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  据民政部统计,截至24日9时,已有4.7万顶帐篷、19.9万床棉被、1万件衣物、1万张折叠床等救灾物资运抵地震灾区。图为大量物资沿210省道运往重灾区宝兴县。本报特派报道组 孙英利 慕顺宗 杨臻 现场报道

According to the ministry of civil affairs,As of 9 PM on 24,Existing 47000 tents/199000 quilts/10000 pieces of clothing/Disaster relief materials to quake-hit areas 10000 folding bed, etc.The graph is a lot of materials along the precious xingxian 210 provincial roads to the worst-hit areas.This newspaper special groups Sun Yingli MuShunZong Yang Zhen live coverage




  4月20日,中铁隧道股份有限公司雅康高速公路二郎山项目部组织35人、2台装载机、2台挖掘机以及发电机、空压机等相关救灾物资,组成中铁隧道股份救援队奔赴救灾一线。在318国道新沟至天全段、210省道芦山至宝兴段等关键路段,留下了项目部人员争分夺秒抢通的身影。图为项目部紧急抢通公路。 李华坤 巴国焱 文/图

On April 20,,China railway tunnel co., LTD., kang mountain highway project department organization 35 people/2 sets loader/2 digger and generators/Air compressor and related supplies,Shares of China railway tunnel rescue teams rushed to the disaster relief efforts.In the 318 national road new groove segment to day/Forth the riches and 210 provincial roads section for key sections,Left the projects department personnel to race against time repair.The picture shows the projects department emergency repair roads. Li Huakun Pakistan Yan article/photo


  图为宝兴县路政人员在危险路段设立观察哨。本报特派报道组 孙英利 慕顺宗 杨臻 现场报道

The graph is treasure ltd.is highways staff set up the observation post in dangerous sections.This newspaper special groups Sun Yingli MuShunZong Yang Zhen live coverage




On the day after the earthquake,To the three forth county, the epicenter to rescue channel repair;


The day after the earthquake,Leading to the earthquake disaster zone treasure ltd.is through north and south two relief channels,The worst-hit areas all township road repair;


The third day after the quake,In addition to TaiPingZhen forth county/The mountains outside the town,Earthquake disaster zone forms a loop passage all villages and towns,Each town has more than two relief channels;


The fourth day after the quake,The earthquake disaster zone forth/Baoxing county, 96 villages,93 through external channel.



At present,The forth after the earthquake in sichuan road repair work completed,The traffic relief from repair to bao tong stage.Even in the south north/Da tong village township life channel,In the earthquake zone winding in the mountain valley,For post-disaster relief the traffic provides a strong guarantee.


Intones difficult,It devilishly hard to,The ancients of bashu earth transportation,Road who shu couldn't let in one thousand!Facing the sudden earthquake disaster,In the face of aftershocks/Landslide is fraught with risk,Face the BaShanShuShui is famous for its natural barrier,What kind of organization is power/Rob on team,Let disaster earthquake zone road fast rebirth?


震后救援交通当先 After the earthquake rescue traffic draw


On April 20,,An ordinary Saturday.Accustomed to the easy life of chengdu people,Someone get up morning,Someone to enjoy"The weekend lie-in".8 when the two points,All of a sudden,Very dizzy/Buildings shook,All types of vehicle warning device through the air!People realize that experienced the wenchuan earthquake disaster:A strong earthquake struck again!


Rob to pass!To repair!Emergency rescue!At that time,"rob"Become the most important keywords in sichuan province traffic in the human brain.In the first place,Transport people to 180 & street is located in chengdu sichuan province transportation hall organ rally!


8 when 30 points,Sichuan province transportation hall meeting for earthquake relief,According to the provincial party committee/The provincial and the ministry of transport of phone deployment,Forth in sichuan earthquake traffic tong bao tong headquarters was set up,Vice governor of sichuan province Wang Ningren commander,Province bureau of transportation Peng Lin appointed deputy commander.


9 PM,Peng Lin and deputy director-general of the male/Huang Yingquan,Deputy director-general of the/Provincial highway administration bureau chief zhang qi,Led the province transportation hall first forth earthquake emergency rescue personnel rushed to the quake's epicentre.Along the way,Peng Lin phone deployment,Requirements to the ya 'an area 7 highways for all vehicles free of charge,All highways in sichuan province to rescue vehicles free of charge.


At the same time,Sichuan province hall deputy secretary of transportation/Deputy director-general of the Zhou Daoping coalesced into logistics group was set up,Responsible for relief logistics/supplies/Equipment transfers.


11 PM,Peng Lin line of sichuan province arrived in forth county town of longmen quake-relief headquarters.In the department of all was made,They were the first disaster relief forces to enter.


After the earthquake rescue,Traffic must draw!"To the worst-hit areas,To the trapped mass,The ambulance sent in from the outside,Take injury in the quake zone."This be sichuan traffic heart firm faith,A life with/Natural disasters/Traffic relief on fast race against the clock!


At that time,The summary data show,Xingxian to 42 km from the epicentre forth county,Is the worst affected areas,Is earthquake"An island".road/Communication interrupt/The situation is unclear,Baoxing affects party committees at all levels/The government and the national people's heart.Sichuan provincial department of transportation emergency deployment,Along with the Peng Lin Huang Yingquan were ordered from forth the county into the disaster area,Command forth the riches and the direction of 210 provincial road repair work.


12 when 30 points,3 by the sichuan provincial department of transportation supervision bureau/Highway design institute/Traffic survey and design institute of leadership and experts team,Along the three lines in and out of the forth county, the epicenter,While promoting view road damage,Master the first-hand data after a disaster.


Peng Lin told reporters,Disaster areas aftershocks occur frequently/The complex terrain,Teams always at risk,He is a"Assignments including the tears"the.But then the quake zone each township road/Communication interrupt/The situation is unclear,Only making disaster survey,Can be fully deployed rescue work.

四面八方挺进灾区 In all directions into the disaster area


The earthquake repair,The key is team.After the earthquake,Deputy director of sichuan provincial department of transportation of Zhang Xiaoyan emergency contact construction units,Assemble the construction strength,From multiple directions to the epicenter.When feel tremors,Each traffic construction units stationed in sichuan province,The first act.They experienced the wenchuan earthquake,Rapid response,Rushed to the disaster scene.


The construction team,There are"The good fight/Spirit is"The armed police forces,There is known as"Luqiao tiejun"Sichuan road and bridge group co., LTD,Have to bear/Construction of both multiple highway engineering construction project of sichuan traffic investment group co., LTD/Sichuan xing shu co., LTD/Hertz corporation in chengdu...


One party hard/Eight party support!At this moment,Whether it's engineering construction unit,Or project construction management unit,Whether it is from another unit,Or the local unit,All the team goal is only one,Push to the disaster area,Rob tong road!


Armed police stationed in chengdu transportation team,First set up behind the basic command post and to the forward line.Led by deputy chief Ma Jiwu forward the first batch of officers and soldiers,The morning arrived in forth county on May 20,Stationed at the forth county of longmen township,Responsible for from the forth county township to Julius baer/TaiPingZhen/Dachuan town in the direction of the road repair work.


Thirty minutes after the earthquake,Under the urgent deployment of the chairman Sun Yun,Sichuan road and bridge company organizing large rescue equipment over 100 sets(Set of)/Rescue commandos emergency deployed more than 500 people,Quickly master road damage after the disaster area,The road repair work from five directions.


Near the aba XiaoJinXian sichuan xing shu company responsible for highway construction,Quickly to suspend the construction task,Send a construction team,Go over it,All the way along the 210 provincial highway to baoxing advance!


At 20, 12,Traffic department of transportation highway bureau deputy director wang too carry maritime satellite phone on-site guidance of highway emergency relief work.


All the system start up,All the team into action,All workers busy,Scientific scheduling/The division of cohesion/Comprehensive advance!After wenchuan earthquake the baptism of the traffic,MangErBuLuan in front of the disaster/stride,Rob work order available.


Wednesday night,Around the forth county, the epicenter of the earthquake,Has been through"Ya 'an, forth, TianQuan, kangding"/"Iasi highway - rong - TianQuan - forth"/"Chengdu, qionglai, how high, forth"Article 3 the life path,For the first phase of the medical rescue work has played a very important role in security.


20 to 23 PM,In the tents of the forth county,The transportation of the CPC leading group/Minister Yang Chuantang entrust,Into the disaster area guide repair work of transportation, vice secretary of the CPC leading group/Vice minister WengMengYong with wang ning, vice governor of sichuan province,Traffic bao tong work meeting,Fully affirmed the earthquake, the rescue of the day repair work.At this meeting,WengMengYong said,The ministry of transport has coordinated the Treasury to stir the emergency repair of sichuan province capital of 20 million yuan.


From central to local levels,In order to implement the road repair damaged by the earthquake,Traffic people heart tightly together!


不畏艰险埋头苦干 Take the bull by the horns grindstone


From the forth to baoxing direction to the 210 provincial highway repair work,Because of complex terrain,Rob extremely difficult,Always affects the social from all walks of life's heart.Was ordered to the command and repair work in sichuan province transportation hall was appointed deputy director-general of the Huang Yingquan,From April 20 to rob on the construction site during the 13,Have not left a line,Until 23 lines completely open,Smoothly from rob on stage to bao tong ling guan town, phase transition and supervision to rob ShuangShi town after work,Went forth from the county seat.


Take the difficulty of the largest provincial highway 210,Derived from the complex terrain environment.Digging out along the canyon, 210 provincial highway,One side is cliff,Side of the cliff,Narrow construction site,Construction operation is small,Once appear, landslides and landslides,There is almost no spare space.


20 in the afternoon,When the when the repair team to move forward,At about 300 metres behind them,Just finished cleaning up the location again landslide landslide."boom"A sound,Just as blasting of explosive,In formation,Huge landslide stone pavement again to block.Hasn't robbed ahead,The rear seal again,Huang Yingquan lead the construction team,Again back to rob.


Scenes like this,It is not uncommon in the affected areas of the road repair.Frequent aftershocks with complicated terrain,The make repair personnel at risk.In the traffic on a line,Someone injured to bleed,Someone pay the life!


On April 20, 21 when,The sichuan road and bridge company of a repair team from the mount siguniangshan along the 210 provincial highway from north to south to baoxing.Go over it when,The aftershocks of the sudden,Make the mountain rock slide,Young mining tractor driver zhang lei, along with his beloved excavator,Smashed 300 meters under the cliff.When they were rescued,Zhang had to sacrifice.To the disaster area road unblocked as soon as possible/In order to as early as possible in the quake-hit areas for rescue,Zhang lei, sacrificed their lives!


On April 21, 12 PM,From the longmen township treasure landslides township in the direction of 1.5 km,The armed police forces a corps of engineers Song Yongke transportation/Monitor YanKaiKai,Was hit by a flying rock,Song Yongke intracranial hemorrhage,After five hours of surgery,Just out of danger,YanKaiKai spinal injury/The left leg fracture.


One side is in urgent need of relief in the quake-hit areas,Various known and unknown risks,How to choose in a crisis?Transport people use take the bull by the horns/Hard work of practical action,Give the answer.


In the first place,Facing the risk of aftershocks/Secondary disasters/A complex environment,From ShengTing bureau to various cities and counties in transportation department,To the general construction units,No one flinched/There is no one to give way,All people race rushed to the disaster area,Take the bull by the horns/Hard work,For lifeline!


As of April 23,,After four days of transportation people together,Earthquake all the villages and towns is through the ring road,Each villages and towns to ensure that there are two channels more than life.forth/Two baoxing county in 96 villages, 93 villages roads have finished.


But for the global work after the earthquake disaster area traffic security,Get through just achievements,Bao tong task more difficult.On April 23,,After the earthquake disaster area rainfall for the first time,In the passage way,The rain caused by landslides blocking the road again.


Peng Lin told reporters,In the next phase of bao tong,All into the quake zone construction team will ensure that the personnel don't withdraw/Device does not withdraw,On the one hand, we will continue to do the has been repair the road widened/And work,The consolidated repair results,Improve the traffic capacity;On the other hand,Prevent due to secondary disasters/The thunderstorm weather caused by the new block,To collapse at any time/At any time to clean up.At present,Forth the earthquake in sichuan earthquake traffic rob tong bao tong headquarters have channel is divided into nine ZeRenDuan all life,To translate bao tong tasks to a specific unit/The specific personnel.


Believe that,In the following bao tong,Sichuan traffic up to expectations,To ensure a smooth flow of traffic lifeline!
