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一条微博“惊醒”年轻妈 “最安全的家”藏隐患--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  厨房里的点火枪、床头的台灯、书桌下的电线、梳妆台上的化妆笔……这些家中不起眼的物品,在孩子眼里却充满神奇,可也隐藏着种种危险。最新调查显示,44.5%的儿童伤害其实发生在家中。近日,全球儿童安全组织的一篇微博提醒,让很多年轻妈妈大为吃惊。 The kitchen point them、Bedside lamp、Under the desk of the wire、Dresser make up the pen......The home of the small items,In their eyes but full of magic,But also with all hidden danger。The latest survey shows,44.5% of the children's damage actually happened in the home。recently,Global child safety organization of a micro bo remind,Let many young mother was surprised。


The fact is not really so?Yangzi evening news reporter carried out an experiment,The result surprised to find,We regarded as very safe house,In the children's eyes really“different”:We felt that we go often kitchen hearth,In their eyes is full of mystery;We despise an attend to of wave window,Children will want to crawl on......


调查数据 Survey data


暑假儿童伤害高发 44.5%的伤害发生在家中 Summer vacation children 44.5% damage occur high damage in the home

  今年6月26日,中国疾病预防控制中心与全球儿童安全组织联合发布《儿童伤害预防倡导》报告显示,儿童伤害主要的危险因素为跌倒/坠落25%、烧伤/电伤16.7%、锐器伤9.1%;假期 (7—8月)是一年中伤害发生的高发期,占比达19.4%;发生在家中的伤害占近一半(44.5%)。

June 26,,China disease prevention and control center and children around the world security organization jointly issued《Children's injury prevention advocate》report,Children hurt the main risk factor for fall/fall 25%、Burns/electrical injury by 16.7%、Sharp instrument injury 9.1%;holiday (7-August)Is a year of injuries frequency,More than 19.4% of;The damage occurred at home of nearly half(44.5%)。


微博“自查图” Micro bo“Self-examination figure”


引发网友居家安全关注 Cause the safety concern that occupy the home


July 10,,@ global child safety organization(China)In its official blog to micro“Safety summer vacation”about,released“self-examination:Your safety?”investigation,Triggered a net friend attention。Micro bo said,All said home is a safe haven,Really??The child can't adults have thought so。Look at the coffee table thermos bottle it,In the kitchen, a firearm,The head of a bed, desk lamp,The study of wire it,Toilet closestool inside of it,Dresser make up the pen...to,In their eyes are amazing,Go to download this piece of self-examination figure,Look at your home safe?


Post last,Also attached“Self-examination figure”links。Reporter open links to see,“Self-examination figure”'s ten,including“Lighter on the boy can't take everywhere”、“To boil water,I don't leave”、“Hot water bottle to stay away from children”, etc。illustrated,Vivid reminder of the holiday parents need to be aware of a few security matters。


Many have children of parents said,For the safety of the children often worry in the outdoors,For example after the start of summer vacation will often remind children,Don't go out at,Ignore stranger strike up a conversation,Don't go swimming in the river,But I never thought of his own home should hide so many safe hidden trouble。


问发布者 Ask the publishers


这个调查结果是怎么来的? The results come in?


the“Self-examination figure”Is how to?Inside the list“Safe hidden trouble”Authority??yesterday,Yangzi evening news reporter interviewed the children around the world security organization of China CuiMinYan。


Talk about“Self-examination figure”The heat transfer in the network,CuiMinYan yangtse evening post told reporters,It made her some accident。CuiMinYan said,the“Self-examination figure”From the global child safety organization in Beijing、Shanghai to migrant children live in towns of security in a survey。“Because the two cities are concentration of migrant workers”。She said:“I send it to online,Didn't expect the city parents should forward、Evaluation so hot。”


but,CuiMinYan yangtse evening post admitted to reporters:The present on-line stick out“Self-examination figure”Is still not perfect。“Although many children hidden danger is the same,But according to our experience,For children to the city,fall、Fall is relatively easy to happen damage。Often see the news recently have children while parents do not pay attention to dig out of the window,And the head of the card on before。But we send in the self-examination picture online is not‘fall、fall’This a,Should put the a added to it!”


扬子晚报记者体验 Yangzi evening news reporter experience


蹲下身子 从儿童的视角打量“家” From the perspective of squatted down body children looked“home”


interview,Global child safety organization of China CuiMinYan think,home“Children safe hidden trouble”From adult life habit。Now a lot of citizens of home decoration is fastidious,but,In the eyes of a child,His house?yesterday,Yangzi evening news reporters following a kindergarten kids,Squatted down body,With her eyes look at her home。The results don't see don't know:We provide to the child“The security”home,Sometimes it isn't


灶台变得很高很宽 煤气开关很神秘 Hearth become very high very wide on the gas and very mysterious


In the yangzi evening news reporter“Sugar-coated cannonball”Communication under,Three and half years old south south first put the reporter to the kitchen here's unusual。Didn't expect,When a reporter lowered himself and south the same height,Hearth changed:It is no longer a short short platform,But look up to;and,It became very wide、Is thick,“What is it that the mother on it,Have good?”South south often stand a-tiptoe hard look。


South south of it,The most curious is gas burner switch,Mother has more than once found in their cooking south-south hands reach it。Reporter simply picked up south south,Tell him things on the hearth can literally move。Sure enough,South-south immediately“enough”To the gas switch!


茶几和飘窗阳台最“平易近人” Tea table and wave window balcony the most“amiable”


Yangzi evening news reporter discovery south-south prefer took the toy pile of to tea table and the sofa start,Reporters feel this is all the nature of the child。But then reporter discovery,Even play in the car,South south also like turn round tea table,Crus bump up also“Insist the”。And reporters saw,South south legs have small black and blue,“This is all bump”,My mother is very helpless。


then,South south and ran to the bedroom。This time,He rarely turn around the bed,And the“Base areas”Moved to wave window:Climbing up and down,The toys of also to the upper。“see,Because the child is love climb windowsill,Home have to how the window。”Mother refers to give reporters look。


What is this why?When the situation at the scene to a kindergarten teacher tells,The answer to the reporter is suddenly enlightened:The original,Tea table and wave window balcony for a child,Is more“Close to people”height。


衣柜太高了 像“小山”一样压抑 Chest as too high“hills”As depressed


As validation“Furniture of highly”as,When a reporter asked south yangtse evening post:Most don't like the home of what objects,South south implicitly, no answer:chest。


The reporter is very curious:South south the chest of the house is big and style,why“Don't like”??When the journalist again lowered himself,In the perspective of south the hard looked up at,Suddenly realize:Too surprising,At this point in the chest became so big,Is like“hills”Pressure down as,“No wonder the south south never in chest this playing!”Mother also the pen-hold grip head。


细数幼童家中10大安全隐患 Count young children home 10 big safe hidden trouble

  绳索 你的孩子是否也曾在窗帘后玩过捉迷藏?每年约有500名美国儿童因为绳索窒息死亡,大多是4岁以下的孩子。对孩子而言,危险的绳索包括:窗帘拉绳、落地灯电线、未固定的电话线、电脑接线等。

Your child is also the rope was in curtain played hide and seek?Each year about 500 American children because rope suffocation deaths,Most children under the age of 4。As for a child,Dangerous ropes to include:Curtain leash、Floor lamp wire、Not fixed telephone line、Computer connection, etc。

  浴缸 调查显示,在家中溺水身亡的孩子中,80%在4岁以下。专家称,1英寸(约合2.5厘米)深的水就足以淹死孩子!

Bath crock survey,Who drowned in the home of the child,80% is in 4 years old the following。Experts say,1 inch($2.5 cm)Deep water is enough to drown children!

  玩具 容易发生窒息的小物件包括:硬币、小珠子、气球、糖果、坚果、葡萄、爆米花等。此外,童车上的小零件也是导致儿童窒息的隐患。

Toy prone to suffocate little thing to include:COINS、beads、balloon、candy、nuts、grapes、Popcorn, etc。In addition,The small parts on the stroller in children is choking hazard。

  家具顶端的糖果 较重的东西应该放在较低的架子或橱柜较低抽屉中,不要将遥控器、糖果或玩具放在家具顶端,以免孩子为了找东西弄翻家具。

The top of the candy heavier furniture of things should be put in the lower shelf or ambry drawer in low,Don't will remote control、Candy or a toy in furniture to the top,Lest the child to find something to upset the furniture。

  窗户 窗户边不要放置家具,以防孩子攀高,从窗户跌落,发生意外。此外,务必保证窗纱严密,最好有儿童锁定装置。

The window by the window not place furniture,In case the children,Fall from the window,accident。In addition,To keep a tight window screening,Had better have a children's locking device。

  床上用品 毛茸茸的靠枕、蓬松柔软的被褥,弹簧床垫可以使婴儿床看上去很温暖、舒适。但是这些舒适柔软的床上用品,很可能在宝宝,尤其是新生儿,睡觉时堵住他的脸部,使他无法呼吸甚至出现窒息。

Bedding fluffy pillows、Fluffy soft bedding,Spring mattress can make a baby bed look very warm、comfortable。But these comfortable soft bedding,Probably in the baby,Especially newborns,When sleeping stopped his face,So that he can't breathe appear even suffocation。

  插座 两孔或三孔的电源插座,如果没有保护装置,一旦孩子将手指伸进去,或拿着金属棒伸进去,后果将不堪设想。

Socket two holes or three holes in the power socket,If there is no protection device,Once the child will be his finger in,Or take stretch into a metal bar,The consequences would be catastrophic。

  家电 看到电扇,孩子会忍不住伸手去摸一摸;看到吸尘器,孩子也会动手去试一试;对煤气灶喷出的蓝色火焰,孩子同样感兴趣。

Home appliance see fans,Children can't help stretch hand to touch;See a vacuum cleaner,Children will also begin to have a try;The blue flame out of gas burner,Children also interested。

  药片 最容易发生孩子误吞大人药片问题。除了药箱,零钱、硬糖、笔帽、图钉、指甲油、弯刀等也危险。

The most vulnerable to children by tablets swallow adult tablets problem。In addition to medicine,change、Hard candy、cap、pushpin、Nail polish、Bending and so on also dangerous。

  药片 美国14岁以下儿童中,每年意外中毒死亡人数超过100人。清洁剂、化妆品、杀虫剂、颜料、酒精等都非常危险。

The tablets in children under the age of 14,Accidental poisoning each year more than 100 people die。cleaner、cosmetics、pesticides、pigment、Alcohol is very dangerous。


南京家长最担心的家电:煤气灶、微波炉、开水壶 Nanjing parents worry about most of the appliances:Gas burner、Microwave oven、KaiShuiHu


so,In nanjing mothers eyes,Home of the most dangerous is what thing?yesterday,Yangzi evening news reporters in a parent QQ group conducted a small survey。Need explanation is,This is a primary school grade three of the parents group。survey,Almost all of the parents of the first choice in the family is potentially dangerous“Home appliance”。


孩子大多对火好奇 家长最怕煤气灶 Most curious children the most afraid of gas burner fire parents


Many parents said,As a grade three of the children,Home appliance of almost all use,Like TV、computer、The refrigerator、Air conditioning、Mobile phones can operate freely。“Every time when the plug is with courage is a little small”,A little girl's mother told yangzi evening news reporter,“But we ask her parents in no present supervision,Didn't touch the plug。”


so,Many home appliance of,Parents are the most“Afraid of”The children get what???17 have a parent choice“Gas burner”;Row in the parents“The second afraid of”The home appliance is a microwave oven。“Play gas not just play with fire,One thousand gas leak is desperately!”A boy parents said,The child is especially curious fire,“About lighter and gas burner absolutely can't touch”The problem in the children are still not very sensible when he repeatedly“education”had。In addition,Some style of microwave oven is through the rotation to achieve high temperature of heating,Through the sliding door of outside can see the inside of the situation,“By this time absolutely can't let children stared at,Damage eyes don't say,Radiation is particularly big。”


In addition,“Hot water”Also in nanjing parents“More worried about”The home appliance third。


小宝宝的妈妈 还怕被褥和桌布 The baby's mother is afraid of bedding and tablecloth


In addition to home appliance outside still afraid of???????interview,A young mother told reporters the nanjing to deep impression。


“Afraid of bedding,A few years ago when I especially baby little fear。”that,Is a reason:“My elder sister as a child-well, six month about,His bed quilt the down to the face,The results could not move,Almost suffocated。This experience was my mother in mind,In I am pregnant mother has told the baby's bed don't put anything”,The mother told reporters。


And in the baby will walk,The mother started to“Afraid antependium”。“Children will just walking,Because stand still,Or are interested in things to the table,Will often pull the antependium of home,This will be the table items dropped down parts;If there is water on the table,More serious consequences。My daughter as a child to have this kind of tendency,Then my house will be used the tablecloth。”


特别提醒 Special remind


对照“自查表”回家查查吧 但也别草木皆兵哦 control“Self-examination table”Home, but it's also don't check of extreme nervousness oh


recent,This newspaper has been reported about“The primary school students this summer to do 100 things”,“Open pajamas party、Go camping、Put to sea、To explore base、To travel、To visit someone、Go to the library、Scones dry”And so on project,The ultimate goal is to enjoy themselves!But for most Chinese the pupils,This summer as the story as far as the fairy tale world。because,A lot of them are most of the holiday“captivity”At home。


In fact,Many Chinese parents speaking,The more serious problem is that they do not realize that the underlying those dangerous home。CuiMinYan said:“When a child in the living room、The kitchen、toilet、The play and run back and forth,Some of the security hidden danger are often neglected”。She said,survey,More than 70% of parents not to household decorate regularly safety check,7% of the parents never inspection。


But in the interview,Some parents also“A n experienced person”The identity of the proposed:For some of the security hidden danger,We want to try to take seriously,But also don't have to plant,Children in the growth process a stuttering is normal,As long as not involving personal security can。

  现在,为了让宝贝们快乐地玩耍,我们是不是也抽空对家中来一次检查?(扬子晚报记者谢 尧)

now,In order to let the baby play happily,We are also home to take time to a check?(Yangzi evening news reporter thank yao)
