment/Policies such as career development training system,Not just the education problems. Implementation of effective incentives to gp,Need a good mechanism,It involved the personnel/distribution/The compensation/Management system for the comprehensive reform"

  此次调整显示, 60.5%的教师认为包括医生未来的职业价值和职业发展规划,54%的教师认为包括医生收入低等因素在内的职业发展不稳定性是影响医学教育未来发展的重要因素。

The adjustment according to, 60.5% of teachers think including the doctor of the future professional value and career development plans,54% of teachers think doctor include low income instability factors, career development is an important factor affecting the development of medical education in the future.


医学生的临床思维、人文关怀能力亟待提高 Medical students' clinical thinking/Humanistic care ability needs to be improved


According to the survey,Doctors in China urgently needs to improve in the process of cultivating ability,Clinical ability first(74.2%),Followed by the humanistic care ability(71.8%)/Team work(71%)And communication skills(68.5%).


The level of medical students clinical ability is one of the important index to evaluate the quality of the medical education,Including an accurate diagnosis,To make medical decisions so right in the eyes of medical college teachers,The doctor the importance of clinical ability should always be in the first place,Professor GuanYuanZhi said.


Along with the[Medical accident treatment act]Such as the implementation of the relevant laws and regulations and enhance patient ego to protect consciousness,Volunteer patients as a teaching resource less and less now,This caused a lot of restrictions for the clinical practice teaching,Union medical college, director of the office of GuanYuanZhi said.


China's existing laws do not explicitly give medical interns any medical activities.So the trainee/Trainee doctors are not the right to work independently.


On the top of humanistic care/Teamwork and communication skills are also medical teachers think that is one of the important conditions to become a qualified doctor,And the current situation of doctor-patient relationship tense more humanistic care/Doctor-patient communication, etc.


China's current large-scale background training of doctors,The lack of humanistic care and guidance on the communication skills,Yao, director of the sichuan university huaxi PBL in clinical medical school teaching and research section patrol said,This aspect of classroom teaching appears dull from the form and content,The effect is not very good.Humanistic care and communication skills, involving the influence of many factors,Precept and create atmosphere,using"hidden"Continue to influence students,Maybe is better.


"China's medical education to fully understand the future China's national conditions requirement for medical workers to carry out medical education ideas in the teaching."Wen Yang when it comes"Hundreds of professor of medicine in the eyes of the Chinese medical education"The survey said.
