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National Day this year/Mid-Autumn festival"Jolly meeting",Bring for eight days of long holiday.The passenger to visit/The enthusiasm of the travel to an all-time high,Civil aviation passenger in all have high.In the face of large passenger volume brings security pressure,Civil aviation units are prepared ahead of time,Provides the high-quality service,Let the passengers journey more safety/Shu xin/smooth.

上海:出入境人数达55万 Shanghai:Entry and exit toll to 550000


September 30, to October 7,,Shanghai port entry-exit total reached more than 550000 people,Which exit more than 286000 people,More than 264000 people entry,92% of the entry-exit personnel selection by the Shanghai pudong international airport and Shanghai hongqiao international airport entry and exit.


Mid-Autumn festival this year/During the National Day golden week,Outbound tourism became a lot of Shanghai citizens holiday plan,Pudong airport's average Chinese citizens outbound toll to 20000 people.Short of Hong Kong and Macao self-help/Taiwan cruise/South Korean folk custom tourism and southeast Asia amorous feelings of island popular swim, etc,Shanghai port of domestic tourists exit of the total number of more than 50%;Long distance swim the European nations to swim/The depth vernier etc give priority to.

  从10月5日起,上海口岸便陆续迎来了出境游客的返程高峰。为了确保大客流顺畅通关,上海机场边检站增派警力,开足所有通道,方便旅客快速、安全通关,努力兑现“95%的旅客候检时间不超过25分钟”的承诺。(杨夏杰 王旦琳 陈涛 吉灵)

From October 5 day,Shanghai port will have ushered in the outbound tourists travel peak.In order to ensure that large passenger flow is smooth customs clearance,Shanghai airport BianJianZhan additional forces,Full all channel,Convenience for passengers to fast/Security clearance,Hard cash"95% of passengers boarding time is not more than 25 minutes"commitment.(YangXia jie WangDanLin JiLing Chen tao)

成都:双跑道双候机楼同时运行 chengdu:Double track double terminal operation at the same time


In the Mid-Autumn festival this year/National Day golden week 8 days of vacation,Chengdu shuangliu airport flight take-off and landing a total of 5536 vehicles,On an average day landing flight 692 vehicles;Work overtime flight 107 vehicles,Charter flights from 54;Total flight take-off and landing than last year golden week increased by 928 sorties,Single day average flight take-off and landing than the same period last year increased and vehicles;The safe transport of Chinese and foreign carried 790000 passengers,An average of 99000 people every day;The number of passengers entering or leaving ports than the same period last year increased by 155000 people,Single day average number of passengers entering or leaving ports year-on-year increase of more than 8000 people,Gen calendar year National Day holiday transportation highs.


During the golden week,Shuangliu airport have four days of the flight landing broke through 700 times a day,Passenger throughput single day more than 100000 people have four days.Tourist flow and visiting flow is the main body of the passenger flow,Accounts for about ninety percent of the number of the entering and leaving,Chengdu to domestic large and medium-sized cities ticket more nervous.Shuangliu airport this year golden week for the arrangement in advance,Coordinate and increase capacity,A double track and two terminal operation at the same time,For passenger provides plenty of travel resources,Ensure that the passenger travel safety and on the dot.(LvJunMing)

西安:国内、国际客流量快速增长 xian:domestic/International passenger volume rapid growth


Mid-Autumn festival this year/During the National Day golden week,Xian xianyang airport passenger throughput exceeded 617000 people,Ensure flight take-off and landing 5022 vehicles,Respectively year-on-year growth of 12% and 14.4%.

  今年黄金周期间,西安旅游市场异常火暴,居民出游热情高涨,国内、国际客流量快速增长。从9月28日起,咸阳机场就迎来了黄金周客流高峰,每天从咸阳机场出港的旅客达4万人次左右。9月29日和10月7日达到最高峰,单日进出港旅客达8.3万人次。黄金周客流量分布两头高、中间较低,呈“U”形状态。(郭文昌 张毓敏)

During the golden week this year,Xian tourism market anomalies heated up,Residents travel enthusiasm,domestic/International passenger volume rapid growth.From September 28 day,Xianyang airport is ushered in the golden week passenger flow peak,Xianyang airport departure from every day of about 40000 passengers or so.On September 29, and October 7, to peak,Single day entering and leaving about 83000 passengers.Golden week passenger flow distribution of two head high/Intermediate lower,is"U"Form state.(GuoWenChang ZhangYuMin)

山西:4座机场保障旅客便捷出行 shanxi:4 airport security passengers convenient travel


September 30, to October 6,Taiyuan in Shanxi Province/datong/changzhi/Yuncheng 4 airport flight 1746 vehicles were security/Clearance carried 102316 passengers,Year-on-year growth of 10.6%, respectively, and 16.5%.


In order to deal with the golden week travel peak,Shanxi Province civil aviation airport group company made the golden week flight security plan.This year's holiday Tours flow and the tourist flow overlap,客座率 higher flight,Taiyuan to Beijing/tianjin/chengdu/sanya/kunming/Xiamen etc route appeared one ticket is hard to find situation.Golden week the national weather generally sunny,Delays in very few,No passengers stranded at the airport for a long time,Shanxi Province airport 4 ensure the passenger shortcut/Safety travel.


October 7,,Shanxi Province for the airport in the peak.Taiyuan airport departure flights that day about 113 vehicles,Outward passengers of nearly 14000 people.(ZhouYan)

长沙:航班客座率节节攀升 changsha:Flight 客座率 climbing


September 30, to October 7,,Changsha huanghua airport passenger throughput of 400000 people,Security transport aircraft take-off and landing 2990 vehicles,Peak day passenger volume and aircraft take-off and landing reached 51091 passengers and 395 vehicles,For the calendar year golden week.October 6,,The airport passenger throughput reach 51091 people,And the worst passenger volume record.

  今年中秋、国庆期间天气较好,长沙至各地区的航班客座率节节攀升。为圆满完成黄金周期间的运输保障任务,黄花机场各单位制订了黄金周保障方案。针对黄金周期间可能出现的特殊天气等情况,黄花机场加强与空管、航空公司的联动,及时掌握天气变化情况,加大航班监控力度,做好信息通报和预警工作,协调各保障单位,为广大旅客创造了良好的乘机环境。(邓竹君 曹泽明)

Mid-Autumn festival this year/During the National Day the weather is better,Changsha to regional flight 客座率 climbing.For the successful completion of the "golden week" during the period of transportation security task,Huanghua airport each unit made golden week security scheme.According to the golden week may appear during the special weather, etc,Huanghua airport strengthen and atc/The airline's linkage,Master in time the weather changes,Increase the flight dynamics,Well information bulletin and early warning work,To coordinate the protection unit,For the majority of passengers to create a good environment of flight.(DengZhuJun CaoZeMing)

珠海:新航线推动客流量增长 zhuhai:To promote the new route passenger growth


September 30, to October 7, during the golden week,Zhuhai airport clearance passenger volume over 50000 people,Growth of 10% year-on-year.


Mid-Autumn festival this year/During the National Day golden week,The passenger travel enthusiasm to an all-time high,Visiting flow/Tourist flow phase superposition,Together with zhuhai airport increased a few new route,Make zhuhai airport during the festival of passenger volume increased 10% year-on-year.On September 30th,Zhuhai airport during the festival ushered in the first peak passenger flow,October 3, passenger flow down from their recent highs,On October 5, up and began to rebound,October 6, return the peak blacklist.


It is understood,During the period of holiday travel hotspot cities for Beijing/Shanghai/chengdu/chongqing/Nanchang, etc.Because after the visit and travel demand reduction,Passenger volume down from their recent highs.(ZhuSiPing)

南京:日均航空旅客量超过春运 nanjing:Average daily aviation passenger volume more than during the Spring Festival


September 30, to October 7,,Nanjing lukou international airport flight 2838 vehicles were security,Year-on-year growth of 7%;Passengers carrying 360615 passengers,Year-on-year growth of 13.6%.


Mid-Autumn festival this year/During the National Day golden week,Lukou airport air transport is the following several characteristics:One is the family or relatives and friends to combination of individual traveler more travel;The second is to use the long vacation visti more passengers,Baggage also more,Passenger random baggage to give priority to local products;The third is during the festival travel by air passenger average over 45000 people,Higher than the Spring Festival transportation;Four is the international/Area flight basic full house,The number of outbound passengers more,Bangkok, Thailand/Siem reap, Cambodia,/Vietnam da nang and South Korea jeju is still holiday overseas tourist hot spot.(YuXiang)
