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附:关于世纪东方学校的问答 attached:Oriental school about century question and answer session


Q:北京世纪东方学校的源起? Q: Beijing century Oriental school origin?


A: A:山花网球基金及学校的创办人自2007年在云南山区遴选了一批年龄在6~8岁的少数民族孩子,将她们带到了城市进行专业的网球培训并予以城市儿童一样的常规教育教学工作,经过五年的培养他们已成为同龄孩子中的佼佼者(文化课程、英语交流、特色展示、交流学习),学校探索创新了一套独特的遵循青少年成长规律及教育规律的人才培养模式。

Combining the founder of the school and tennis funds since 2007 in yunnan mountain chose the a batch of age in 6 ~ 8 years old minority children,Will they brought to the city of professional tennis training and to city as conventional education teaching children,After five years of training they have become the best of children of the same age(Culture course、English communication、Characteristic display、Exchange learning),Explore innovation school and a set of special follow the rules and the laws of youth development education of talents training mode。


Hope this small project fund mountain flower can prove to the world,If China west impoverished mountainous area of minority and coastal cities have the facilities condition,Every one that is born from have equal education opportunities,Standing in the same starting line,Each people all have stood in the world on the stage of chance of success。


Combining the lower limit of the fund goal is to raise the girl adult to graduate from the university,And to their professional tennis profession,Against them after the adult use their skills back home;The supreme goal, of course, is the girl to the court grand slam,Win honor for the country at the same time,Also let the world through them,See the west of China home。


Q:作为世界冠军,杨希考察过国内外很多的学校,对国内外体育和基础教育现状有何认识和看法? Q: as a champion of the world,YangXi made a survey of the domestic and foreign many school,For the domestic and international sports and based education present situation and have any opinions?


A: A:由于中国特定的历史环境和国情,中国竞技体育一直推行"举国体制"的发展模式。在这种模式里,中国绝大多数运动员没有经历过正规学校教育,有很多甚至只有小学或初中文化,为了培养专长而牺牲了全面素质的培养。当他们走向国际赛场时备受掣肘,退役后的安置也成为难题。其实拥有正常学业和高水平竞技能力是完全可以兼容的,甚至文化素质还可以反哺竞技能力。

Because of China's specific historical environment and national conditions,Chinese sports has been implemented"The system"Model of development。In this mode,China's most athletes has had no formal school education,Many even only primary or middle school culture,In order to develop the expertise and sacrifice the comprehensive quality of the training。When they go out to the international track is given,The retirement of resettlement also is a difficult problem。In fact have normal studies and high level the competitive ability is perfectly compatible,Even the cultural quality can also regurgitation feeding the competitive ability。

  而对于普通学生,也存在一个比较严重的现状就是,体育和教育是疏离的。为了应付考试很多地方的学校都牺牲了体育课。目前,有数据统计,我国小学生一天的学习时间普遍在8-10小时,中学生一天的学习时间普遍在14个小时左右。我国青少年胸围越来越宽,肺活量却越来越小;身材越来越高,跑得却越来越慢;体重越来越重,力量却越来越小,如今学生的体质比20多年前差了一大截,城乡学生的肥胖率超过了世界卫生组织公布的10%"安全临界点"。 发现我们的近邻日本、韩国和新加坡,青少年身高在近10年内都有显著增加。而近年来中国0~18岁的男孩体质有所下降,其中7~17岁的中国男孩平均身高竟比日本同龄人矮了2.54厘米。

But for the average student,There are also a more serious situation is,Sports and education is alienated from the。In order to cope with the exam in many places the school all sacrificed PE。At present,A data statistics,Primary school students in China a day of learning time is generally in 8-10 hours,A day of high school students learning time is generally at 14 hours or so。China's young bust more and more wide,But smaller vital capacity;Figure more and more high,Run but more and more slowly;Weight more and more heavy,Power is more and more little,Now than 20 years their physical difference before a large margin,Urban and rural students rate of more than 10% of the world health organization announced"Safety critical point"。 Find our neighbor Japan、South Korea and Singapore,Teenagers in recent 10 years is all have increased significantly。And in recent years China 0 ~ 18 year old boy constitution fell,Among them 7 ~ 17 year old Chinese boy that the average height than Japan peers short 2.54 cm。


In fact,"body"Education is the"Starting point",Education is the"terminal"。Education's purpose is to let children basic with complete body enjoy full of happiness。


For growth to school age children,Parents and society are consistent care about whether they will how to read、write、arithmetic,Teachers also used to academic performance measure of the development of children's growth is good or bad,Of course at the same time,We also hope that their childhood was happy and happy。however,In reality,This is like a fish and bear's paw,Often do not have your cake and eat it。Our children always for academic excellent gave up his game time、Associates with the companion of time、Understand the nature and social time,Sports exercise time。More unfortunately,They gave up knowing their own character specialty and development interests of time。I always want to,If they give up the more valuable things to pursue the school are excellent。


From the lifelong development view,A child in addition to adapt to the society、The school、Parents expect bring study requirements and pressure,We also hope to the greatest extent they find from the inside of the heart motivate their learning motivation,Can learn self-confidence life、Play their creativity,For their life's happiness lay the foundation。compared,We need a new kind of education mode。


Q:北京世纪东方学校的体育特色如何体现? Q: Beijing century Oriental school sports characteristics, how to embody?


A: A:我们希望培养有文化的世界冠军和身体健康的文化精英,学校将创新尝试从幼儿阶段开始,把体育不仅作为一门学科,更是像ICT、英语一样,作为孩子发展必备的基本素质培养工具,融入到其它学科教学的范畴中,探索实践以学生为中心、体教结合的教学方式,让普通学生运动好,让特长学生学习好。

We want to develop a culture of the world champion and physical health of cultural elite,The school will start from innovation try children,The sports not only as a subject,Is like ICT、English,As a child development the essential quality training tools,With other subjects in the category of teaching,Explore practice to students as the center、"Combination of sport and education teaching methods,Let ordinary student movement,Let specialty students' learning。


Q:北京世纪东方学校的教学宗旨和理念? Q: Beijing century Oriental school teaching purpose and philosophy?


A: A:北京世纪东方学校,是一所为中国学生量身定制的国际化的优质学校。学校秉持体教结合与中西融合的办校理念。在遵循儿童成长规律的基础上,采取中国基础教育课程大纲与国际先进教学方法,将体育运动项目训练融入基础文化教育课程,培养具有国际视野、创新精神和团队合作能力的德智体全面发展的综合型人才。

Beijing century Oriental school,What is a Chinese students tailor made international quality school。Schools with combination of sport and education and and combination of Chinese and western cultures to save the concept。In the following the law of children's development basis,Take China foundation education curriculum and the international advanced teaching method,Will sports training based education course in culture,To develop an international vision、The innovative spirit and team cooperation ability all-round development of comprehensive talent。


The child's success is not in school achievement will measure,But according to their children definition of success to measure。Children should be live their own life,Both live not in those competitive parents of expectation,Also not those from think to know what is good for them to the child educators to set goals。


We emphasize,exam、class、The book is not the true meaning of education。We must for later generations to create a free growing environment。For the children of freedom,Let them according to my will grow。


Q:学校的位置在哪里? Q: where is the position of the school?


A: A:学校校园坐落在风景秀丽的奥林匹克森林公园内,主要由三部分组成:幼儿部,小学、中学部和宿舍区。学校聘请国际知名的校园专业设计公司,遵循学校的教学理念需要对国家网球场进行了最优的设计改造。在学校校园内拥有十片北京奥运会使用过的国际标准的网球训练场,还设计建设了十片优质的儿童网球训练场,六片儿童篮球场和一个儿童足球场,此外,学校特别设计建造了一个儿童高尔夫球场,使学校成为拥有国内最佳环境和最佳设施的校园。

The school campus is located in the beautiful scenery of the Olympic forest park,Mainly consists of three parts:YouErBu,Elementary school、Middle school and the dorm。The school hired international well-known campus professional design company,Follow the school teaching concept to the tennis court in the country to the optimal design and transformation。In the school campus has ten piece of Beijing Olympic Games used the international standard tennis training,Also the construction of high quality design ten children tennis training,Six pieces of children's basketball court and a children's soccer stadium,In addition,Special design school built a children's golf course,Make the school into a domestic environment and the best of the best facilities campus。


Our students will be a natural oxygen bar in study and life。Campus afforestation、Landscape construction has the rich cultural connotation,The whole campus embodies the blending of the Chinese and western culture。


With our kindergarten for example,We have 180 square meters of indoor multi-function classroom,In bad weather,The children can go to the indoor activities。The kindergarten classroom center can activities of the slab wall,Two of the classroom can merge for a classroom,Teaching area is very flexible,Also very good for children of a big entertainment activities。


And our elementary school and middle school's boarding,Have independent dormitory street,As a small community,The party's big glass Windows dormitory will have the warm sunshine illuminate to come in,The children don't go out of school gate can enjoy belongs to the social life of the child。For low age students live on campus,We will have the special life teachers take care of their lives,Every night there was a story,Children like to create in their own home the same warm atmosphere。


Q:学校的师资? Q: of teachers of the school?


A: A:学校通过在全球范围内的严格选聘,已拥有一支经验丰富、教育教学背景多元、具有国际水平和全球视野的教师团队。外籍教师分别来自美国、英国、瑞士、克罗地亚等国家。

The school through in the context of the global strictly selected,Has an experienced、Education teaching background multivariate、With international level and global vision of teachers' team。Foreign teachers were from the United States、British、Switzerland、Croatia and other countries。

  学校既拥有一支优秀的基础教育团队,还有一支国际化、专业化、多学科的复合型教练团队,团队里拥有技术教练、体能教练。在运动医学、运动心理、运动营养康复等多方面拥有经验丰富的专业人员。职业教练团队学校专门聘请获得ITF(国际网球联合会)、USPTA (美国职业网球教练协会)、RPT(欧洲专业网球教练协会)等网球教练员资格培训体系考核、且获得执教资质的专业教练员,更重要的是他们还有针对学校学生年龄段的教学经验。

The school already has a good foundation education team,And a internationalization、professional、Multidisciplinary compound coach team,The team has the technical coach、Fitness coach。In sports medicine、Sport psychology、Sports nutrition rehabilitation and other aspects have experienced professionals。Vocational school specialized team coach hired get ITF(The international tennis federation)、USPTA (The professional tennis coach association)、RPT(European professional tennis coach association)Tennis coaches and qualification examination training system、And as for the professional qualification coaches,The more important thing is they have for school students age paragraph the teaching experience。


Q:国家基础教育大纲和国际化先进的教学理念如何结合? Q: the national basic education outline and international advanced teaching idea how to combine?


A: A:学校开设幼儿部、小学部、中学部,开办中国基础教育大纲全课程及学校开发的特色校本课程(网球、足球、篮球、排球、高尔夫球、音乐)。为了实现以学习者为中心,达到儿童个性、认知能力、运动能力全面发展的目标,学校对国内外知名专业机构进行广泛咨询和招标,引入符合中国新课改理念的国际成功模式,并进行本土化改革与创新,开发了幼儿及基础教育阶段国际化的、丰富的校本课程体系。学校其中包括对跨学科教学的理念、方向、方案、计划、内容、方法等做出明确规划,例如在体育、艺术等课程的教学中,有目的的融入英语课程的教学内容和目标;在体育课程中,恰当、自然的融入图形的认识、行程问题等数学内容和学习目标等。

YouErBu schools to open、within、Middle school,China foundation education program offered the course and the development of school-based curriculum in school characteristic(tennis、football、basketball、volleyball、golf、music)。In order to realize the learner-centered,To children's personality、Cognitive ability、The sports ability overall development goals,The school to domestic and international famous professional organization to widespread consultation and bidding,Introducing the concept of the new curriculum reform in accordance with China's international success mode,The reform and innovation and localization,The basic education and children's development of the international stage、Rich school-based curriculum system。Schools including the interdisciplinary teaching concept、direction、scheme、plan、content、Methods to make clear planning,For example in the sports、Art in the teaching of course,Objective of the course in English teaching content and goals;In the sports course,appropriate、In the understanding of the nature of the graphics、Trip of mathematical content and learning objectives, etc。


The present situation of Chinese education for malpractice,PingShuiZhe more,Practitioners less willing to。Our objective is very clear,Is to try and practice"Quality education,Grab from baby",Children's education from the start,Take the children to the law of growth,Children for the needs of the development of the core,Take bilingual environment、Pay attention to sports、The interdisciplinary teaching method, etc,Quality education to the core of exploring the connotation,From the mode of running、Course design、Teaching way、Evaluation methods and the,All fields,Make systematic reform and practice。And I hope the future form a kind of can copy sexual mode,promotion。


Q:学校毕业学生的出路如何? Q: school graduate students in the way out?


A: A:目前中国的学生大多以考取清华北大等名牌大学为奋斗目标,另有一些学生则在小学、初中或高中阶段出国深造。前者,在国内的题海战术的应试教育环境下,缺少创新精神和国际化视野。后者,中文水平和中国传统文化素养逐渐缺失,全盘西化,大多只剩一张华人面孔。这让大部分中国家长对国内和国外教育爱恨交织。

At present Chinese students attended mostly with tsinghua Beijing university, strive for the famous university,Some students are in primary school、Junior high school or high school to go abroad for further study。The former,In the domestic exams tactics should try education environment,Lack of innovation spirit and internationalized vision。The latter,Chinese level and the traditional Chinese culture quality loss gradually,Wholesale westernization,Only a most Chinese people face。It makes most Chinese parents on domestic and foreign education mixed with love and hatred。

  NCA学生毕业时,从学校毕业的学生将有三种不同的选择成才的路径:以国家基础教育课程大纲为依托的文化教育体系和特长培养体系,让学生衔接进入国内名牌高中与大学; 以沉浸式双语教学为基础的国际化教育体系,让学生衔接进入国外名牌高中与大学;以创新的体育运动训练体系和音乐素养培养体系,让学生可选择职业化发展。

NCA students graduate on time,Graduate from school students will have three different choose the path of success:The national basic education curriculum by relying on the culture education system and the special skill training system,Let the student join into the domestic famous brand high school and college; To tele-immersive bilingual teaching of the internationalization of education system for the foundation,Let the students cohesion into foreign famous brand high school and college;Innovation of sports training system and music literacy training system,Let students can choose professional development。


The school is not only learn knowledge、Development ability、Cultivate the place of character,Also raises interest、The development of special field。The school pays attention to developing students' skills and advantage,On the basis of admitted that individual differences,For each student to flexiblization teaching provide the proper education and future development。


Q:学校的筹办都得到了哪些支持? Q: the school for got what support?


A: A:目前,在教育部、北京市政府、国家体育总局网管中心、朝阳区政府和教委等各级部门的关心和大力支持,学校将作为教育部提交结合示范校,并将纳入教育部国际合作项目。

At present,In the ministry of education、The Beijing municipal government、State general administration of sports network management center、The chaoyang district government and education at all levels and departments care and support,The school will be submitted to the ministry of education with the scheme,And will be included in the ministry of education international cooperation projects。


Q:未来是否还会招收偏远山区的孩子? Q: whether the future will recruit distant mountain in children?


A: A:让不分身份与地域的孩子都能够享受好的教育,哪怕不能保证每个孩子都学有所成,但有可能让更多的孩子成为一个有较高文化程度以及人格健全的公民,而不至于走入歧途。因为他们都是中国的孩子。无论是城市的还是乡村的,富贵的还是贫贱的,聪慧的还是笨拙的,教育的理想都是为了一切的孩子,孩子的一切。

Let all of the identity and regional children will enjoy a good education,Even if cannot guarantee that every child have learned something,But it could make more children become a has the high culture and healthy civil degree personality,And not astray。Because they are all children in China。Whether in the cities or the countryside,Riches and honour or mean,Intelligent or clumsy,Education is the ideal for all children,The children all。


Combining with the faith of fund equal,Special believe that everyone is equal the embodiment of is that everyone should have equal education from opportunity,Change of the present situation of the right to have life,Have the ability to choose their own living environment。Combining all the power of the small hope fund will China development lagging in the group,Especially the western mountainous area of citizens living situation is presented in the sight of the world media。


Change the present situation of China's development inequality is a heavy responsibities project,It relies on the joint efforts of the whole society of China。The development of the under-developed areas in need of money and supplies,But more need to all kinds of outstanding talents,Help them to develop their own outstanding talents was particularly important。Combining with the idea fund,Hope that through this project to let more people know little mountain flower of the home,Also hope that more people through their story to see the huge gap between coastal and the west,More hope the project encourages more people to care about those who had been born without much of the selection of Chinese citizens。


Every child is a diamond。For this,In the century of Oriental school recruit students to plan,In addition to receiving the surrounding areas outside of the school-age students,Will be in accordance with the certain proportion、According to the principle of public welfare for western remote areas cultivate comprehensive talents。We believe that,From a child's changes,To more children change,To every child change;From the change of the children,To the change of the school,To all the people will change-small gathering up,A spark,Can start a prairie fire。


