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Cicc research published yesterday says,Zhongjin monitoring Beijing、Shanghai、hangzhou、shenzhen、wuhan、hefei、chengdu、Xian city the eight home prices and rents trend,Housing prices,Rising to a city, mostly urban line,One Beijing saw the largest month-on-month,4.46%;Rent index of,Beijing、Xian or lead,More than 3%。House price index continues the annulus comparing rebound momentum,Overall modestly,But structural differentiation is more obvious,A city and core second city gains more obviously than non-core second city,A second city prices and higher pressure than three or four lines。


住房价格方面: Housing prices:

  2012年7月,中金监测的8个城市中有5个环比上涨、3个环比下跌。上涨城市以一线城市为主,其中北京环比涨幅最大,达到4.46% ,上海、深圳均录得2%左右的环比上涨;杭州、武汉两个热点二线城市价格上涨势头亦不容小视,二者均已连续第三个月环比上涨,月均涨幅2%-3%。

July 2012,Zhongjin monitoring in the eight cities 5 annulus comparing to rise、3 annulus comparing fall。Rising to a city, mostly urban line,One Beijing saw the largest month-on-month,4.46% ,Shanghai、Shenzhen recorded all around 2% of the annulus comparing to rise;hangzhou、Wuhan two hot second city prices also nots allow to inspects the momentum,Both have a third consecutive rise y/y,The average monthly or 2%-3%。


Three fell for hefei city、Chengdu and xian,After two months after xian rose quickly after this month has obvious price callback;And hefei and chengdu is all appeared around 3% month-on-month drop of。

  同比来看,5个城市同比上涨,3个同比下跌。其中,武汉同比涨幅超过10% ;上海、合肥涨幅在5%-10%;北京、杭州、西安涨跌互现,但基本与上年同期持平;深圳、成都录得约3%左右的下跌。

Up to see,Five rise compared to the city,3 a year-on-year fall。Among them,Wuhan up rose more than 10% ;Shanghai、Hefei or in 5% 10%;Beijing、hangzhou、Xian and each other now,But the basic and the same period last year unchanged;shenzhen、Chengdu record about 3% decline。


租金指数方面: The rent index:

  2012年7月,研报监测的8个城市中有5个环比上涨、3个环比下跌。其中,北京、西安涨幅领先,超过3%;上海、成都约2%;杭州不足1%;武汉环比微跌;深圳、合肥下跌约2%。同比方面,5个城市同比上涨,3个同比下跌。其中北京、武汉同比涨幅超过10% ;上海9%;杭州、成都约2%;深圳、合肥微跌;西安跌幅最大,为4%。

July 2012,Research report eight cities in monitoring has 5 annulus comparing to rise、3 annulus comparing fall。Among them,Beijing、Xian or lead,More than 3%;Shanghai、Chengdu about 2%;Hangzhou less than 1%;Wuhan annulus comparing the fall;shenzhen、Hefei fell about 2%。Up aspects,Five rise compared to the city,3 a year-on-year fall。One Beijing、Wuhan up rose more than 10% ;Shanghai 9%;hangzhou、Chengdu about 2%;shenzhen、Hefei micro fall;The biggest decline in xian,4%。


趋势分析: Trend analysis:


House price index continues the annulus comparing rebound momentum,Overall modestly,But structural differentiation is more obvious,A city and core second city gains more obviously than non-core second city,And, according to research reported recent research,A second city prices and higher pressure than three or four lines。


Research report think this and a、Second city a lot of first-time home buyers and part of the improvement in the market demand of speed up about,Affected by this house prices will still bear the larger the recent upward pressure,Especially in a city and core second city,Until October 9 / new supply summit。


This means that the government must emphasize the regulation does not relax basis,Further increased by low price housing transactions encourage way diluted sales average price。


At the same time,Research report think that 2.8% year-on-year increase in government price is still acceptable range,And the second half in the new round of supply peak prices under the pressure does not have the basis of rise sharply,So introduce new national adjustment and control policies probability is very small,But don't rule out a particular house price rising excessively on city regional policy。


股市链接: Stock market links:

  沪指收跌0.57% 地产板块重挫

HuZhi accept fell 0.57% real estate sector heavy defeat

  沪深两市8月2日早盘低开,盘中震荡翻红,午后大幅跳水。截至收盘,上证指数收报2111.18点,跌12.18点,跌幅0.57%,成交417.81亿元;深证成指报8995.62点,跌170.35点,跌幅1.86%,成交454.53 亿元;中小板指数报4207.54点,跌28.08点,跌幅0.66%,成交178.38亿元。深证成指盘中最低报8959.17点,再创本轮调整以来新低。

Two city Shanghai on August 2, a lower in early trading,Pan concussion turn red,Afternoon in。By the closing,The Shanghai index finished at 2111.18 points,Fell 12.18 points,Fall 0.57%,41.781 billion yuan clinch a deal;ShenZheng ChengZhi quote 8995.62 points,Fell 170.35 points,Fall 1.86%,45.453 billion yuan clinch a deal;Small and medium plate index for 4207.54,Fell 28.08 points,Fall 0.66%,17.838 billion yuan clinch a deal。ShenZheng ChengZhi plate for 8959.17 minimum,Again the lowest since this round of adjustment。


Disk on the,Real estate、cement、Military space、non-ferrous、In sectors such as coal drop before,brokers、insurance、Oil sectors such as are lower;medicine、bank、Environmental protection、Steel plate is going strong。The concept of,Security room、Gold plate sharply,Cloud computing、Touch screen and going strong。In addition,Hainan plate greatly go up。


Real estate leading heavy defeat vanke fell more than 6% A


Leading real estate“Recruit the gold”August 2 plate sharply,By or else,Investment real estate(000024,Shares it)Down 9.42%,Poly real estate(600048,Shares it)Down 8.73%,Ltd.gemdale corporation(600383,Shares it)Down 6.9%,China vanke A fell 6.11%。
