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  中国网7月27日讯(“焦点中国” 魏婧 报道)房山区青龙湖镇是721特大自然灾害的重灾区,昨日,记者来到了位于青龙湖镇的北车营村,据悉,北车营村位于两座大山之间,共有1411户,一条宽约一两米的排水渠穿村而过。在721特大暴雨中,汹涌的洪水漫过排水渠,造成两侧200多户村民受灾,100多间房屋一夜之间变成危房甚至倒塌,几十辆轿车被毁。该村因此成为青龙湖镇32个行政村中受灾最严重的村落。目前这200多户中,一部分选择了投靠亲友,其他受灾较为严重的被安置在北车营完全小学操场内的临时帐篷中。

Also on July 27,-(“Focus China” WeiJing reported)Qinglong lake county fangshan district is 721 of extraordinary natural disaster areas,yesterday,Reporter come to QingLongHu town is located in the north village car camp,It is reported,The camp is located in north car village two mountains between,There were 1411 homes,A wide about a two meters in village of the underground。In 721 severe storms,The raging underground rising flood waters,More than 200 households from side to side villagers affected,More than 100 homes overnight into a dangerous house even collapsed,Dozens of cars were destroyed。The village so be QingLongHu town 32 administrative villages in the worst-hit villages。The more than 200 households,Part of the choice to those who take refuge in friends and relatives,Other affected more serious were placed in the north car camp in the primary school playground completely camps。

   被冲毁的村民住房面目全非被冲毁的村民住房面目全非 The villagers have been destroyed housing recognition只剩下残败骨架的卡车只剩下残败骨架的卡车 Only from the truck frame


The villagers have told reporters,If it is to the village two days before,Simply into do not come,Mud in the village all roads will be blocked。The reporter sees in the village have excavator are clearing silt。In command of the river dredge work to reporters that liu's teacher,After the heavy rain, the second day of the brigade organization and cleaning up,There are seven cars at the same time in the working fast excavator。In two days after is expected to,The village will be the large area of road traffic。


then,The reporter comes to north of the camp car completely primary school the people affected by the disaster site。Village party branch secretary ZhaiRuiSheng introduces to the reporter now 28 a tent,A case of tents with four to five people,Because most of the people affected by the disaster go without the village of relatives friend's house,Now placed in temporary camps only 100 people,ZhaiRuiSheng told reporters,If again to,There are still surplus resettlement。

青龙湖镇北车营村灾后临时帐篷青龙湖镇北车营村灾后临时帐篷 QingLongHu town north village car after a disaster temporary tent camp


The reporter comes to no. 2 in the tent,See inside put four zhang the cot,A big sister to reporters on his narrative torrential rain that had the thrilling,She said now and her husband were put here,Food and drink can guarantee,Feel very warm。She also told reporters,The village is planning a few days to offer them a little more stable condition better houses。

受灾严重的的村民得到了暂时的安置受灾严重的的村民得到了暂时的安置 The worst hit the villagers won a temporary resettlement


When a reporter from the tents out,Just see ZhaiRuiSheng secretary is working with a teacher to carry on the conversation,The teacher wrote the hand,Kept in the book written??????,Find out,It turned out that he was township government land planning department staff,Two people are discussing the serious the villagers built houses things,And for the room to finalize the winter can keep warm standards。It is reported,Houses site preliminary is scheduled to camp to the east of village north car。


Assist in the village after a disaster of the implementation of the work for the villager representatives of volunteers is Mr,He cordially say to the reporter:“So great disaster,You can help a will help a。”At the same time,This village villagers and volunteers have dual identity he,Through these days of observation,Also expressed some of his own view,He said,The village ChongZaiHu for the relief supplies to the home,Disaster was not that serious people can get relief supplies to the site。But now is very period,Hard to avoid some care not arrive of,So I hope can actively some victims,understanding,Don't in some small things too seriously。


The village in an aid after disasters at the same time,Folk also has a lot of the heart of fang shan magmatic disaster for the disaster area volunteers will send warm。From the day before yesterday began to,There have been nearly volunteers spontaneous drove to north car camp worst-hit villages such as village,Send hundreds of cases of mineral water、The convenient food and medicine。According to understand,These materials are volunteers from the paid to buy。Most of them are“After 90”,Have a plenty of still in high school、Students at the university of,Some is just the young people to work。

壹基金绿野救援队壹基金绿野救援队 One foundation wizard rescue teams

  在采访过程中,记者遇到了壹基金绿野救援队,一名队员向记者介绍到,暴雨过后,今天救援队已经是第三次来到北车营村了。他们为灾民们准备了救援物资,目前第一批救灾物资已经到位,其中包括方便面、矿泉水、急救药品等。他说,今天来的第一个目的是要对灾民目前的情况进行摸底,确定受灾物资如何发放才能保证公平。其次,队员们想对受灾群众中的孩子们给予一些心灵安抚。当记者问道通过这几天到北车营村的走访,印象最深刻的是什么,这位队员说道:“最最庆幸的是北车营村没有人员伤亡,据我们了解的情况,当时的警报信息来的非常及时,但还是有很多村民来不及撤离,但是村民们的自救能力非常好,村里的组织也非常好。” 最后,他表示绿野救援队会一直关注灾情的进展情况。

In the interview process,Reporter met one foundation wizard rescue teams,A player introduces to the reporter,After the rainstorm,Today is the third time to rescue workers have been north village car camp。They prepared for victims relief supplies,At present the first relief goods already in place,Including the instant noodles、Mineral water、Emergency medicine,。He said,Today's first aim is to be victims of the current situation of touch bottom,Determine how to extend to guarantee the goods fair。second,The players want to the victims of the children give some mind soothe。When a reporter asked through this a few days to the north in the village of car camp visit,The deepest impression is??????,The team said:“Most fortunately north village car camp no casualties,According to our understanding of the situation,At the time, the alarm information to very timely,But there are still many villagers evacuated too late,But the villagers of self-help ability is very good,The village of organizations also is very good。” finally,He said the rescue team will have been focusing on grass of the progress of the disaster。
