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90后女孩活体捐眼角膜:让眼以另一种方式活着 刘静环术后 LiuJingHuan postoperative 刘静环术前生活照 LiuJingHuan preoperative illuminated


She is a sunny girl after 90,Southwest university as a sophomore year free normal。If no accident,Two years later,She will be on the platform,Become the home the fourth generation of teachers。however,A rare epibulbar 1 but around the world just over the horizon,Let the never lived since the day hospital girl,Forever lost his right eye。


It was also in his right eye,Brave girl contributed cornea。now,This precious corneal has helped two patients return to the light。


“The sick,I deeply felt the flimsiness of the life and valuable,And the light on a person means??????。I could not keep your eyes,With my right eye corneal let people to see the light,Let my right to live down in some form,I thought it was worth it。”


20 years old LiuJingHuan female college students


母亲 mother


她一直没喊疼 She hasn't shout hurts


见有人进病房,立即让我扶她起来 See someone into the ward,Let me immediately and raised her up


Her name is LiuJingHuan,Shandong taian people,Southwest college of foreign languages level 2010 13 free normal class,20 years old this year。Six months ago,She found the eyes discomfort,The diagnosis,She has the rare in the eyes of the tumor。Just three days before,She has just had eye surgery,Remove the ball right eye。


yesterday,Reporters coming to tianjin,In tianjin medical university ophthalmic center met LiuJingHuan ward。She is lying in a hospital bed,Right eye wrapped around the thick gauze,Tiny eyes closed。


Eyes LiuJingHuan of,Brushing her hair cut short,Although BingHaoFu wearing,Face still has the beauty of the hide。See the reporter comes,LiuJingHuan hurriedly smoothing his sleep some loose a hair,Half a lie up。


According to the doctor ordered,Mother MaZhaoXia has been using ice packs to help daughter apply right eye,But she still was sometimes pain。Left eye was also worn jointly some swollen,“Daughter is very strong,There has been no shout hurts。”MaZhaoXia said,See someone into the ward,For a mother to daughter immediately raised her sit up。


LiuJingHuan said,Feeling is numb right before,Yesterday began right eye already has some of consciousness,People can also and activities。


同学 students


今年4月陪我看牙 In April this year to accompany me to watch the teeth


发现她右眼球比左眼球高 Found her right eye ball left eye ball than high


LiuJingHuan said,Last winter vacation home,She felt eyes some uncomfortable。“I told her nothing,Is excessively with eyes,tired。”The LiuJingHuan LiuLiMin brother-in-law is a local middle school teacher,LiuJingHuan often pass in and out in his house。LiuLiMin said,LiuJingHuan after coming home,On a computer all day,Download some English material for study,So when he said niece with eyes not feeling well,He did not care about。


In march this year after school,LiuJingHuan will put into English professional level 4 test in preparation。April,She accompanied learn LiJiaNan to city nine repair of teeth,Suddenly find the eyes some uncomfortable,His right eye than left eye ball high ball。“At that time LiuJingHuan thought is myopic eyes,To test the eye of nine vision,But testing down,Found his right eye vision to be good than the left eye。”LiJiaNan memories。


“Children will give me a call,I gave her a check to do first。”LiuJingHuan father LiuLiJun said,Do after CT,The doctor ordered LiuJingHuan hospitalization for further examination,But he and his children to discuss,Decided to take an examination of only four,After examination after the examination。


大伯 brother-in-law


今年6月回老家 Back in June this year


不敢看她第二眼,一家人悄悄哭 She didn't look at the two eyes,Family quietly crying

  4月21日,刘静环考完专四当天,刘利军和妻子赶到西南大学,带刘静环来到大坪医院,做了CT 和核磁共振。“当时医生说是眶内肿瘤,良性的可能性比较大,建议进一步检查治疗。”考虑到马上就是期末考试,他们决定等暑假再做手术。

April 21,,LiuJingHuan test finish designed four day,LiuLiJun and his wife to the southwest university,Take LiuJingHuan came to DaPing hospital,Do the CT and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)。“When the doctor says is within the orbit tumor,Benign the possibility of more,Suggest further examination treatment。”Consider to be instant the final exam,They decided to summer vacation to do the operation, etc。


“Didn't expect her illness development so quickly!”LiuLiJun said,April the,Her daughter's eyes see as normal people under thick and no much difference,Just slightly swelling。But two months later,Condition rapidly deteriorating。


June 30,,LiuJingHuan off back to the tai "an。“I go to the railway station to meet her,When I saw her cry!”LiuLiJun said,When he saw only the daughter of two months respectively,Has obvious right out,Heart cannot help but suffered。“Afraid she followed uncomfortable,Hurry to wipe tears quietly。”Look at the daughter of smile to yourself,LiuLiJun silently took the luggage。


With the LiuLiMin said pick her up,He only looked at niece,Will never see two eyes,“The family quietly crying。”


医生 The doctor


她患的是恶性肿瘤 She is suffering from malignant tumors


世界罕见全国仅三四例 The only rare in the three or four cases


July 1,,LiuLiJun with daughter came to contact good tianjin medical university eye center,Find the eyes and eye tumor ZhengXingKe director、Dr. HeYanJin tutor。


HeYanJin professor said,LiuJingHuan eyes tumor right at the optic nerve and muscle under between straight,Surgical resection very difficult,Carelessly a bit may damage the visual nerve。But considering the younger girl,Or a student in a university,Later on to the platform,So and LiuJingHuan family agreed,Try to keep LiuJingHuan eyesight。


On July 4,,The first operation,The doctor for the resection of the tumor LiuJingHuan partitioned in turn。“Tumors grow has greater than the eye。”


unfortunately,After postoperative biopsies found,The tumor was malignant。“This is one of the world are very rare tumor,I'm working 30 years,Only this one example,And the only three or four cases of records。”


July 11,,LiuLiJun heard this news。“Then panic,Liushenwuzhu the。”But in LiuJingHuan presence,LiuLiJun or force a laugh,“I joke with her about,Said to her,nothing,The za deadly nature crawford,Tumors are benign。”


女孩 The girl


爸爸,我的眼保不住了 dad,My eyes to maintain the arrangement


就把角膜捐了吧 The cornea is donated it


July 13 morning,Professor he took out two solutions,And ask the LiuLiJun afternoon give a reply。A thorough cleaning solution is in the eyes of all things in orbit,Eyeballs,,Reduce the chance of cancer cells;2 it is chemotherapy treatment,But the future of the risk factors to spread than the first one high treatment plan。


After and uncle agreed,LiuLiJun and his wife chose the first option。But children parents is treasured flesh and blood,Where have the heart to tell her daughter this cruel decision?Hesitated a morning,At noon,LiuLiJun came to daughter ward,Can't look at her daughter's he choose to sit behind the daughter,Silently holding the daughter。


“quietly,Fox or nerve in the long and a,I need to do an operation,Head of the outer wall of tumor left time clean。May hurt and visual nerve,May be blind。children,The za is preserving life or the eye?”Say that finish this passage,More than 40 years of shandong big fellow has couldn't restrain,Holding the daughter wails;Mom is in the side and quietly。


“Destiny is and I joke?”yesterday,LiuJingHuan told reporters,When she learned that might be to remove eye,The first feeling is to dare not believe。But see wail father,She had to believe the cruel reality。“I haven't enough to live,I the eye。”


Let LiuLiJun surprise,The daughter cried after half an hour,SOB to say to him,“dad,My eyes will be to maintain the arrangement,The cornea is donated it。”LiuLiJun said,About gifts corneal words,Daughter from beginning to end only said this sentence。This words,Also let him is full of contradictions。


父母 parents


右眼失明角膜活着 A blind right corneal alive


就捐吧,咱要尊重她的意愿 Donated it,I will respect her will


Why decided to donate corneal,Cry for half an hour,The girl wanted to some???????LiuJingHuan said,From can remember,She saw a lot of shortage of the news reports about the cornea,Know the cornea has been scarce。The first day came to the hospital,She saw the yard corneal donors for a set of wall。“Then feel very moved”。


“In fact,Father hold me from behind,I guess his right eye may face,So the decision will be donated to the cornea。”LiuJingHuan said:“The sick,I deeply felt the flimsiness of the life and valuable,And the light on a person means??????。I could not keep your eyes,With my right eye corneal make others to see the light,Let my right to live down in some form,I thought it was worth it。”


LiuJingHuan said,When she decided to make donations,Had worried that,He had malignant tumors,Corneal cannot use。


July 16,,LiuJingHuan remove eye surgery and gather the corneal surgery simultaneously。After watching a child were pushed into the operating room,LiuLiJun instead of daughter in the cornea donation agreement signed daughter and his own name。“Side sign be cry。I and her mother cry all tears dry。Then I wanted to,Although child one eye blindness,At least corneal still alive。Say this is the child's wish,Donated it,I will respect her will。”LiuLiJun said。


她捐角膜 She donated corneas


同学们都不意外 The students are not an accident


暑假也学习 Summer vacation is also learning


“我将来是要当老师的” “I want to be a teacher in the future”


见人远远就打招呼 See people far will say "hello"


“16 in the operation,LiuJingHuan within the orbit of the right eye all in all things have been cleared,Later opened his eyes,Can see the inside of the bones。”The attending physician HeYanJin professor says,Afraid she can not accept,Preoperative didn't dare to tell her。


16 the operation done,LiuJingHuan has been in a coma,17 afternoon to sober up。Looked at his daughter,LiuLiJun and LiuLiMin carefully LiuJingHuan told the truth。“We are all afraid of her collapse。She hear the lay in silence,Flow for more than half an hour's tears。”


For the convenience of LiuJingHuan installed after righteousness and does not affect facial appearance eyes,Professor in procedure LiuJingHuan retained the eyelid、eyelash。Professor he introduced,The next step will be for her to do a systemic chemotherapy,And then observe the one to two years,“If in good condition,Will arrange to give her a plastic。”


用的是200元的手机 The use of the mobile phone is 200 yuan


LiuJingHuan is only daughter home,Live in shandong taian the ningyang county town of magnetic kiln。LiuLiJun father in a production of pesticide in state-owned enterprises to work,And my mother MaZhaoXia without work。


The LiuJingHuan LiuLiMin brother-in-law said,Brother factory benefit not so good,4 months a year to suspend production,During production can only receive hundreds of yuan salary。“Even if the normal during construction,Income also not be more than 1500 yuan。”LiuLiJun said,Daughter know home difficult,Very sensible,“A large cell phone is lost,She bought a nokia old phone,Only cost 200 yuan。”


For daughter sick,Father LiuLiJun mourn unceasingly:“The child is not had what disease,That a sick so serious。”Daughter right after the surgery was finished,A careless LiuLiJun extra care。Two days before the,LiuLiJun to daughter bought a pentagon little toys。But see toys have two eyes,The tip of a LiuLiJun acid,“Hurriedly give back,In an apple shape,No eyes。”


The LiuJingHuan LiuLiMin brother-in-law is a high school teacher in taian。LiuLiMin said,The teacher is too Mr LiuJingHuan xue,Her grandmother is a teacher。“If no accident,Let's family quietly will be the fourth generation of teachers。”


LiuLiMin said,Come home every time,Niece with a big box will book back,Even if holiday also not to relax his lessons。“I said she,quietly,You read this all day,Holiday and the difference between what is not?”LiuJingHuan is said bravely,“I later go out is to when the teacher,If I learn now is bad,The future is to mislead the youth unavoidably。”


爱买面膜 是个开心果 Love is a happy fruit buy mask


Short hair、shorts、T sleeve,Plus careless individual character,LiuJingHuan often mistaken for her by strangers。But in her roommate、Friends seem,High LiuJingHuan greatly,But had little girl general love beautiful heart。


And LiuJingHuan group in the same class with her friends LiHui party,LiHui told reporters,LiuJingHuan although doesn't make up,But beauty can't get enough。“She like to buy mask。”LiHui said,She has always been too a fine enough,Meet thin eyes always see beauty。


LiHui also said,Last year a freshman,She accompanied LiuJingHuan to ShaPingBa buying clothes。“See other girls wear bud silk,Static ring envy,Exclaims also want to buy。But when she came to the clothing store,Took a bud silk clothes gestures half a day,Eventually lost are willing to buy。”LiHui said,Static ring when sighed,“Me high big,Talk careless,No lady,Or wear t-shirts forget it。”


LiHui said,Just when they entered,LiuJingHuan near the school a haircut,But eventually Richard out head type but let her was not satisfied,“Be the barber such a cut,But the face to show great......,So ugly。”LiHui memories,The days,She cried out every day in the bedroom small,Also called to their parents“crying”With act in pettish。


Roommate LiMingLan said,The bedroom is LiuJingHuan joy,Usually favourite comics and guitar。“She said she anime out of the handsome boy,Often imitate anime characters,Do some cute gestures,Made everyone laugh。”LiMingLan said,LiuJingHuan love detective anime,if《Detective conan》and《Black ministers》。To watch anime,She also practice Japanese,Speaks Japanese well。LiuJingHuan also want to learn the guitar,After the diagnosis is to go to a period of class,Say to want to learn first to learn all......,But for illness,To interrupt the guitar learning。


“Static ring donated his cornea,I'm not surprised。Because she is such a person,Optimistic and cheerful,All things are for others。”LiHui said。“Not happy never hang in my heart,what,She always for others consider it more。”LiHui said。


LiuJingHuan is class learning of the committee,Big for a third scholarship。“She and the teacher good relations,Class has what matter is always the first to know,But she never hide yi,Will remind the students。”LiHui said,Every examination,LiuJingHuan often be able to get some simulation topic,Or some key range of gossip,She always packed inform you,Never on your exam good grades。“Big to test,Small until the next day to hand in homework,She will be released with fly letter inform you。”LiHui said,In may this year,She has already know their condition,Insisted to do so。


活体捐献非常少 Living donation is very little


她的角膜已帮两人恢复光明 She has two people of the cornea for recovery of light


Tianjin medical university, vice President of the ophthalmic center ZhaoShaoZhen introduced,Corneal donors are generally donated behind,LiuJingHuan such as living donations of very little,“LiuJingHuan is our ophthalmic center third case living donations。”


ZhaoShaoZhen said,A person's corneal available to 3-5 individuals。16 LiuJingHuan donations after the cornea,The two men have helped restore the light。“The rest of the cornea materials have stored to YanKu,Still can use for three people。”


再有一周她就拆线 Have a week she take out stitches


争取9月返校还要考专八 For September back-to-school but pass only eight


a,That news of the southwest college of foreign languages, vice secretary of party ChenYu and counselor ZhangXiaoQi have come to tianjin,Representatives of the school and loaded 10000 yuan medical bills。ChenYu said,After the start will also organization students for donations。Tianjin medical university ophthalmic center have also launched“Young hui fund”,Take out 3000 dollars money to LiuJingHuan,And as far as possible for its medical treatment fee。


According to understand,Have a week,LiuJingHuan wound can take out stitches,Although the ball was right,But can not affect her left eye vision。Then she will be after a short rest,For September to return to campus。LiuJingHuan said,Back to school, such as AD four grades out,Her next sprint will only eight。


10万患者急需眼角膜 100000 patients need corneas


捐献手续可网上办理 Contributions can be dealt with on the net the formalities

  华龙网讯 昨日,记者从市眼库了解到,目前有400名患者登记预约眼角膜移植手术。由于眼角膜资源匮乏,每年只有不到200人能实现重见光明的愿望。据统计,我市约有10万患者,急需做角膜移植手术。

China yesterday our news,Reporter from city to YanKu understanding,There are 400 patients registered cornea transplant appointment。Due to the lack of resources cornea,Fewer than 200 people a year to restore the sight realize the desire。According to the statistics,Zhuhai has a 100000 patients,Need do cornea transplant surgery。


“1 only corneas,Can let the 34 patients restore the sight。”Relevant personage says,The will of the people have donated by the following the unit deals with relevant formalities:Each district and county of chongqing city or the Red Cross、Chongqing YanKu or login chongqing YanKu website。The city YanKu 24 hours per call:89012262、68718594、13206180358。

  本组稿件除署名外由记者 罗静 弋静 黎奎 见习记者 陈思 实习生 胡维 霍万良 供图

The manuscript signed by reporters outside except LuoJing static LiKui trainee reporters various Chen interns HuWei HuoWanLiang for figure
