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我们通常会think皮肤越干净越好,But the truth is,Survival of bacteria on the skin is more favorable to us."If you wash your hands again and again,Hand is dry - partly because you washed all the grease,Also because you remove a lot of help to maintain the state of the skin bacteria,"Kingston university medical microbiologist, said professor marc field,"If you overuse of detergent(soap),Remove some microorganisms and let the other a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role,这可能导致皮炎, etc.问题."


粪便细菌也能治病 Fecal bacteria can also cure


今年早些时候一个临床试验表明,Using donor stool - this kind of material rich in beneficial intestinal bacteria,More than the use of antibiotics can effectively remove recurrent infections.

  难治梭状芽胞杆菌(C. diff)是一种细菌性肠道感染,可引起严重的腹泻,16例患有该病的患者使用一天四次连续四天的“粪便灌肠”治疗方法最后疗效甚佳,唯一的副作用是输液当天会轻微地抽筋。用该方法的患者中81%被治愈,而那些注射抗生素的患者中只有31%被治愈。考尔德教授说:“粪便移植先筛除有害细菌或病毒,然后用灌肠剂管或将管子插进鼻子导入小肠。”粪便通常取自患者的家庭,这会更容易和更“可接受”。但是理论上,他们可以来自任何人。纽约阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院的内科和手术治疗教授劳伦斯·勃兰特(Lawrence Brandt)认为:治疗可能对非肠胃问题的其他疾病也有效,例如肥胖和帕金森氏症。

难治梭状芽胞杆菌(C.diff)Is a kind of bacterial intestinal infection,Can cause severe diarrhea,16 cases of patients with this disease using four times a day for four days"Dung enema"Treatment the curative effect is well,The only side effect is infusion will be slightly jerky.81% of patients were cured in this way,And only 31% in those patients given antibiotics be cured.Calder, a professor said:"Fecal transplants to screen out harmful bacteria or virus,Then use enema tube or pipe into the nose into the small intestine."Waste is usually taken from the patient's family,It will more easy and more"acceptable".But in theory,They can come from anyone.Albert Einstein college of medicine in New York and surgical treatment of professor Lawrence Brandt(LawrenceBrandt)think:Treatment may be effective for other diseases of gastrointestinal problems,Such as obesity and Parkinson's disease.

  当你用抗菌肥皂洗手或用抗菌漱口水时你一定以为,我们每个人身上的细菌都是超标的。“人们一般都会惊讶地获知,我们身上的细菌细胞比正常细胞多10倍以上,”英国南安普敦大学的营养免疫学专家菲利普·考尔德(Philip Calder)教授说,“事实上,以细胞计数一个人身上90%是细菌。”

当你用抗菌soap洗手或用抗菌漱口水时你一定以为,We everyone are excessive amounts of bacteria."People will be surprised to learn in general,We are more than 10 times more bacteria cells than normal cells,"The university of Southampton in England nutritional immunology expert Philip Calder(PhilipCalder)The professor said,"In fact,,By cell count a person of 90% is bacteria."


与我们生活在一起的是大约100万亿个细菌,They are called micro biological communities,95% of them live in our intestines.Others live on our skin/The respiratory tract/Oral and genital area.Most of them are good,Of course,,Also has some harmful,Why we won't be long illness?Secret of our fragile ecosystem balance.If the balance was destroyed,System is entering a state of madness.For instance,Imbalance of intestinal bacteria have been confirmed with diabetes/obesity/autism/eczema/psoriasis/Asthma and associated inflammatory bowel symptoms,Such as ulcerative colitis/Crohn's disease.According to new research,In some cases,Bacteria may cause multiple sclerosis,But some bacteria are not only good,And we can't lack.


肠胃细菌缓解焦虑 Intestinal bacteria reduce anxiety


你相信吗?If your body contains a type of bacteria,Will to a certain extent, affect your mood.Have a variety of bacteria in the human stomach,Good or bad effect to human body health.These bacteria may also influence people's emotions and behavior,Ireland and Canadian researchers found by animal experiments,A probiotic can alleviate anxiety.


有关肠胃细菌对人类大脑和行为的影响,The scientific community in recent years, some studies,But focus on the harmful bacteria,Very few studies on good living bacteria.University college cork, Ireland and Canada at McMaster university research team reports,They chose a common form of probiotic lactobacillus, rhamnose,Add bred mice in the food,Last 6 weeks.


行为测试表明,With no added probiotics intake compared to the same diet of rats,After rhamnose lactobacillus feeding mice showed less emotional stress and anxiety.For example, in rodents are not adapt to the open environment,They can spend more time to explore,When placed into the water,Reflect the emotional stress hormone levels in the body rise is small.


进一步检查发现,These mice brain GABA receptor gene activity has changed.GABA is an important neurotransmitter,Many used anti-anxiety drugs is against it.The researchers said,Rhamnose lactobacillus feeding the GABA receptor gene in mice enhanced activity in certain areas of the brain,Activity in other areas,The overall effect is to reduce anxiety.

  “细菌能使大脑中的许多化学物质发生变化,”伦敦帝国学院的教授杰里米·尼科尔森(Jeremy Nicholson)教授说,“对此我们知之甚少,还需进一步研究。”

"Bacteria can make a lot of chemicals in the brain change,"Imperial college London professor Jeremy Nicholson(JeremyNicholson)The professor said,"We know very little about this,Still need further study."


有时还能预防中风 Sometimes still can prevent stroke


什么样的细菌可能影响到你,Allows you to change the risk of a heart attack or stroke?A study published in the[Nature communications]The recent studies on the display:Those who suffered from atherosclerosis,And those without atherosclerosis have different colonies of bacteria.Last year,,From Sweden, mustang polytechnic university and the university of gothenburg researchers have found that stroke patients and healthy people have significant differences in terms of intestinal bacteria.They think the latter has more germs,It produces an antioxidant,carotenoids,Can prevent angina, and stroke.

  人体含有的细菌细胞数量是人细胞的10倍多,其中大多数细菌细胞是在人肠道中发现的。除了我们的宿主基因组外,这些细菌含有大量的基因,它们一起被称作肠道宏基因组(gut metagenome)。这种宏基因组如何影响我们的健康?当前已有很多研究人员正在设法解决这个问题。在之前的研究中,科学家们已发现几种疾病与肠道宏基因组的变化相关联。如今在一项新的研究中,研究人员也证实肠道宏基因组变化与动脉粥样硬化和中风相关联。

人体含有的细菌细胞数量是人细胞的10倍多,Most of the bacterial cells are found in the human gut.In addition to our host genomes,These bacteria contain a large number of genes,Together they referred to as intestinal macro genome(gutmetagenome).How the metagenomic affect our health?There have been many researchers are trying to solve the problem in the current.In previous studies,Scientists have found several diseases associated with intestinal macro changes in genome.Now in a new study,Researchers have confirmed that the intestinal macro genomic changes that is associated with atherosclerosis and stroke.


研究人员比较了一组中风病人和一组健康人,Found the two groups of intestinal flora exist significant differences.Especially in the,Needed for the study confirms that synthetic beta-carotene genes in healthy people are more frequently found in the intestinal flora.In terms of relative stroke survivors,This group of healthy blood also exist significantly higher levels of some sort of carotenoids.


carotenoids是一类抗氧化剂,And over the years, people have claimed that they can fight angina, and stroke.so,From this group of healthy intestinal bacteria is increased levels of synthetic of carotene of bacteria may provide clues to explain how the gut metagenomic affect disease state.By studying the intestinal flora of patients,People should be able to cardiovascular disease risk prediction.


母体细菌增强免疫 Maternal bacteria to enhance immunity


如今瘦已成为所有女性的追求,According to scientific research confirmed,Fat and also related to bacteria,Fat man and those who do not obese people carry bacteria are different."Fat found in intestinal microbes can more effectively absorb calories in food,"Imperial college London professor professor Jeremy Nicholson said,"They absorb the 10% to 10% more calories,But it is unclear whether the bacteria changes caused by overweight,Or bacteria itself, leading to obesity."


然而,Through the study found that in mice,The injected mice obese rats of intestinal bacteria than those injected with lean mice intestinal bacteria of the weight of the rats increased more.Prof Nicholson said:"It is interesting to note,Some people after weight loss(obesity)The gut bacteria also has experienced the change after the surgery."


另外,The baby's immune system and bacteria is same.According to a study published in the journal public library of science,In the first three months of pregnancy,Mother's bacteria change and pass good bacteria to the baby.Such as Johnson's lactobacillus - usually in the upper gastrointestinal tract,It can help digestion,Widely distributed in the vagina,And other places are few in number.


在分娩过程中,Baby take away the bacteria in the mother,That is why babies born nature often found that intestinal mixed bacteria and undergo a cesarean section is usually found to have baby mother mixed bacteria on the skin.


肠道细菌被think对新生儿的免疫系统的帮助至关重要.In recent two years, the United States about 12578 babies born at the Henry Ford hospital in Detroit,Finally found the c-section babies than natural childbirth 5 times more allergies may occur.
