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大学生六级作弊被取消学位 宿舍内自杀微博遗言--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


新闻源: News source:微博再次无奈地见证了年轻生命的消逝。7月15日凌晨,黑龙江八一农垦大学经管学院一名李姓大三学生,通过定时发送工具,连发18条微博作为遗言。15日下午,该生在学校宿舍内被发现,发现时已经死亡。从其遗言来看,这名学生自杀的原因很可能是因为在英语六级考试中作弊被抓,学校给予其取消学位的处理决定。该生不能接受,绝望之余选择结束自己的生命。记者 陈学超 核实报道

The bo again helplessly witnessed the young life fading。15 July morning,Heilongjiang August agricultural reclamation university collegue a year 3 student asked,Through the timing send tools,Article 18 a day-night doubleheader micro bo as words。15 days afternoon,The student in the school was found in the dormitory,When that have died。From its last words to see,The student of the causes of suicide is probably because in English cet6 tests was caught cheating,School gives its cancel degree with the decision。The student can not accept,Despair of it over the choice end her life。Reporter ChenXueChao verification report


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  “我这一生,没有成就,唯一的感受就是很累很累” “I this lifetime,No achievement,The only feeling is very tired tired”


“When you see I have left,The hope can get relief!I this lifetime,No achievement,The only feeling is tired,Tired tired tired,I don't want to painful struggle,My only wish is that people can kiss each other and love each other,Couples harmony。If there is an afterlife,I wish the ocean is a piece of rock,So quietly,quietly,quietly……”


This is li mou in 15 days the early hours of the morning,Through the micro bo tool released the final article timing micro bo,To the world he is also the last white。Content is the feeling。


At noon yesterday,Heilongjiang August agricultural reclamation university relevant person in charge of the propaganda department to our confirmation,The student has to 15, 16 was found dead,The place is in the dormitory of the school。“We got the news from the bo,The teacher began to look for the students,Finally in the student dormitory found him。It was death。”The controller introduces said,Death students name is li,For the college student management,Last September to rise this exam only to the school through。


Local media said,The former li mou in the dormitory lighting up in two basin charcoal,And will the dormitory doors and Windows closed。


From the rich content and see,The student at least the July 10 will reveal the suicide idea。The day,He in micro bo message said:“I didn't expect,I'm doing something to this incredibly excited,Like pore is open the excitement。”


In the earlier in the micro bo,He also repeatedly forward net friend“Go rice”Micro bo。“Go rice”Is a net friend of depression,Earlier in the network before use the same way to say goodbye to the world,In the net friend by strong concern。


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  “一次作弊就毁了我十几年的努力?” “A cheating is ruined me more than ten years of hard work?”


Li mou in micro bo revealed in,Choose your own leave the most direct reason is in June 16 college English cet6 tests was caught cheating,School gives him to cancel degree with the decision。This makes him feel can't accept it。


“I'm not,But why not give me a chance?All my life I have never made mistakes,Just a mistake,Why not give me a chance?”


The student in the micro bo notes wrote:“irren,To err is human?Now condemned for can be with a suspension of execution,Why can't we?If he often teach not to change you punished severely,That I have nothing to say。But for a from elementary school on honest students,Just because a cheating destroy him more than ten years of hard work?”


“I hope China university to develop a reasonable、The young man to a chance(and)Not ready to cancel the degree certificate,Then take money or replacement of management measures。After all, the school is a place of teaching,Prison is not used to place for punishment,Also is not the company to profitability place。”


The school party committee propaganda department chief confirmation,The student did cheat in six level of test,School with the decision to cancel the degree。The chief said,The school made a decision according to can depend on。At the same time,He denied that the student without obtained the degree that possible。


“To handle after the decision,The school has been and he keep communication,Still have remedial measures:If he in the last school year are outstanding,School or can consider to cancel the sanctions。”The official said。


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  “为什么没有一个阳光下的解决方法呢?” “Why not a solution in the sun?”


Although officials said,The students are still save their degree of may,but,From the birth of the micro bo left notes it is easy to see,He will not hope。


“For such as I have junior students(for),Student manual remedy just look at it,Can't achieve。”


“Unless finally take money。”Li mou said,“Now all the students know,This is the case in school or get home tens of thousands of dollars for someone to last,Finally the normal of the CARDS,Or not;Or a good department leader finally let you take a year later card,More than a year into the tuition fees,This is not to say that all of the secret。Ha ha,Where all have unspoken rules include school。”


“Finally he take money I of the CARDS,This interesting??Why not a solution in the sun?”Li mou in notes asked。


For students by“Unspoken rules”Take money“Disaster from evil”Take degree testimony said,Denied the,Say this kind of phenomenon does not exist。


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  “读了十几年的书,我不希望到头来变成罪犯” “Read more than 10 years of books,I don't want to end up into criminals”


Died before,The student nearly desperate,Embarking on a thorough non-return road。


He has revealed in in micro,His disciplined in a few days time,The only idea is revenge。“I even put on me I will name、Apartment and telephone are found,Even ready to knife,Going to stir up again he committed suicide。”


“Maybe someone will be very strange,Why do I do this?Because I before the test,His brother my classmate to greet him,Then take care of me,Didn't expect,He was promised to finish in the exam catch me,Irony ah?”He explained the motives of parliament。


but,He eventually give up the idea,because“Don't want to end with a criminal identity go,Read more than 10 years of books,I don't want to end up into a criminal。”


 “希望死后捐献遗体” “Hope remains donors after death”


A SOB unceasingly is,Although already determined to leave,But the students are still willing to give the last time to make some contribution for the society。He said,Willing to the body of the donors after death。


“After my death,Voluntary will head the remains of the cornea and to medical school in heilongjiang province,If possible I hope to HaYiDa remains,After all, I and HaYiDa also be neighbors,I used to go to HaYiDa bath。The last point I hope my head into the ashes,And to the sea,To wash my iniquity,Purify my soul!”


In the final stages of the life,This made the wrong name small children,Don't forget to learn the younger sister of future drove to the left“A n experienced person”Advice and Suggestions。He suggested that fill the university entrance exam of the lower classwoman students volunteer,“Choose general university in center city or in the capital city school first,So you contact information,Your vision,You have the resources,You obtain employment opportunities and quality will also higher than others;Choose professional technical is preferred,The court of the charge management specialty most is the school used to 'income,Unless your home can make arrangements for your work or you is to pass。”


“My only wish is that people can kiss each other and love each other,Couples harmony。If there is an afterlife,I wish the ocean is a piece of rock,So quietly,quietly,quietly……”


This is a choice of the journey untimely end child,To the world's last white。


“你不是坏学生, “You are not a bad student,

  为何要结束生命” Why to end her life”

  @ykhbtgo:你太年轻了,经历的太少。好听的话谁都会说,但真正要做出来。这点挫折就觉得委屈了? 谁不犯错呢?谁又不在逆境中想法挣脱出来?如果你的大学真如你说的那样(用钱买罪恶),没有它学位也罢。真正在社会上混,靠的不是一纸文凭,是能力。

@ ykhbtgo:You're too young,Experience too little。Nice to say who will say that,But really want to do it。This frustration felt injustice? Who don't make mistakes??Who is not in the adversity break out ideas?If you really like the university of that(Use the money to buy sin),Degree or without it。Real on mix in society,Not by a diploma,Is ability。

  @上官小A:其实,什么事都能过去的,而你在这个过程中选择了逃避。下辈, 好好生活不要轻易放弃,安息。

@ shangguan small A:In fact,What thing can the past,And you in this process choose the escape。XiaBei, Live a good life do not give up easily,rest。


@ DJ-WuJiang-:A pity,We don't have detected not timely give him some advice!Child go well!You walk was extreme but has become a fact。Can only say let another world you can be happy!Advise all extreme person a word:Dead all not afraid,Fear alive??


@ blue sky Harbin:Everyone has an idea away,The school should give a student can do that chance。Hope the university in the management from several aspects should start,Not only by the harsh punishment rules to simply with the problem。


@ train in:Can see that you are not a bad student,Really is education system: to harm others,A cheating to HuiHai for life。Now that you have the turn over a new leaf of consciousness,Why to want to end her life,Your family and friends to have sad。


那些因学业压力放弃生命的年轻学子: Those who give up my life for pressure of study of young students:

  19岁女生疑因高考成绩不好跳河自杀 19 years old female because some of the university entrance exam is not good jump river suicide


June 25,,Henan xinyang a 19 year old girls in high finishing check after the university entrance exam to run away from home。3 days,Police in the local party school in a nearby river to the salvage of female body。According to family said,The girls after finishing check result in low very emotional,And then it missing,In many families looking for fruit,Quickly to。28,Police in the waters of the river salvage out one body,The family members recognize,The dead is on June 25 missing three girls FanNanNan。[detailed]


女孩3次高考失意跳江自杀 称这些年过得很累 The girl 3 times the university entrance exam frustrated jump river suicide says very tired all these years


Some night at about 11,At the age of 19 three candidates the swallow(aliases)The crossroads in the liberation of xiangjiang river waters jump river suicide。Until yesterday afternoon at about 5,The family received the yangshan funeral home notice,Says the remains of the swallow in sancha rocky bridge near the river downstream was discovered to send to the funeral home。Jump river before,The swallow told his friends small hui,"All these years had a very tired,Want to go with my father。"And the father had died the year before。[detailed]


清华出走研究生确认死亡 称或因学业压力大自杀 Tsinghua flee graduate student confirmed death or because of the pressure of study says big suicide


Restrictive marketplaces go,This affects thousands of users of the heart of tsinghua university graduate students,In three days after the run was found,Tru in Hanoi。Haidian police said,Suspected crimes meriting has been ruled out。The family members think,The death of the restrictive marketplaces and academic pressure or related。this,Restrictive marketplaces mentor denies。[detailed]


留学生:80后海外留学生不堪学业压力 自杀事件频发 students:80 overseas students unbearable pressure of study after suicides happened frequently


Some overseas student life is too scattered,Some students or deliberately avoiding training office、This makes the organization,So there are still part of the students for not adapt to the environment,Academic or life stress leads to mental and physical problems。Last year in France have two female students because too much pressure mental breakdown and commit suicide by hanging suicide。[detailed]


调查:重庆17%大学生曾有自杀行为 survey:Chongqing university students have 17% committed suicide


In recent years,College students' suicide incidents,Universities all over the country are also trying to actively carry out life education。today,Chongqing jiaotong university college students' life education innovation mode construction group,Issued a about"Chongqing college students' life education status"The survey data,The chongqing surveyed in more than ten universities of nearly 1000 college students,17.39% of college students has suicidal behavior。[detailed]
