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杨传堂就中国交通报两篇报道作出批示:扎实推进船舶油改气 找到--亲稳舆论引导监测室


recently,Minister of transport Yang Chuantang this newspaper[Wan jiang ship"Oil to gas"Five years is expected to be completed](On May 6, see the version 1)and[Beijing taxi complaint within 15 days against results](See 1 version on May 7)Two reports make the instructions.


Yang Chuantang is[Wan jiang ship"Oil to gas"Five years is expected to be completed]Instructions require officials to give attention and support.He stressed that,In the air supply guarantee under the premise of,Ship oil to gas is a systematic project,Also highlight the specific measures of subject line,Please ShengTing accumulate experience made solid progress.


Yang Chuantang is[Beijing taxi complaint within 15 days against results]Instructions point out that,Beijing taxi service quality complaints told time limit and so on a series of measures,To strengthen and improve the transportation service is of great importance.He stressed that,Service is the fundamental attribute of the transportation,Also the big responsibility of transportation,Provincial urban transport department are in improving the service level and service quality on the analysis of existing problems,Summing up the experience,Find specific reform of gripper,Make the specification of the service,Service quality is a real improvement,Let the people get real benefit,Satisfy the masses of the people.(WenXin)
