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小药店成骗保薄弱环节 17万家药店是医保监管重点--亲稳网络舆情监测室


四部门负责人谈医改 国家财政四年投入医改6800亿 Four head of talk about reform national finance in health care for four years. 680 billion


全国基本药物价格平均降30% The national essential drugs prices fall by an average of 30%


Health care is a matter of households,Also has always been throughout the country"The two sessions"The focus of media attention.yesterday,Deputy director of the national development and reform commission (NDRC)/Sun zhigang, director of the healthcare reform office of the state council;Vice minister of health/Health under the state council, deputy director of Mr. Ma;One club vice minister/Health under the state council, deputy director of Hu Xiaoyi;Deputy minister of finance/Wang Baoan is deputy director of the health office of the state council"Medical and health system reform"The hot issue of answer questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.According to introducing,Health reform started in four years,National finance has invested 680 billion yuan,The focus of the reform is to establish compensation mechanism,At the same time reform of payment,Remove the excessive medical treatment institutional incentives,Health-care spending is expected to more than 1 trillion this year.


大量人力物力资金投向基层 A large number of manpower and money at the grass-roots level


Sun zhigang, deputy director of NDRC, said at the news conference,China's health reform from China's national conditions,Stick out from the basic on the paths/Since grassroots change."We from the weakest link,Put a lot of manpower/Material resources/Money at grassroots,Meet the needs of mass in the grass-roots hospital,Make the people enjoy the reform bring benefit as soon as possible,Thus from the inside to support and embrace change."


Sun zhigang stressed,On the breakthroughs made in key areas,Keep your institutional innovation on the prominent position in China."Always put the break‘With medicine cure’mechanism/To set up new operation mechanism as the focus,With input to promote reform,With the new investment for new system,Make the grass-roots masses of medical workers experience to improve conditions/The improvement of treatment is to reform,Was brought by the new system and mechanism,Thus from the inside to support reform,Actively participate in the reform."


支付方式改革是核心内容 Payment method reform is the core content


Reform of public hospitals,Deputy health minister ma xiaowei said,Now has 22 provinces throughout the country/431 areas at the county level public hospital to complete the cancellation of drug addition,17 provinces to comprehensive pilot areas of the medical service price adjustment.There are 27 provinces started the reform of the payment,And areas in promoting the diagnosis and treatment before they are paid.


Mr. Ma is introduced,The focus of the reform is to establish compensation mechanism,Increasing government financial investment in public hospitals and subsidies for practies,At the same time reform of payment."Payment method reform is the core content."Ma xiaowei said,To change the state of asymmetric information between medical institutions and patients,Purchasing service pattern must be regulated by a third party,Must change this project bonus way now,Remove the excessive medical treatment institutional incentives."Take total in advance/Disease management/Capitation payment, and other forms of payment,Methods according to the level of hospital/Size of the case may be.All in all,To pass health care,Constraints and incentives for medical institutions."


"Should pay attention to in the middle of the supervision mechanism,Hospital internal management and the supervision of compensation mechanism,How to establish an accord with the characteristics of professional,To the number of medical/The quality/Degree of risk, and the patient's satisfaction with the marked,With public welfare as the core of compensation payment system,We are a very important aspect of the reform."


国家财政投入医改6800亿 National finance in health care, 680 billion


Deputy finance minister Wang Baoan revealed yesterday,Health reform started in four years,National finance has invested 680 billion yuan,With the central government took nearly $300 billion.The investment is mainly used to support the new farmers/The establishment of the system of medical insurance for urban residents,Support solution to close the bankrupt enterprise retiree company worker the ginseng of problems and difficulties,Also supports expanded the scope of medical aid,Improve the level of assistance.

  同时,在医改前三年攻坚期间,中央财政拿出120亿进行补助,支持建立了基本药物制度。“从去年开始建立了稳定的补偿机制,每年拿91亿,其中21亿是用于支持村医的基本药物制度的实施。 ”王保安说,“国家财政投入还主要用在建立了基本公共卫生服务的均等化体系,并且不断快速提高标准,在这方面花了1300多亿。 ”

At the same time,In the three years preceding the reform crucial period,The central government took out 12 billion for assistance,Support the basic drug system is established."Since last year the establishment of a stable compensation mechanism,Every year 9.1 billion,2.1 billion of them were used to support the implementation of the system for basic drugs village doctor. "Wang Baoan said,"State finances are mainly used in the equalization of basic public health service system is established,And constantly improve the standard quickly,In this MianHua more than $1300. "


In addition,Used in grassroots medical institutions of the basic construction investment is 130 billion yuan,Major equipment purchase and maintenance, etc."In addition to the hardware,And in towns and townships recruiting physicians/Thousands of doctors support in rural areas/Construction of directional cultivation of medical students and other software."At the same time,Support for health workers performance wage system,Subsidies to 1.6 billion each year."In support of public hospital reform,Accumulative total investment 80 billion,At the same time start the trial reform of public hospitals at the county level,Last year launched the 311 counties,Each county to 3 million,Spent more than $9.3 last year.


17万家药店是医保监管重点 17 m pharmacy is a medical insurance regulatory focus


In recent years,Fraud in insurance fraud behavior also happen from time to tome.Hu Xiaoyi said,At present related departments have joined forces to fight to defraud/To obtain/Fraud behavior of medical insurance fund,But little pharmacy is still a relatively weak link.


Hu Xiaoyi said,At present, China's health care system has covered more than 1.3 billion people,The scale of medical insurance fund is also growing,Three health care expenditure is probably around 900 billion last year,This year is expected to more than 1 trillion.Risk is likely to come from the medical insurance fund management/Medical insurance fund objects and a few of the ginseng protect personnel to pay/In patients with.

  对于内部人员的廉政和监管,胡晓义说,“最近,人社部专门出台了20条禁令,就是社会保险工作人员的20条纪律规定,划出红线不准跨越。” 对于医院和药店的监管,胡晓义表示,“人社部和卫生部门一起配合,把医保的信息管理网络联到各个地方的服务医院,使每一次的诊疗、每一个处方都能够在网络上运行,得到实时的监控。”但他指出,药店还是一个薄弱的环节。“医疗保险定点的药店有17万多家,而且很多都是小药店,要实现全面的联网监控难度比较大,但是要加大这方面的举措。”

For internal integrity and regulation,Hu Xiaoyi said,"recently,People club department specially introduced 20 ban,Is the staff social insurance article 20 of the disciplinary regulations,To draw the red line is allowed to across." Regulation for hospitals and pharmacies,Hu Xiaoyi said,"People club department and health department together,The health information management network to the service in every region of the hospital,Make every diagnosis and treatment/Each prescription can run on the Internet,Get real-time monitoring."But he pointed out that,Pharmacy is still a weak link."Medical insurance fixed point in the pharmacy there are more than 170000,And many of them are small drugstore,In order to realize comprehensive network monitoring more difficult,But to increase efforts in this regard."


To join/Regulation in patients with,Hu Xiaoyi said,At present already and the public security departments to combat cheating more/Show the crime of medical insurance fund,And to further strengthen supervision.


基层医院药价均降三成 Grass-roots hospital drug prices were down thirty percent


A system for basic drugs,Grass-roots medical institutions across the country use basic drug prices fell by an average of 30%.Sun zhigang said when it comes to health care effect,To the grassroots health institutions in 2015 success rate reaches more than 95%.


Sun zhigang said,"Before the reform,New farmers and urban residents medical insurance policy within the scope of reimbursement ratio is roughly around 50%,New farming and more than 75% now,Urban residents coverage reached 70%,In some places has reached 80%."At the same time,Through reform,Grassroots medical institutions of service capacity has increased significantly,The hardware facilities of grassroots health institutions/Software facilities have improved.


Sun zhigang said,"A system for basic drugs,Grass-roots medical institutions across the country use basic drug prices fell by an average of 30%,In some places down even more."For example, he said,He encountered in a township hospitals in anhui an elderly couple in there to see the doctor,"They told me,Before the same medicine reform is RMB 234,After reform is RMB 83,And there are quite a number of you can submit an expense account."


统一社保卡推进异地报销 Unified social security card to promote long-distance expenses


In response to questions about the long distance medical reimbursement,Hu Xiaoyi admitted,To solve this problem,You also need to the improvement of the policy,And to promote the unity of the social security card.


Hu Xiaoyi said,The national cross-regional transfer is a target for the future,But still have a long way to go."The first is the structure of the distribution of medical institutions,As we all know the best medical resources in the central city/megacities,But can't let all people to the city center/Megacities to see the doctor,So the whole institutional arrangement or encourage ailment at the grassroots level/In local,Have a incurable diseases/Major diseases to the center city."In addition,Will focus on relocated retirees,Their long-term living in different places,Reimbursement if every time to back on the ground is more complicated,So you need to put them as the key.


Hu Xiaoyi said,Need a unified information management system of the whole country,Promote the unity of the social security card."In 2010,,The issue of unified social security CARDS only 103 million copies,Up to now have been sent to 350 million copies,This year to reach 480 million."


药价无加成不影响医院运转 Price no bonus will not affect the hospital operation


Wang Baoan said,Grassroots medical institutions after the implementation of the national system for basic drugs,Does not appear"The burden of drug prices lost half a kilo/The other eight two burden was added"In the case,Prices in addition to cancel will not affect the normal running basic-level medical health agency.


Wang Baoan said,In order to ensure grass-roots medical institutions after the implementation of national essential drug system can run properly,First of all, raise the price of medical services,Implementation of the general fee."Through the general coverage fee of about 90%,Individual responsibility is about 10%,Compared with the original,No burden on individuals."In the second,Fiscal special subsidies measures were taken,Guarantee shall practise a system of basic drugs,Can make the grass-roots medical institutions run properly,Orderly development."In the third,Out measures,Once appear, the total balance,Finance will give full of compensation."

  王保安还表示,在财政专项补助措施中,“人均标准正在提高,由过去的15块提高到今年的30块了,到2015年要到人均40块以上。”(记者 王萍)

Wang Baoan also said,In the special financial subsidy measures,"Per capita standard is improving,From past $15 to 30 of this year,In 2015 to more than 40 yuan per capita."(Reporter wang ping)
