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August 10,,Traffic department of transportation、Shanghai government signed by accelerating in Shanghai international shipping center construction deepen cooperation memorandum,And hold together construction Shanghai international shipping center stage TuiJinHui summary。The city will focus on modern shipping transportation system around optimization、The development of modern shipping service system、Explore establish international shipping development is comprehensive test、Promote the cruise industry development four aspects,To advance the Shanghai international shipping center construction。The signing of the memorandum of cooperation,Will help Shanghai international shipping center transportation and shipping services system should be further improved,Promote shipping elements of the comprehensive concentration and optimization ascension。
Traffic department of transportation minister li shenglin,Deputy secretary of municipal party committee of Shanghai、Mayor han zheng attended and addressed the signing ceremony。Transportation, vice minister of XuZuYuan、Vice mayor of Shanghai ShenJun representative cooperation memorandum signed by both parties。The standing deputy mayor of Shanghai YangXiong,Transportation BuDangZu members、Policies and regulations company priests HeJianZhong, attended the ceremony。
Transportation secretary BuDangZu YangChuanTang force for construction of Shanghai international shipping center stage summary and speed up the TuiJinHui international shipping center construction deepen cooperation memorandum congratulation letters in the signing ceremony。He xin emphasize,Transportation ministry will further deepen cooperation with Shanghai,Together striving,Speed up the construction of Shanghai international shipping center,Better play to the demonstration and leading role,Continue to promote modern traffic transportation, nice and fast development。
Li shenglin pointed out in his speech,January 2010,The Shanghai municipal government and transportation ministry unit signed a memorandum of cooperation,Promoting force of the Shanghai international shipping center construction,At present has made some progress。The Yangtze estuary deepwater channel regulation made important progress,Transportation system further optimized,Port operation efficiency promotion,Shipping service system has been improved gradually,Service industry form further nearby,Cruise mother port layout basic formation,Construction of the comprehensive experimental exploration produced results。These achievements made,Effective promoted the construction of Shanghai international shipping center,To promote the economic development mode change and industrial structure adjustment。
In the construction of the force of the Shanghai international shipping center stage summary of the meeting,XuZuYuan will further deepen cooperation put forward specific requirements。He stressed that,Speed up the construction of Shanghai international shipping center,To promote the realization of Shanghai“The two”、Promoting economic and social development has an important role;For our country to speed up the development mode of transportation industry shift,To realize scientific development security development to have the important meaning。Next stage,To continue to improve the mechanism,Deepen cooperation,Promote and speed up the force of the international shipping center construction;Strive to grasp the key,Overall arrangement,Orderly to push all the work;Further reform and innovation,First try first,Better play to take the lead and demonstration。
Signature ceremony,Traffic department of transportation issued a number of measures,To actively respond to the shipping industry difficult situation,Promote the steady development in the shipping industry。One is to promote the smooth and orderly development of China's international shipping-the widespread use,Second, we will improve the management to promote domestic shipping industry health steady development,Three is to allow the financing lease will ship that enterprise qualifications as its capacity,And in Shanghai first pilot。
Department for city leaders“North bund shipping service headquarters”、“Shanghai maritime university Shanghai college knowledge service platform”Gave nameboards,China shipowners' association also respectively with the silver hand in financial leasing limited liability company、The people's livelihood financial leasing Co., LTD. Signed a strategic cooperative frame agreement。These projects will be for Shanghai international shipping center construction、For shipping industry inject new vitality。
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