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On May 6, 10,Hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge island immersed tube tunnel engineering first quarter installed accurately.General office of the ministry of transport to the administration of hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge/CCCC tunnel co consortium hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge island project department general manager sent his message,To fight in the sinking pipe prefabrication/floating/All builders of the intro and installation construction line and hearty greetings and security personnel with very high respect.
In his message said,This is a milestone in the construction of hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge's major achievements,Creates a new record for the installation of the undersea tunnel sink pipe in our country,For the smooth implementation of bridge construction laid a foundation.Hope related units' efforts,Pioneer continue to carry forward the spirit of struggle,United led various contractors carefully/Overcome difficult/To sum up your experience,Strict with the quality of the project/security/Environmental protection/investment/Progress of clearance,As the hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge built a world-class comprehensive sea-crossing channel,Enhance the level of bridge construction technology in China,Bridge construction technology reached the international advanced level in our country make a greater contribution.
Island of tunnel engineering is hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge control engineering,Is currently the largest in the world of one of the immersed tube tunnel engineering.Immersed tube floating installation decided the success or failure of the bridge construction.The first section immersed tube weight/Floating long distance,By the current/Affected by the wave is obvious,Immersed tube floating control and navigation organization is difficult,High requirements for meteorological conditions,Construction work environment strictly,Need more than one department linkage/Ship group to cooperate more,Collaborative control water traffic,Deep water and high precision positioning control immersed tube sinking/The installation,The complex technology,Is very difficult.Administration of hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge/CCCC tunnel co consortium hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge island project department general manager through scientific organization/Careful planning,An overall coordination efforts,maritime/Port and local departments work together/Work closely with,After more than two years of tension/Technology research/The field practice,SuXingYeMei,To overcome the multiple difficulties,To prevent the construction risks;After 95 hours of slowly but surely/Stop drinking manic urgent/For day and night,Successfully completed the 112.5 metres long/44000 tons of heavy tube section first out of the dock/floating/mooring/Ground to move/Intro and docking installation.
First section immersed tube undock at 11 on May 2 to 3 days arrive midnight mooring area.After again for immersed tube of hardcore research process,First section immersed tube to sink to put on 5, 15,Docking to paragraph 6, 10 with dark buried pipe installation is complete.
Hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge immersed tube tunnel is independent research and development in China/Independent design/To construction of the first submarine immersed tube tunnel,Tunnel, the total length of 5990 meters,Consists of 33 socket,Each standard socket is 180 meters long,Consists of 8 section 22.5 meter long segment,Standard socket weighs about 74000 tons,Most about 44 meters deep water depth;Among them,The first section length is 112.5 meters/37.95 meters wide/11.4 meters high,Sink about 13 meters water depth,Cost about 100 million yuan,Docking with the west island buried section of the tunnel,Lowered location about 12.6 km away from guishan island sink pipe 2,Is 33 day immersed tube in the floating range of the longest section.The first section the smooth implementation of floating sinking pipe installation,For subsequent socket installation floating accumulated valuable experience.Completed preliminary plans 2013 8 section of the immersed tube floating installation.
图为施工现场。 朱宇光 摄
The picture shows the construction site. Zhu Yuguang perturbation
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