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成都在家上学族现状调查 他们的未来将如何?--亲稳舆论引导监测室


1855 years,8 years old Edison was asked to leave school。


His head full of strange think different to let him not into the school education at that time,Since then began to study at home。The teacher,Is his mother。


Story later as is known to all,He became the greatest inventors in the world。


This story for the home school children to provide the best reason。today,The United States has more than 1.2 million children at home to school。But in China,The fashion is sadly arisen。


These parents or children don't adapt to life for collective、Or does not agree with the traditional education ideas、Or don't meet in waking cultivation mode,And selecting a few people walk。however,In the pursuit of individual education at the same time,Children also face a peer relationship lacking、Hard to connect with the existing system such problems。And according to China's obligations prescribed by the education law,That school-age children should receive compulsory education,It also let home school group in an awkward situation。


Since the age of five and a half is grounded out since kindergarten,Yan yan have followed his father LiChen at home to school。


In chengdu,Like a child like this has not yan yan rarely seen。In China the biggest home school group learning together“Home school league”BBS on,“Chengdu alliance”Is one of the most active tribe,The member has 78 people。And in earlier this month,Through the“Home school league”called,All over the country bullishness ofrespondents when home school,Also in yunnan Dali conducted a exchange of experience。


The group of children why not go to school?They at home studying???????future,And they will be how to blend in realistic society?


教育部门 Education department

   适龄儿童都应 That school-age children should be接受义务教育 Accept compulsory education


At present,The kindergarten don't belong to compulsory education,Parents can choose not to go to the kindergarten。Education administrative department a chief says:“State obligations prescribed by the education law,All six years old that school-age children,Should accept the obligation of education。The local government、Community and street,Has the responsibility to urge parents to send your daughter to school。Some parents,He did not understand education law,According to oneself idea to blindly teach doll,Haste makes waste,But to the healthy growth of the doll adverse。”The official also worry,Home school,Lack of communication with peers and social environment,Also can give a child's emotional development and character formation cause certain effect。


but,Many parents also expressed optimism,Chinese education idea is gradually diversity,For all kinds of education concept also society more inclusive。perhaps,When children face problems such as entrance,Home school are common,Also can and education system fit。


有收获 harvest


“到小学学什么呢? “Primary school to learn what?


Chinese?After the reading of the Chinese classic,The kitten doggie things still need to read?


mathematics?He know 3 + 5 = 8 will do,Why to want to make a choice screens?


English?He can communicate directly and foreign teachers。”


-为什么退学? -why drop out?


“我爸发现他们不教东西,觉得很担心。” “My dad found that they don't teach things,Feel very worried about。”


Yan yan 10 years old this year,Five and a half,Dad LiChen will she brought out the kindergarten。“My dad found that they don't teach things,Feel very worried about。”Yan yan said。


At home,LiChen required reading classic Chinese yan yan,Tough attitude。End homework after,“My father was better,Smiling and said,go,To eat pizza”。


“later,Dad several friends feel like I learn well,He also send their children to come over。”now,LiChen simply gardens school,Chengdu near the road building in a dweller building,4 and 5 of the building floors of three sets of house became his classroom。


“to,You tell me the。”LiChen to a girl said。The girl from shandong,Over one month ago left in high school,To focus on learning English here。She hopes that by 2 ~ 3 years of hard work,Join the United States SAT exam,To enter the United States university to study。


The girl said,She chose to go to school at home,Because feel that the school can't learn what things,Management system and too strict。“We get up at five in the morning,5 PM on during morning independent study,6:45 began to run morning exercises,7 points to eat,7:30 to the classroom,11 50 points class……”She said,Even if is such efforts,The estimated only a 2 this academy。


LiChen beside ChangXuDuanTan:“The school this road couldn't get through,Can't go the other way?”


now,LiChen recruit home school children,When the class has also recruited students。He press 3 ~ 6 years old、6 to 11 years of age、11 to 15 years old layered,Different age has different learning content。Yan yan are finally have the“students”。


Monday morning math、English afternoon;National studies on Tuesday morning、English afternoon……In yan yan Monday to Friday in the schedule,The highest frequency of sorted。The English class is a Spanish,“But speak English fluently”。The math teacher is from the outside of, please,WILL teach equations,Speak Russell paradox。Saturday is calligraphy、Painting and vocal music。“On Sundays I can play!”


Yan yan said,“My dad gave me to elementary school experience a day life”。“One day to recognize six words,Good little ah。I was at home one day to read hundreds of words!”She said in a disappointed。The most let her think impassability is,The language teacher wrote on the blackboard six words,Let everybody read several times,Also copy、write。“I'll write ah,Why write so many times?”She shrugged,“boring”!


-在公园里办学堂 -in the park school hall


“出门就是花花草草,环境好,而且文化氛围浓。” “Go out is beautiful flowers and plants,Environment is good,And the cultural atmosphere of strong。”

  5岁半的源源百无聊赖地用一根小塑料棍去逗笼子里的鹦鹉,“Will(威尔),don't be so rude(别这么粗鲁)。”涂易轻声呵斥道。

Five and a half with a stream of took root small plastic stick to stir the parrot cage,“WILL(will),Don 't be so rude(Don't be so rude)。”Tu yi whispered word reprimand angrily。

  儿子还在襁褓中时,涂易就坚持对儿子说英语。他原本是成都某中学的物理老师,后到澳大利亚维多利亚科技大学取得教育培训硕士学位。回国后,他办起6家幼儿园,还出版过幼儿启蒙教材。 起初,为了“避嫌”,他没有送儿子到自己的幼儿园读书,而选择了住家附近的一所幼儿园。

Son when he was cast aside,Tu yi we said to the son of English。He used to be a middle school physics teacher of chengdu,To Australia after Victoria university of science and technology training has a master's degree in education。Returned home after,He gardens and home to the kindergarten,Also published baby initiation materials。 At first,In order to“Avert suspicion”,He didn't send their son to the kindergarten reading,And chose the residential area of a nursery school。

  “他在幼儿园经常生病。后来发现是因为娃娃小,容易尿裤子,老师没能及时发现和更换。”这种事连续发生几次后,他索性让源源回家上学。 除了英语,源源接触最多的是国学经典。涂易坚信,在小孩子记忆力最好、心灵最纯洁的时候,多接触这些经典,慢慢沉淀,终会发芽开花。就像儿子5岁时,忽然自画自题诗一首,让所有人都惊讶。那幅画就挂在客厅显眼处,几处山包,中有花树直立其间,旁有源源自己题的小诗:春山树长绿叶出,白云漫漫伴我读。

“He often sick in kindergarten。Later found because small doll,Easy urine pants,The teacher didn't find and replace。”This kind of thing continuously happen after a few times,He'd just ask are home to school。 In addition to English,Are most of the classical Chinese contact。Tu yi believe,In a child memory is the best、The heart of purity,More in touch with these classic,Slowly precipitation,WILL bud and blossom。That, as a son when 5 years old,Suddenly the painting as a since,That all the people were amazed。The picture was hanging a prominent place in the sitting room,Several ShanBao,In the meantime reflectance upright,A stream near his topic the little poem:ChunShan tree long green leaves out,The long white clouds with I read。

  一年半以前,涂易结识了一群志同道合的父母,他们共同在成都一所文化公园内筹办了一所学堂。 “出门就是花花草草,环境好,而且文化氛围浓。”涂易说。

A year and a half ago,Tu yi met a group of like-minded parents,Together they in chengdu a cultural park for an institution。 “Go out is beautiful flowers and plants,Environment is good,And the cultural atmosphere of strong。”Tu yi said。

  学堂上午一般教英语和国学,下午是绘画、茶道、插花、武术、书法和舞蹈课。周末,家长会带孩子去田里劳作。 学堂的每位老师在各自的行业里都有一定名气,虽然许多都是友情收费,价格依然不菲。所以,每个孩子一年要缴6万元,才能勉强维持开销。

General teaching English school morning national,The afternoon is a painting、Tea ceremony、Flower arrangement、Martial arts、Calligraphy and dancing lessons。weekend,Parents are always taking children to the field work。 The school each teacher in their respective industry have certain famous,Although many are friendship charges,Prices still does not poor。so,Each child to pay 60000 yuan RMB a year,Can barely keep spending。

  源源马上就满6岁了。但涂易并不打算送儿子进小学。 “到小学学什么呢?语文?国学经典都读完了,那些小猫小狗的东西还需要读吗?数学?他知道3+5=8就行了,为什么要反反复复做题呢?英语?他都能和外教直接交流了。”涂易不以为然地说。 有遗憾 “你要明白,孩子在家上学,要比去学校上学学得更好,才会有出路。 回过头来想,我宁愿孩子学习没那么优秀,也要给她一个与同龄人一起成长的空间。”

Keeps'll full six years old。But does not intend to send their son to besmear in primary school。 “Primary school to learn what?Chinese?After the reading of the Chinese classic,The kitten doggie things still need to read?mathematics?He know 3 + 5 = 8 will do,Why to want to make a choice screens?English?He can communicate directly and foreign teachers。”Tu yi disagree。 that “You have to understand,Children at home to school,To go to school than to learn better,Would have a way out。 Turned to want to,I would rather not so good children learn,Also want to give her a together with peers of the growth of the space。”


 -过来人的辛酸  -a n experienced person's way


“She should have together with the contemporary leap to jump,The results,Her daughter's childhood memories are and father together。”


GaoCheng is also the home school the practice。His daughter now already 18 years old,Are foreign study for a master's degree。But he thinks,Now many of home school parents is blind。He said,It was their revolt。


GaoCheng daughter elementary school results were very good,Jump from one grade three grade,And from grade three to six grade,But the new environment and fit。“Classmates envy her。I was ignored the problem,Think well gets the job done。”Helpless under,GaoCheng decided to let her daughter home to school,All the teaching materials and courses by his own arrangements。


Review the daughter home school road,GaoCheng only a word to summarize:“pain”。


“You have to understand,Children at home to school,To go to school than to learn better,Would have a way out。Turned to want to,I would rather not so good children learn,Also want to give her a together with peers of the growth of the space。”He said:“When a child a solitary in learning the way climbing,She should have together with the contemporary leap to jump,Birthday together,Sing like song……The results,Her daughter's childhood memories are and father together。”


GaoCheng said,He actually against kindergarten home school is special。


“Children go to the kindergarten,Is a play with。Learn to line up,Learn to keep the rules of the collective,Learn to protect themselves- -this is not the law at home。”

 -未来,仍在徘徊  -the future,Still wandering in


“Taught at home,I don't know that he can adapt to after universities,Adapt to the school environment。”

  在家上学,并不是近几年才出现的。成都本地媒体就曾报道过成都女孩蓉榕,在家上学到11岁,去年被美国南加州大学录取的故事。 对这些孩子来说,不沿着现行教育制度的轨迹走,他们的未来又在何方? 涂易说,他没想那么远。如果儿子喜欢在家上学,就一直上下去,如果想进学校,他也会尊重儿子的意愿。

Home school,And not only appeared in recent years。Chengdu local media has reported chengdu girl banyan rong,Home school to 11 years of age,Last year was the university of southern California in the story of admission。 For in these children,Not the current education system along the track of the walk,Their future and in where you are going? Tu yi said,He didn't want to so far。If the son like to stay at home to school,Has been on it,If want to go to school,He will also respect the will of the son。


And parents are still in wander。XuLi to the teacher's education way because of dissatisfaction with 6 year old son may have to leave the kindergarten,But she still yearning for elementary school。“He eventually want to go to college,Or to face the exam。Taught at home,I don't know that he can adapt to after universities,Adapt to the school environment。”


“When a young college students,Or go abroad。”GaoCheng said,This is the children read at home at present the most often go two ways。But he also talked to experience advice,If the child is not especially not adapt to the school,If parents not to go to school at home it their way through to the end,Then do not easily to try。“I had to let the children drop out of school,Children thank me,When a child big,Because I help her to drop out of school,But blame me。”

  他说,他一直在思考,有没有可能会有这么一个天空,“让他们可以自由飞翔,又不会窒息”。(成都商报记者 王冕)(文中均为化名)

He said,He has been thinking,Is it possible there will be such a sky,“Let they can fly,And won't suffocate”。(Chengdu shangbao braving the reporter)(This paper are aliases)
