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家人残疾瘫痪患癌 13岁女孩一把锄头扛起整个家--亲稳舆论引导监测室

小林香正给生病卧床的妈妈喂药 Xiao Lin incense is to sick bed mother hello medicine 忠县马灌镇桂阳村6组,13岁的小林香照顾好家人后,又背起背篓、掮着锄头朝菜地走去。 Zhongxian horse GuiYang village six groups filling town,13 years old Lin sweet take care of his family,And take up my basket、With a hoe walked toward the.vog.za。

小林香和弟弟小心搀扶着妈妈下楼去打针 Xiao Lin sweet and brother be helped mother went downstairs to an injection 在菜地忙碌的小林香脸上挂满汗珠 In the busy Lin sweet face hung sweat
  06:30 小林香准时起床生火做饭,汗水将衣服浸透。

06:30 Lin sweet get up on time for the fire to cook,Sweat will clothes soak。

  10:10 从菜地回来后,小林香给外婆喂水果吃。

From the vegetable and come back,Xiao Lin sweet to my grandma fed fruit to eat。

  15:20 带妈妈打完针后,小林香能短暂地休息会儿。

So take her after after needle,Xiao Lin sweet can briefly have a rest。

  18:00 小林香边给弟弟洗澡边逗弟弟玩

18:00 sweet side to brother xiao Lin bath edge tease brother play

  21:00 小林香在堂屋里点燃蜡烛看书做作业

Xiao Lin incense in the prototype at lit candles in reading to do the homework


In the month of June the scorching sun,The sun that some burnout,Occasionally uttered a scream。In their two acres in the vegetable of,13 years old WuLin sweet bent,weeding、fertilization。


9 PM,The sun rise,Xiao Lin sweet stopped,Raise head to squint to the sun,Sweat is down his face,Slowly slide。


In chongqing zhongxian village and town GuiYang horse irrigation group,Mention Lin sweet,The villagers is full of pity。“6 years of age,Her parents divorced,The grandmother and long-term paralyzed,Grandpa hand disabled,Last October,,Her mother was late check out the lung cancer,Plus a 5 year old brother,Take care of this a,Doll is not easy to……”Speaking of Lin sweet home,Conclusions the heart a sigh。


“For the family to do something,Then bitterness also worth!”13 years old Lin sweet,Haven't been able to experience the life of carefree,With the young shoulders,Hold up a family of five。


种菜省钱 为妈妈治病 Growing vegetables to save money for mother cure


6 a.m.,The city child has dreams,13 years old WuLin sweet have started a day in the life of。She carry my basket、With a hoe slope toward the.vog.za of a vegetable plot and hurried,To catch the sun rise in the former,The grass of the field to uproot,And put our own cowpea pick home,Cooking for the entire family。“Usually the time go to school,I have to cook up four more,Now the holiday,Can sleep a short while more。”Xiao Lin sweet said。


In the vegetable kind of the tomatoes、cowpea、Eggplant and cane cane food,vitality。“These dishes are my own。A variety of order for the saving of some spending at home,Save the money to good mom for medicine。”Xiao Lin sweet said this,A volume slightly improve before,But mother mentioned,And some dim。


“First pick some of the food back to cooking,And then also back to the farm。”Don't think too much,Xiao Lin sweet hemp to pick some food,To home to get to。


“我不微笑他们会更难过” “I don't smile they would be more upset”


Home is stoves,But wash the rice、Wash dishes、fire,Xiao Lin sweet do in good order。“Just started to cooking is not so,Often overwhelmed,Sometimes the fire was bad,Drew fumes,Tears dc。”Xiao Lin sweet said shyly。


In Lin sweet 6 years of age,Parents divorced,Grandpa ChenZhiAn disabled,In 2010 the grandmother paralyzed。To add to the misery of,The beginning of October last year,WuLin sweet mother ChenXiaoHua found lung cancer,And reached an advanced stage。ChenXiaoHua right after the removal,Not only lose labor ability,Even take medicine injections are VIP minister。From then on,Xiao Lin incense will carry the family all the housework,Including the two acres of the beds。


Eating breakfast,Xiao Lin incense on toward the beds,Processing farm work,10 a.m. and then go home,The wheelchair to push the grandmother of bazi,Through through the fresh air,Tell jokes to listen to the old man,Make them happy。At half past ten,And return to room to mother fed medicine。


In this period,Xiao Lin incense is always smiling。“I've actually do not laugh,Then mom was ill,I read a book said in,This situation should use to smile to infection the people around。”Xiao Lin sweet said,“If I don't smile,Sad-faced factory,That would be a lot more sad。”


将来当医生给妈妈治好病 In the future when the doctor gave my mother cure disease


One after another thing after the busy,No time to rest,Xiao Lin sweet and go up lunch。“After lunch,To send her to an injection。”Xiao Lin incense was born on fire,So sweaty her dress。In the backdrop of the light,Maybe some tired,Xiao Lin sweet look some trance。


Eating lunch,Xiao Lin sweet with the mother to the hospital near the village of high hole injection,To go for half an hour。“Mother's illness can not stand the turbulence,So or walk slowly in the past。”Xiao Lin sweet said。


With his mother after needle came into the house,Xiao Lin is a day of rare fragrant rest time,Also is the most happy time with younger brother play,A chat with grandpa and grandma,Tell jokes,The whole house was surrounded by a happy。


But happiness of time always is too short,It was getting dark down,dinner,To brother washes the bath,Again for grandmother and mother clean body,Night also has deep,Everything again become quiet up。


In order to save money,Xiao Lin sweet without the light,But the lighting a candle,Took out the exercise books,Write to review the lessons。


“I want to take an examination of university,She will be a doctor,To give mom cure disease,Let the whole family a good life。”Xiao Lin sweet quietly told reporters,This is her heart in a secret。


The second day of the interview,When a reporter pass by Lin to the soil by parsley,Think of Lin incense in the rush to the vegetable plot,Once a stay with hoes on their shoulders,Hope to have,Don't know at that time of her,Whether this is the heart of the dream in them。

  “真不简单,一个小女娃能经受住这么大的生活磨难!”提起吴林香,村民们由衷地赞美。在小林香的妈妈去年生病后,乡亲们更是慷慨解囊,大家你50元、我100元给小林香家捐款。“娃儿,你外公外婆和妈妈、弟弟,就指望你照顾了哟!”邻居李大爷把乡亲们捐的钱交给吴林香,眼里满是怜爱。捧着爱心款,小林香感动得没说一句话,咬着嘴唇给李大爷深深地鞠了一躬。在马灌镇中心小学,全校师生也伸出援手,将一笔笔爱心款汇聚到吴林香手中。而马灌镇政府也及时为吴林香的外公、外婆和妈妈办了低保。记者 钟志兵影报道

“Don't simple,A young lasses can withstand so much life of hardships!”Filed a WuLin sweet,The villagers heartfelt praise。In Lin sweet mother after illness last year,Folks is generous,Everybody you 50 yuan、I 100 yuan to xiao Lin sweet home donations。“ran,You grandpa grandmother and mother、brother,I'm counting on you to take care of the yo!”Neighbor lee big ye put folks to donate money to WuLin sweet,Eyes filled with love。Holding the love of,Xiao Lin incense was moved to didn't say a word,Bite lips to lee big ye deeply bowed。In the centre of town irrigation elementary school,All the teachers and students also lend a hand,Love of instruction will meet to WuLin sweet hands。And a horse in time for the filling WuLin fragrance also grandpa、Grandmother and mother do low income。Reporter ZhongZhiBing shadow reported
