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卫生部部长陈竺 Minister of health Chen zhu
医改下一步重点是建立“医联体” Health reform will focus on the next build"D of couplet"
Second-ranking couplet of medical,Is to make the basic-level hospitals really strong,Upper and lower linkage and big hospital/communication/The integration of the frame
When the second version of the list of essential medicines be forthcoming,Drug varieties/A broader,Cancer drugs/Severe cases of heart head blood-vessel/Plasma products included
Low from"Health economics"20 selected health coverage from the Angle of major diseases
Low this time may be involved in the health sector reform,and"Surface is larger,Also more deep"
"It is my honor to,Today's prime minister, the government work report in the notes to the list of 20 kinds of major diseases such as leukemia in children,That's what we recommend."5,,The National People's Congress/Health minister Chen zhu said when accepting a reporter to interview the staying in shaanxi province,The second version of the list of essential medicines are waiting for the approval of the state council,The upcoming,Drug varieties/A broader.He also said that,Health is the most important is to establish next"Health care reform",Is not only a community platform,Also with tertiary hospitals as the core,With a few secondary hospital,Radiation towns and a community,Implementation of urban and rural medical plan as a whole.
大病医保也想全覆盖,但必须考虑“卫生经济学” Complete coverage of serious illness insurance also want to,But must be considered"Health economics"
Chen explains why to select 20 kinds of major diseases to protect the pilot said,Also want to cover all,But must consider the cost and benefit,Is the"Health economics",Can't use the money is actually not very good cure disease,Such as some cancer during,Even with a transplant,The health benefits still very low.So choose diseases are mostly children's disease/Gynecological diseases,And will make some of the things the poverty because of illness/Chinese diseases because of illness,Are costs under control/Curative effect of the disease.
建设“医联体”需人事制度和医保改革 Construction of the"D of couplet"The personnel system and health-care reform
Chen zhu said,Health care reform, the next step is the most important is to make the basic-level hospitals really strong,Upper and lower linkage and big hospital/communication/It is best to integration architecture,Is the"D of couplet".Grassroots ZhenLiaoLiang is on the rise,But the big hospital rise faster.Last year the national medical number is close to 6.9 billion people,Is 6.2 billion the year before last,The average Chinese doctor more than 5 times a year.If the situation cannot be reversed,To improve national health level,Especially in response to chronic diseases that the main threat to the health,It is not possible.To do this,To vigorously promote and support the general practice,Large hospitals to establish jinpenling district,Mobilization of big hospital doctors to sink.
Chen zhu pointed out that,Construction of the"D of couplet"Involves two problems.A is the personnel system,If you also think that only specialists is first-class,Third-rate talent to do general practice,It won't be able to mobilize enthusiasm.Another problem is health care.If the health insurance will be effected according to the basic level/The secondary/Tertiary hospital in such a system of the contractor to submit an expense account,Will promote the medical resources in the sink.
卫生行政部门改革,希望“医保、医药、医疗”三医联动 Administrative department of health reform,hope"Health care/medicine/medical"3 d linkage
Chen zhu said,In the management structure/Straighten out the functions of the government,This time may be involved in the health sector reform,and"Surface is larger,Also more deep",Mainly how to construct a characteristic of low cost and high yield of the health system.He hopes that the next step"Health care/medicine/medical"3 d linkage in the direction of the plan as a whole,Don't separate.
How to use limited resources,To obtain the biggest health benefits of the masses?Chen thinks,To overcome the problem of asymmetric information,What service is reasonable/The appropriate?These problems,Who is the most clear?After all,Conscientious doctor knows best.On the basis of the experts and technical support of the health administrative department,To take up responsibility to this function.
Chen zhu said,Reforms to the deep waters,Good things has been done in the former period,With the universal health care framework,Service system is also gradually improve,And from the high-speed economic development into the steady stage of development,Than fiscal reform in the first three years,Every year by 30 percentage increase efforts to support the health.That only by reforming the dividend,Rely on innovation to the dividend.
抗癌药、心脑血管重症、血浆制品等列入第二版基本药物目录 Cancer drugs/Severe cases of heart head blood-vessel/Plasma products, etc. On the second edition of essential medicines list
"More than 307 kinds of drugs from 307 kinds of expanded for the first edition.The first edition is only basic version,Like a cancer drug/Critical cardiovascular medicine/Neurological and psychiatric drugs/Plasma products, etc,Basic all have this time."Chen zhu said,The second version of the list of essential medicines will soon come out,Of drug varieties/Coverage has expanded."Authorities have now agree,The batch can be carried out under the state council."
Chen thinks,Appropriate to expand scope of essential medicines,To ensure people's basic medical care,Can ensure medical quality more secure.(Reporters ford)
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