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广州民办幼儿园跟风涨价 80后爹妈“压力山大”--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  7月10日,广州市教育局公布关于学前教育收费的征求意见稿,各级公办园的保教费标准均有较大幅度提高,预计将对全市近1/4的幼儿家庭产生影响。与此同时,不少民办园以“成本上涨”为由,提高收费标准。 July 10,,Guangzhou bureau of preschool education about the fees published draft version,At all levels of public garden teaching fee standards are up considerably,In the city is expected to nearly a quarter of the children's families have an impact。At the same time,Many private garden to“Rising costs”for,Improve charging standard。


Southern daily reporter after many visits to understand,Face will increase kindergarten teaching fee and sponsor fee,Many parents have to give up but take children summer lingering garden class,Some just had a job soon after the 80 parents,In summer is looking for more cost-effective kindergarten。Many people sigh“In kindergarten than on the university also expensive”。


Public garden teaching fee soar,contribution、Donate funding such as tuition fees are banned charge,This reform for parents is xi is sorrow?Run by the same garden“Call all the way”Whether you receive the tide of combat?

  南方日报记者 闫昆仑 实习生 林绮晴 颜鹏 毕昱

Southern daily reporter kunlun interns LinQiQing YanPeng leap after yu


公办园保教费翻两番 家长无奈转投民办园 Public garden teaching fee to quadruple move into the private garden helpless parents


Ms. Wang live in panyu,The child three and half years old this year,Ready to kindergarten。For the children into the park,As early as in a year ago,They were all,Rushing around,Running around the house and kindergarten,Both the husband and wife often keep at the garden school while time at the door,Transport children to parents about the kindergarten equipment、Teachers and related expenses。


in“Goods more than home”after,Ms. Wang finally chose panyu district stuated a kindergarten。This is a provincial public kindergarten。Ms. Wang to the kindergarten are satisfied with recent away from home,Larger scale,Many children in my community in this school,In the nearby also calculate small machinery。


Ms. Wang bus passenger stations in work,Her husband as business,Economy still can be,After many fishing for,Ms. Wang understanding to the kindergarten teaching fee、Boarding fee, all expenses add,A month come down on average 800 yuan。This price is acceptable to ms. Wang。In may this year,The kindergarten has just started to recruit students,Ms. Wang hurried and submit the application materials。


But I didn't know it,Although the kindergarten is banned in charge as sponsor fee,But this year the secretly going up again many。“Sponsorship money last year is about four or yuan,The contribution of this year to 8000 yuan。”While wang a ready to make money,Public kindergarten teaching fee rises in price from the notice,Provincial full-time public kindergarten fees from 270 yuan/month increased to 1050 yuan/month,Were nearly three times。


“We of this generation,Not able,Life is not easy。”Ms. Wang said。Plus board incidental expenses, etc,Spend per month in kindergarten fee will be more than 1500 yuan,The ms. Wang a is a great burden。Thought into,Ms. Wang decided to give up public garden,The child turned to a nearby just opened a few years of private kindergartens。Ms. Wang carefully calculated,Here at 280 yuan a month plus 600 yuan wang of the boarding fee,Plus other expenses,Average monthly spending about 1000 yuan。


“Of course,The scale of the kindergarten than public garden is small。First choose public garden,Also because of think it health conditions、Safety management directly by the government regulation,More security。But the public garden teaching fee going up too fast,Many parents to suffer,He turned to other garden。”According to ms. Wang introduced,Is this kindergarten children has admitted some turns to charge lower private garden or lower levels of public garden。


Live in DaGang panyu district in the town of ms shen also met with similar problems。Shen female just bought a house at a time yu,The working class she was economic pressure great。“If according to the new charging standards,My child is certainly not the first class kindergarten to read to the provinces and cities,Too expensive!”Shen lady think,Although with one is in guangzhou,But different regional economic development level is different,If the unified charging standards,She DaGang town where most of the family is difficult to bear provincial kindergarten fee。


多家民办园被疑跟风涨 不少家长欲与园方交涉 Several private garden suspected follow suit up with many parents to the negotiations


According to public figures show,Currently in guangzhou,Public kindergarten accounted for only twenty percent of the total number and a half,Children's total involved only accounts for less than thirty percent,so,Public garden teaching fee increases the influence surface.the still limited。recent,Many private kindergarten also greatly raised the price,To let the parents can't help questioned the“Follow suit”too。


July 13,,The kindergarten db hai pearl river more than 10 parents assembled in the campus,For the next semester will be raised by 30% and teaching fee with the claim。“Originally make 1000 yuan,Up to $1300;Originally make 1300 yuan,Is up to 1690 yuan;Freshmen are 1950 yuan。These charges are to one-time paid, 5 months。”Parents ms. Chen told reporters。it“Teaching fee whether rising because to follow suit”The problem,The pearl river the kindergarten a WuXing db kindergarten denied,“My garden and teaching fee rise matters in April has handed in area education bureau for the record,At the end of June after the completion of the record in a week we will inform the parents meeting held,And public kindergarten teaching fee rise out of the wind is in May,Officially announced is July 10,。”Wu said the principal,The kindergarten is run by the market operation,The charges for the establishment of running school is rising by the rise in the cost of the decision。


According to understand,From 2004 to,Guangzhou private kindergarten fee management relaxed,Don't need to commodity price departments in accordance with the unified pricing for a fee,And the school through the cost accounting decides charging standards,Quote price bureau、Education bureau record can。


Ms peng the child class rise this year,Studying in a famous hai private kindergartens。In early July,The zoo suddenly notice,“Old living”Establishment of cost increased from $1500 to $1900,The new student entrance is 2100 yuan,Boarding fee is unified from 15 yuan/day 18 yuan/day mentioned。


Because ms peng last year when the park has made 10000 yuan as sponsor fee,Sponsorship money but before 5000 yuan,She again to the zoo greatly raise price feel very grievance。“As we have made a contribution to the last year,Teaching fee and will go up the injury of the family。”According to pan said ms,The zoo put forward two solutions,One is from a month of teaching fee is 1900 yuan,2 it is free to provide value 2000 yuan holiday lingering garden class。But parents to the zoo solutions are not satisfied,Of more than twenty parents in new semester before coming to the park and continue to negotiate。


“We can understand the prices are rising too fast,The kindergarten are under a lot of pressure。But wang fee also can't literally go up so fast,Really let parents find it hard to accept。”Ms peng said。July 10,,Education bureau announced《Guangzhou preschool education deepening three years action plan work plan》Three supporting documents also reiterated its emphasis,“In order to prevent private kindergarten follow suit in price,The commodity price departments at all levels must be strictly in accordance with the requirements of the country and province,Execute collect fees filing system,And regularly GongKaiBan garden cost。”


“Public garden degree shortage,The government made public kindergarten to price adjustment,Only a few people affected。Most of the private accounts for the whole city of kindergarten,Is the real problem of people's livelihood。”A kindergarten class parents liu told reporters。


按月改为按学期收费 家长直呼“压力山大” Press a month to charge by semester parents call“Pressure shandong”


February 2012,Bureau of guangdong province、Guangdong provincial、Issued by the financial department of guangdong province《The kindergarten interim measures for the administration》Detailed rules for the implementation of the(Hereinafter referred to as the detailed rules),provisions“The cost of the establishment of the kindergarten at all levels for market price regional department in conjunction with education departments determine by semester or monthly charge。”


By semester fee,This is to the kindergarten fee management brought convenient,But for liquidity bigger family is not a good news。《rules》provisions,Children ask for leave for、transfer、Dropped out、The placement reason such as the semester total at the garden is less than 10 days,Wang returned 80% fee;More than 10 days but younger than 30 days,Returned 50%;More than 30 days under 50 days,Returned 30%;More than 50 days of,Not to return all teaching fee。The pearl river royal a db kindergarten parents said,“Children sick、It is quite common transfer,And also cannot expect,This fee standards to let the parents in completely disadvantage。”


Every year on April to June,Is the city most kindergarten recruit students of time。But wang fee rise news arrives too late,When the seventh month came already,Admissions process has almost come to an end,Even if parents want to turn the degree and few。Teaching fee rise、By semester fee、Costs out of date of the fever,Many parents feel the pressure said。This round of public garden、Private garden collective after prices,The future of the kindergarten fees rise if you can“wait”,Remains unknown。

  彭女士说,前两年保教费就一直两三百元地小 涨,“这次提价后,学校口头承诺说,两年之内不会再提了,可是这种事,谁说得准呢?”

Ms peng said,The first two years has been teaching fee to small 2 or yuan up,“After the price increase,The school lip service said,Two years will not talk about it,But this,Who is certain it?”
