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河南省消协公布十大投诉热点 食品问题排第4位--亲稳网络舆情监控室
中新网郑州3月15日电(记者 王登峰)15日,河南省消费者协会发布2012年度受理消费者投诉情况,2012年度共受理消费者投诉29388件,其中食品质量问题共有2079件,占总投诉量的7.07%,位居十大投诉热点的第4名;保健品质量问题共有533件,占总投诉量的1.81%。河南花花牛乳业有限公司在十大投诉热点中被作为曝光案例。
Beijing, zhengzhou, March 15 (Reuters)(Reporter wang dengfeng)On the 15th,Henan province consumer association released 2012 annual accept consumer complaints,The 2012 had dealt with 29388 complaints from consumers,The 2079 pieces of food quality problems,Accounting for 7.07% of the total number,In ten big complaint hotspots of 4;533 health care products quality problem,Accounting for 1.81% of the total number.Henan flower cow milk industry co., LTD. In the top ten complaints hot exposure was used as a case.
The complaint about the food,Mainly is the quality/No production date/Measurement and price/counterfeit/Additive problems.Quality problems involved,In the consumer complaints reflect the food,Some producers or marketers of do STH without authorization changes the production date and shelf life,Selling expired food/The food grade,Add preservatives and inappropriately/pigment/The additive such as essence,Consumers to buy felt relieved/Eat at ease.The current rural men go out to work,Left-behind people in old people/Children in the majority,By the age of/Cultural level of the restrictions,The lack of consumer knowledge necessary to understand.
And most of the rural small grocery store managers,Lack of necessary food safety knowledge,There are purchase way is unknown;Don't pay attention to the cable show me;Regularly check the food production date poor awareness of the problem.This leads to mostly in the rural food safety complaints.Some counterfeiting/Personnel to make the fullest use of these counterfeits,The counterfeiting/Dens counterfeits from cities to the integration of a suburban or rural areas,On the one hand, avoid law enforcement personnel to check;On the other hand is also use the old/Children's society consciousness is poor.
Consumer zhang had purchased in June 2012 henan huahua cattle company production of probiotic fermented milk,The old man and the child vomited after eating at home/diarrhea,Take a bag of milk watch carefully,The results found that only shelf life and there is no production date,A case of milk.Consumers are surprised by this,No production date milk can drink?
Complaints involving health care products,Main is some health care products companies to use mass media advertising,Some have adopted"The doctor"Sitting on the judgment seat to see a doctor/"experts"Review recommended/"In patients with"Advise others such as extremely deceptive way,Will only have a certain health care function of product is bluffers for therapeutic drugs,Some old people buy after using far less publicity effect,Some even counterproductive.
Nanjing, a 70 - year - old old man hu due to the pain of chronic insomnia,Eager to have a good treatment to relieve pain,On the Internet to see production of xi 'an zhongtian biotechnology co., LTD"Best LeKang"Sleep milk's promotional materials,Whatever the reason insomnia just behind the ears a bit,All can fall asleep,Steadfast sleep through the night,The products are national patent products,Invalid refund.Then through the mail department store building in zhengzhou city medicine department bought 10 boxes on the ground floor"Best LeKang"Sleep milk,A total of 870 yuan.How no effect after use.After investigation,The medical department to"Best LeKang"Sleep advertising exaggerating publicity,There was an obvious misdirect consumer behavior.(After the)
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