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父母吵架女儿丢三天才知道 爸爸妈妈请别不管我--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Today's two news are looking for parents of young children,Reason is parents fight,Even the divorce。


Divorce is things of two people,How can discard flesh。Want to ask young wen's mother,See son for you“Hunger strike”,Is there a little love dearly?


The quarrel is left him,Even a child lost all don't know,A separate are three days。Rain is falling all parents,The three days,You don't miss the rain is falling all?


The children do not know adult's complex,They just know that mom and dad is the world's most beloved people。Now that as parents,Please take on the responsibility of the parents。Quarrelling between couples don't,Was the character of the child and grow a bad influence,Please don't leave behind to them。


父母吵架,女儿丢了三天才知道 Parents fight,Daughter lost three genius know


Three days after the lost,Yesterday afternoon,“Small are”Finally reunited with their parents。Look this scene,Yuhang of“P dad p the mother”The whole is long easy out a sigh of relief。


Morning of July 10,,Yuhang dawn road police station received a lady's report to the police,Say yuhang economic development zone north sand west road,A little girl was alone there be disorderly to turn。


Police in a circle around the visit,Didn't find any clues,The little girl had to first back to the police station,Waiting for the family to claim。


Thought the girl's parents will soon report to the police,But no。The little girl has been cried out for for mothers,See more police very distressed。


The parents of the children where?The little girl can provide,Only his name“Regards yuan”(sound),4 years old this year。


Three days,Micro bo、TV、radio、The newspaper,Police tracing everywhere,“@ peace yuhang”Tracing micro bo also released by net friends to forward the more than 3000,Are more and more,But the small mom and dad are their words have not appeared。

  这两天,小心语都是跟着民警胡冰回家的。 “我儿子前几个月去爷爷奶奶家了。现在家里就我跟老婆,刚好接她去住。”胡冰说,“昨晚她一开始在我老婆肩膀上睡着了,刚想放下又醒了,不停找爸妈。后来,我们陪她看喜羊羊与灰太狼,一口气看了五集,她终于睡着了。可夜里每隔一个多小时就会醒来,哭喊着要爸爸妈妈。”

The two days,Are their words are small home with police ms.bing hu。 “My son a few months ago to grandpa's grandmother home。Now the home I with his wife,Just pick her to live。”Ms.bing hu said,“She started last night on my wife's shoulder fell asleep,Just want to put down again awake,Keep looking for parents。later,We accompany her look pleasant goat and grey Wolf too,One breath shown five sets,She finally fell asleep。But every night more than a hour will wake up,Crying in the mom and dad。”


Early yesterday morning,Small with regards to the public security bureau and ms.bing hu。During this,The police and Interpol yuhang brigade road police station has been the police of the dawn in separate investigation。


At 2 PM,Finally have a woman phoned in,Small said are was her daughter。“We see the photos!That is my children!”She is very excited。


3 o 'clock,A couple came in a hurry NingBoJi strict。Police verify their identity,Filmed the photo,Then mix in others in the photos to let another small room are identifiable。Small at first glance are recognized。


When the door open,Are their words are small snacks。A couple strict couldn't help but blunt go up out of the middle name rain is falling all daughter。Rain is falling all happy to cried out at once,“Mom and dad!”

  民警严厉地批评了严某夫妇。问他们为什么这么迟才报警,严某夫妇说,他们刚从宁波过来,打算做生意,还没固定住处。“前天我们吵了一架,就分开了。我们都以为对方带着孩子,谁知道今早碰面时才发现孩子不见了。真的对不起孩子,对不起你们,对不起所有关心雨儿的人……”雨儿的妈妈泣不成声。(记者 胡大可 通讯员 胡冰)

Police harshly criticized strict a couple。Asked why they are so late only then the police,Strict a couple said,They had just come from ningbo,Going to do business,Haven't fixed residence。“The day before yesterday we had a quarrel,Comes apart。We all thought that each other with children,Who knows when to meet this morning found the child disappeared。I am really sorry children,I'm sorry you,I'm sorry all care about the rain is falling all...”Rain is falling all mother weeping bitterly。(Reporter HuDaKe correspondent ms.bing hu)


找不到妈妈,7岁的他不肯吃饭 Can't find mom,7 years old he refused to eat


This year the age of seven young wen(aliases)Have two consecutive days, didn't have a meal,For no other reason,Only want to see mother。He has five months didn't see my mother。Xiaowen father wit but and helpless。Xiaowen mother where are you?


In fact,Xiaowen still don't know,Mom and dad have been in February this year a divorce。They married for over 20 years,Has two sons。divorce,20 years older son was awarded WangWenLin dad,The youngest son of 7 years old to give it to his wife。


“After divorce,She didn't take the young wen picked,Selfish to hangzhou to work。”WangWenLin had to put on by his little son home parents look after,“My parents are more than 70 years old,Take not to move。”just,Xiaowen summer vacation,WangWenLin he received hangzhou。


On July 6,The young wen WangWenLin from anhui bozhou brought to hangzhou,“Dad said to the hangzhou can see the mother,But I still have not seen。”Young wen said。


10 day night,Xiaowen arm long arm out a lot of bubbles,Went to see the doctor,Diagnosis is“Suspected hand, foot and mouth disease”。On the night began to drip,To have the third day yesterday。

  也许是病中的孩子特别敏感脆弱, 从打点滴开始,小文就“绝食”了,而且很固执,他坚持要看到妈妈,妈妈不来他就不吃饭。任凭王文林怎么劝都没用。

Maybe the ill children especially vulnerable, From the start was put on a drip,Xiaowen is“Hunger strike”the,And very stubborn,He insisted on see mom,Mother don't eat not to him。Let WangWenLin how advise all useless。


but,So large a hangzhou city,To which seek child his mama?WangWenLin can find no way out the。


The original,His ex-wife cell phone would have changed the number,On QQ,WangWenLin found myself being drawn into the blacklist。Contact of his ex-wife's parents,The other party said don't know the specific address daughter no new mobile phone number。Ask friends over his ex-wife,Only know someone seen in hangzhou the ex-wife、Gongshu district area appear。


Two days out of no results,Xiaowen has been“Hunger strike”,WangWenLin worried,To ask for help a telephone call from our newspaper。


He told reporters,His ex-wife is anhui bozhou people,Born in 1970,Once at a supermarket in hangzhou nine had cooked food promoters。


He hope to have his ex-wife news of friends and family can give him a clue。Son really want to see the mother。

  记者也曾用QQ联系小文的妈妈,但是互加好友之后,只显示手机在线,却没有得到任何回复。小文妈,如果你看到本报后请与前夫联系吧。大人之间的吵闹不和请放在一边,小孩子是无辜的。孩子病了,这个时候最需要有妈妈在身边照顾。我们愿意相信你不是个无情的妈妈,孩子因为见不到你而“绝食”,相信你肯定也很心疼。(记者 鲍亚飞)

The reporter had contact with QQ xiaowen's mother,But with each other after friends,Display only mobile phone online,But didn't get any reply。Xiaowen mom,If you see this newspaper, please contact with her ex-husband it。The noise of the between adults with please put it aside,Children is innocent。The child is ill,This time the need to have a mother in nearby care。We would like to believe that you are not a ruthless mom,Children because I will not see you and“Hunger strike”,Believe that you are also very distressed。(Reporter BaoYaFei)
