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畅销台湾数十载 内地改写有点冷 Popular Taiwan for decades the mainland rewrite a bit cold

  日前,上海文艺出版社推出在台湾畅销六十多年的 “世界文学名著青少年版”。这套丛书集合了林文月、管家琪、黄得时等知名学者作家,将《基度山伯爵》《茶花女》《战争与和平》等百多部世界经典名著改写成儿童文学版。在丛书受到业界热捧的同时,也引来众多学者的思考:为何内地的儿童文学家不像台湾作家这般热爱为青少年改写名著呢?

a,Shanghai wenyi press in Taiwan's best-selling launch more than sixty years “The world literature in youth version”。This series LinWenYue collection、Housekeeper qi、Huang, and other famous scholars ready writer,will《Base degrees mountain earl》《perceive》《War and peace》More than of the world classic rewritten to children's literature edition。In the series was held at the same time heat industry,Drew many scholars' thinking:Why mainland children like Taiwan writer so astronomers don't love for teenagers to rewrite the classics?


内地名著改写冷清 The mainland classic rewrite cold and cheerless

  记者搜索了当当网、卓越网等多家网上书店发现,仅有10来部古典名著的少儿改写版,改写者都不是知名作家。儿童文学家沈石溪告诉记者,将名著改写成儿童文学在国内作家圈里并不流行,“除了《西游记》《三国演义》外,近年来几乎没有作家出过其他的名著改写版。 ”中国作协儿童文学委员会副主任张之路也表示,“几乎没听说过哪位有名的儿童文学家改写过长篇世界经典。台湾的一些出版社曾邀请过内地儿童文学家改写名著,但大多被拒绝了。 ”

The reporter to search the dangdang network、Excellent nets and a number of online bookstore found,Only 10 to department of classics of the children's rewrite version,The famous writer is rewriting。Children astronomers ShenShiXi told reporters,Will rewrite into children's literature classic in domestic writer circles is not popular,“In addition to《Journey to the》《Three kingdoms》outside,In recent years had almost no writer of other famous rewrite version。 ”Chinese worked in children's literature, deputy director of the ZhangZhi road also said,“Almost never heard a famous writer of children have to rewrite the long world classic。Taiwan has invited some press mainland children astronomers to rewrite the classic,But most refused。 ”


改写名著吃力不讨好 A need to rewrite the classics

  “将名著改写成少儿读物是件吃力不讨好的事。”沈石溪表示,“名著改写门槛很高,但作家从中获得的影响力却很小。 ”沈石溪认为,将名著改写为少儿读物对作家来说有三大要求,首先,作家和出版社必须花时间精挑细选改写对象;其次,作家必须熟悉少儿阅读习惯,能将成人文学用孩子们喜欢的语言表达出来;最重要的是,作家要对名著了如指掌,才能提炼出名著精华。“这三大要求使得改写名著的成本变得很高。“花大精力改写却可能得不偿失,这使得许多名家不愿轻易改写名著。 ”

“Will rewrite into children's reading classics is a all the dirty thing。”ShenShiXi said,“Classic to rewrite the threshold is very high,But from a writer of the influence they is small。 ”ShenShiXi think,Famous for children's books will rewrite it for writers have the big three requirements,first,Writer and press must spend time selected to rewrite the object;second,Writers must be familiar with children's reading habits,Adult literature can with children like language expression comes out;The most important is,Writer to classics like the back of his hand,Extracts essence can be famous。“The three requirements makes rewrite classic of the costs are high。“Spend big energy but may rewrite the loss outweights the gain,This makes many famous would not easily rewrite classic。 ”

  “与改写名著存在风险相比,原创文学对名家来说基本是 ‘旱涝保收’的。 ”张之路也表示,目前我国原创儿童文学规模大、产业链完善,使得作家能轻易地从原创作品中获得更大的影响力与成就感,因此作家更热衷于原创。

“And adaptation of existing compared classic risk,Original literature to basic is famous for ‘Drought or waterlogging’of。 ”ZhangZhi road also said,At present our country original children's literature large scale、Industry chain perfect,That writer can easily gain from original works more influence and the sense of achievement,So the writers are more enthusiastic, original。


发展名著改写有无必要? Development without necessary to rewrite the classics?

  对于国内作家不爱改写名著的现状,张之路表示,我国原创文学丰富,其质量不输于台湾或是国外的名著改写版,完全可以替代名著改写版。 “改写版有很大弊端。 ”张之路表示,如果改写版对名著精华的提炼不到位,反而会适得其反,“很多青少年在看了改写版后便不再阅读原著,他们对名著的理解停留在改写版上,如果质量不高,会对青少年造成影响。我们不必刻意发展名著改写,还是等青少年到了适当年龄让他们看原著为好。 ”

For the domestic writers do not love to rewrite the classic of the status quo,ZhangZhi road said,Our country rich original literature,Its quality don't lose in Taiwan or foreign classic rewritten version,Can completely replace the classic rewritten version。 “Rewrite version has a lot of drawbacks。 ”ZhangZhi road said,If the rewriting of the essence of the classic version are not in place,It will backfire,“Many teenagers looked at rewrite version will no longer after reading original works,They stay in the understanding of the classics to rewrite the tablets,If the quality is not high,For teenagers will influence。We don't have deliberately development to rewrite the classics,Still, in the proper teenagers so they can see the age for good。 ”

  但浙师大教授方卫平却提出了自己的观点:我们应该让名家为孩子多改写名著。他表示,原创不能替代名著改写版,两者应该形成互补。 “名著有着原创难以替代的价值。 ”方卫平认为,许多孩子从小就渴望阅读名著,但由于理解力有限而难以读完原著,这就需要专家将名著化繁为简,从而满足青少年的求知欲。“名著改写可以让孩子们的阅读多一种选择。而且一本真正优秀的名著改写版,作者从中获得的声誉也绝不会低于原创作品。 ”见习记者 许光耀

But ZheShiDa professor FangWeiPing but presented their views:We should let famous for the child to rewrite the classic。He said,The original is not an alternative to rewrite the classic version,Both should be complementary。 “A classic original irreplaceable value。 ”FangWeiPing think,Many children was eager to read classic,But because reading comprehension is limited and difficult to original,This needs to be experts will change numerous for brief classics,In order to meet the teenagers thirst for knowledge。“Classic rewrite can let children reading a choice。And a really good classic rewritten version,The authors gain reputation will also lower than the original work。 ”Trainee XuGuangYao reporters


(Source: liberation daily)
