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On September 6,,On the eve of a teacher's day 28,The traffic department of transportation to transportation industry all the teachers/Education workers issued letters of consolation,To them our warmest greetings and wishes.The following is the text of sympathy:


Transportation industry all the teachers/Education workers:


值此第28个教师节来临之际,谨向你们致以最亲切的节日问候,并向大家表示最诚挚的慰问和崇高的敬意! On the 28th of the teacher's day,I send to you my most cordial holiday greetings,And said to you the most sincere sympathy and the lofty respect!

  教师是教育事业发展的基础,是办好人民满意教育的关键,也是提高交通运输人才培养质量的核心。一直以来,交通运输行业的广大教师和教育工作者忠诚履行自身的责任与使命,严谨治学,无私奉献,为交通运输行业培养了大批专门人才,创造了丰富的科研成果,为发展现代交通运输业作出了重要贡献。 Teacher education is the foundation for the development of the cause,For it is the people's satisfactory education key,Also improve transportation personnel training quality core.Has been,Transportation industry of the broad masses of the teachers and education worker loyalty to their responsibility and the mission,Rigorous doing scholarly research,Selfless dedication,For transportation industry has trained a large number of specialized personnel,To create the rich achievements in scientific research,For the development of the modern transportation industry has made an important contribution.

  “十二五”时期,交通运输发展仍处于重要战略机遇期,以科学发展为主题,以加快转变交通运输发展方式为主线,以结构调整为主攻方向,按照适度超前的原则,努力推进综合运输体系建设,加快发展现代交通运输业,人才是关键,教育是基础。交通运输行业教师和教育工作者肩负着培养行业人才的艰巨使命,必须深入贯彻落实《国务院关于加强教师队伍建设的意见》的要求,努力打造一支师德高尚、业务精湛、结构合理、充满活力的高素质专业化教师队伍,着力提升交通运输教育与培训工作质量,为交通运输行业输送更多高素质人才。 "1025"period,Transportation is still in the development of the important period of strategic opportunities,With scientific development as the theme,To speed up the transformation development way transportation as the main line,Using structural adjustment as the main attack direction,According to the principle of appropriate leading,Efforts to boost the construction of comprehensive transportation system,To speed up the development of modern transportation industry,Talent is the key,Education is the foundation.Transportation industry teachers and education workers is shouldering the culture industry talents arduous mission,Must further implement[The state council on strengthening the construction of teachers' team opinion]requirements,To create a great moral/Exquisite business/Reasonable structure/Vigor of the high quality specialized teachers,To improve transportation education and training work quality,For transportation industry transfer more high-quality talent.

  希望交通运输行业的广大教师和教育工作者增强服务行业发展的责任感和使命感,以服务育人为工作出发点和落脚点,以提高自身的思想政治素质和业务能力为核心任务,不断开拓创新,扎实工作。各相关单位和各级领导干部都要高度重视教育培训,注重师资队伍建设,关心、关爱、支持和帮助教师和教育工作者,使他们全身心地投入教育事业,为推动交通运输事业科学发展作出新的贡献! Hope transportation industry of the broad masses of the teachers and education workers to enhance the development of service industry of responsibility and the sense of mission,To serve education for work starting point and the foothold,To improve their ideological and political quality and professional ability as the core task,Develops the innovation unceasingly,Solid work.The relevant units and leading cadres at all levels should attach great importance to education training,Pay attention to the construction of teachers' team,care/love/Support and help teachers and education workers,They put his whole heart into the education career,In order to promote transportation business science development to make the new contribution!

  最后,衷心祝愿全体教师和教育工作者节日快乐,幸福安康! finally,I sincerely wish all the teachers and education workers a happy holiday,Peace and happiness!


Transportation ministry unit of the People's Republic of China


September 6 2012
