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不堪暴力家庭教育 13岁女孩自杀留遗书质问父母--亲稳网络舆情监测室

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[提要] [abstract]13岁女孩孙正雯疑遭家暴跳楼自杀,留3页遗书质问父母,遗书写道:7月6日晚,她的暑假作业有一道题空着,她爸爸就打了她左半边脸,在她一遍遍大喊“我听不见了”后,爸爸又打了她另一边脸,这次力气太大,她倒在了地上,意识模糊。这页遗书描述,她父母认为她是装疯卖傻,又对她实施暴力,最后她晕了过去,醒来后已经是第二天天亮了。遗书最后写道:“我想不明白,我究竟是哪儿错了?”[我来说两句]

13 year old girl SunZhengWen by building a house made the suicide,Leave three pages questioning parents suicide,He wrote: July 6 days late,She has a summer vacation assignment problem empty,Her father and gave her face left hemisphere,In her over and over again, Shouting“I can't hear the”after,Dad again dozen the other side her face,This effort is too big,She fell on the ground,Awareness of fuzzy。This page describes suicide,Her parents think she is ZhuangFengMaiSha,And violence to her,Finally she passed out,Wake up the next day at dawn is already。He finally wrote:“I don't understand,Where is exactly what I wrong?”[me 2]

Our reporter liu ChenZhiHuan sinister


13 year old girl SunZhengWen by building a house made the suicide,Leave three pages questioning parents suicide,A will hope remains contributions。11,Our reporter visits to know more,SunZhengWen family is not rich,Parents chip in for her to go to school,It is also to SunZhengWen learning moved to live near school rent。


事发当天早上还准备去捞浒苔 The still ready to get on the morning Hu moss


11,Journalist again came to SunZhengWen home and the crash site,From a XiYiLu SunZhengWen home go to sichuan road no. 31, the scene is less than five minutes away,Among the two separated only a bus station。


In Taiwan XiYiLu and sichuan road crossing the teacher does newsmen also bring colors told reporters,8 in the morning,Also is on the day of the SunZhengWen died,The sky mingled with the light rain underground,At that time the red bag carrying SunZhengWen took the umbrella came to him before the news,As usual sweetly, the boy shouted a sentence“uncle,Buy a newspaper”。At that time SunZhengWen also asked him to remove the rainy day Hu moss,Said the students go to the beach to salvage Hu moss,When she said she is not hesitate to go to,Don't see that what exception,Who can think of that same afternoon out such things。Talk about SunZhengWen,The teacher difficult to feel sorry for the feeling of the mask。


In his eyes,SunZhengWen always is a polite boy,Almost daily news in his former buy a newspaper,Each time all said politely a cry“Uncle goodbye”。


父母凑钱送孩子上好学校 Parents send their children in superior school


11 morning,The reporter comes to eight DaXia street weft five ways community residents' committees,Residents' committees zhang director told reporters,SunZhengWen parents is last year, July 1 just moved to Taiwan XiYiLu,“The house is they rent,At that time is to let the children go to school is convenient。”Because SunZhengWen parents since moved to without a neighbor and residents' committees and dealt,So they don't know the details of the family。“Heard that the family budget is not especially rich,But in order to let the child can read a good schools are moved to here。”Director zhang said。


Reporter downstairs to see,The second floor balcony SunZhengWen clothes and jeans also hanging in on before。Neighbor told reporters,We are all one room one hall door model,Every months rent in 900 yuan。Then the reporter understands,SunZhengWen in Qingdao ZhiRong middle school is a private school,In a little famous festival.guests,Admissions full year after year,Tuition fees as high as $9000 a year,This is better than average school cost is much higher。


An insider told reporters,她妈妈在现场猛抽了她爸爸几嘴巴,说那天晚上为什么要打她,她爸爸也很后悔,一个劲地说“凑了那么多钱把孩子送到那么好的学校,怎么这么傻”。 Her mother in the fierce smoking her father a few mouth,Said that night why want to beat her,Her father is also very regret,1 vigorously said“Gather together so many money, to send their child to kindergartens so good schools,How so silly”。


SunZhengWen one page suicide is also proved her mother said。This page is dedicated to her suicide mom and dad。One description: July 6 days late,She has a summer vacation assignment problem empty,Her father and gave her face left hemisphere,In her over and over again, Shouting“I can't hear the”after,Dad again dozen the other side her face,This effort is too big,She fell on the ground,Awareness of fuzzy。This page describes suicide,Her parents think she is ZhuangFengMaiSha,And violence to her,Finally she passed out,Wake up the next day at dawn is already。He finally wrote:“我想不明白,我究竟是哪儿错了?” “I don't understand,Where is exactly what I wrong?”
