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挑选教辅 不要被教辅书名和广告噱头唬住--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  目前教辅图书市场竞争实在是火爆,一走进图书市场,那书架上的成千上万种的图书中几乎有一小半都是教辅图书。按说,图书进入买方市场,读者应该得实 惠才是,但是进入图书市场的家长和学生却显得是那么的手足无措。为什么呢,原来许多学生和家长都反映,教辅书很混乱,眼睛都挑花了,也不知道哪个更好。

At present teaching assistant books market competition is really hot,Walked into a book market,The shelves of the thousands of books in a smaller part is almost all teaching assistants books。ordinarily,Books into the buyer's market,The reader should have to real hui is,But into a book market's parents and students was so overwhelmed。why,For many students and parents are reflected,Reference book was a mess,Eyes are the hand-stitching work,Also don't know which one is better。

  确实,现在教辅市场上存在着鱼龙混杂的现象。为吸引读者眼球,各图书策划者也是想尽办法,挖空心思。有的标榜自己是名校支持,名师执笔,拉大旗 作虎皮;有的则在书名上作文章,以奇制胜,制造噱头;有的崇尚体例创新,强调自己的图书中融入了什么教学新理念。其实,从商业的角度去看,所有这些都是无 可厚非的,但是对于读者来说,却是不小的麻烦。毕竟,选购的这一本图书要伴随着自己近一年的时间,决定了自己这一年的学习效率,在某种意义上讲,这甚至可 能影响一个人的一生。

really,Now there are good and evil people mixed up on teaching assistants market of the phenomenon。To attract readers eye,The book is also trying to planners,policeman。Some flaunt oneself is the school support,Teacher authored,LaDaQi ZuoHuPi;Others in the title of the new world,Winning in strange,Manufacturing stunt;Some advocates style innovation,Emphasis on their own books in the new teaching idea what。In fact,From a business perspective,All this is not without can be thick,But for the reader to,It is a lot of trouble。After all,The choose and buy the books to his nearly a year with the time,The decision this year of learning efficiency,In some sense,It can even can influence a person's life。


How to make the book market of books find a good reference books?


a,See a brand。Currently engaged in teaching assistant published book planning organization many published by the number,But only a few home has professional planning and editing ability。And most publishers's only after teaching assistant of the market,No professional planning and editing ability,The quality you can imagine。

  二,看厚度(页码)。图书的厚度其实反映的是图书中的容量信息,对于学生而言,尤其是对高三的学生而言,其时间是有限的,但是《考试大纲》对其 应掌握的知识量的考查又不会减少。所以,学生的阅读训练量不能太多,也不能太少。太多则学生看不完,做不完;太少,则不能将所有知识点讲清楚,练明白。

two,See ply(page)。The thickness of the books in the library are actually reflect capacity information,For student,Especially for high school students it,The time is limited,but《Exam outline》The master should be at examination and will not be reduced。so,The students' reading) cannot too much,Also cannot too little。Too much to see all of the students,Do not over;Too little,Are not all the knowledge will be clear,Practice understand。


three,See outfit process and printing quality *。* with technology and printing quality not only reflect the quality of this book,More reflective of the publication of the publisher has on its readers and publishers、The function of the ability to clear orientation。

  四,看目录。目录的作用是什么呢?简单地说就是标示本书所有内容的顺序和所在的位置,其本身只是起一个检索的作用。但是由于图书的编辑是一个系 统的工程,它的内容并不是一个简单的堆砌,而是按照一定的思想组合在一起的,这种思想也反映在目录的编排上,所以从目录本身又可以看出编者的编写思想。

four,See catalogue。What is the function of catalogue?Say simply is labeled the order of all content of this book and position,Its itself is only up a retrieval function。But because the book editor is a safety systems engineering,Its content is not a simple stack,But according to certain ideas together,This idea is also reflected in the directory arrangements,So from a directory and can see itself and the writing of the editor thoughts。

  五,看栏目。栏目的设计实际上体现的是编者的教学模式。所有教学工作的完成无非都是有这样的三个环节构成的,即讲、例、练。这体现在教辅上也就 有了这样的几个对应性的栏目,即讲解性栏目、例题性栏目和练习栏目,当然各种书中取的栏目名不同罢了。无论其栏目如何变化,这几个讲、例、练的栏目都是最 基本的。

five,See section。The design of the column is actually reflect the editor teaching mode。All the teaching work done nothing but are there is a such three link form,Namely speak、An example、practice。This reflected in the teaching assistants have a such a few correspondence column,Explain that sex columns、Examples of the columns and practice columns,Of course all kinds of books in the column name take differ。No matter how changes its column,This few speak、An example、Practice of the columns are is the most basic。


six,See the contents details。Content in a book details is the most important thing,It is related to a book is made good key,Is the so-called“Achievement perfect details”,“Detail decides success or failure”,It is also what matter to the personal interests of the readers,So the reader when the choice should see more careful。


Content is actually some very specific details of the things,If all the knowledge,Form is vivid,Difficult point to grasp is accurate,Explain whether in position,The choice of the sample is targeted,Variant problem whether really can play the role of the lines,Exercises or quiz questions whether comprehensive knowledge,Difficulty is appropriate,Is novel and etc。


In the choose and buy when the time is very limited,How to identify in a short time so many questions?Our advice is,Did a random write unit,Carefully read,See value the difficulty of interpretation is clear,Form is vivid,Language is concise and lively,Look at sample question whether corresponding difficulty,Have become type,The last to be able to be done to do some of those exercises,See if new idea。

  建议:迄今为止,还没有一本教学辅导书能够适合所有的学生,更没有哪一本书能帮您解决所有的问题。所以,千 万不要被广告迷惑,误以为有这么一本书能帮您包打天下,把所有的希望都寄托在其身上。成功需要付出努力,一定要根据自己的特点谨慎选择适合自己的书,再加 上付出百分百的努力,相信您一定会成功!

suggest:So far,Still did not have a teaching can be suitable for all the students coach book,More no book can help you solve all problems。so,Don't be advertising temptation,Mistakenly think that there's a book can help you BaoDaTianXia,Put all his hopes on his body。Success requires effort,According to the characteristics of their must be careful to select suitable for their own books,Add pay of the effort,I believe you will succeed!
