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百所高校音乐高材生齐聚贵州 角逐民族器乐大奖--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

中新网凯里7月24日电(实习记者 鲍光翔 实习生 吴军华)7月23日晚,第三届“金芦笙”中国民族器乐大赛在贵州省凯里市拉开帷幕,来自全国百余所高校的230多名音乐高材生齐聚贵州,他们将在芦笙类、拉弦类等民族器乐领域展开激烈角逐。
Beijing Carey July 24,(Practice reporter BaoGuangXiang interns WuJunHua)July 23 night,The third“Gold lusheng”China's national instrumental music contest in guizhou province, Carey, begin,From the universities of over more than 230 music straight in guizhou,They will be in this class、Pull the strings of national instrumental music field an intense competition。
According to understand,“Gold lusheng”China's national instrumental music contest by musicians association of China and Carey jointly organized by the city government,Since 2010 has been successfully held in Carey two terms。Series set of wind、Plucked class、Pull string classes and four kinds of ethnic instruments of this project,The country music that attracted higher colleges students to participate in the competition,Very good to the national music propaganda and promotion,Let more people feel the charm of Chinese national music。
“the‘Gold lusheng’China's national instrumental music contest”China's national music thing a big meal,Is China's national music culture exchange event。More than 100 universities of more than 200 players in sports,Competition for the major national teachers and students of institutions of higher education offers a great art show and a platform for the exchange。”The Chinese musicians' association, vice chairman of college music alliance LiYunTao told reporters。
贵州省凯里市是黔东南州的政治经济文化中心,具有独特的民族文化和浓郁的民族风情,当地的少数民族逢年过节都要举行各式各样、丰富多彩的芦笙会,吹起芦笙跳起舞,庆祝自己的民族节日,素有“芦笙之乡”、“歌舞之乡”的称誉。凯里市民族音乐氛围浓厚,曾连续举办了十二届“中国 凯里国际芦笙节”。
Guizhou province city of qiandongnan Carey is political, economic and cultural center,With unique national culture and strong national customs,Local minority holiday have held a variety、Rich and colorful lusheng will,Blowing lusheng dance,Celebrate our national holiday,Known as“Lusheng township of”、“Song and dance of the township”Outside of。Carey city national music atmosphere is strong,Once has held 12 th“China international lusheng quarter Carey”。
It is reported,The competition will be held more than a Chinese national music famous concert,XuPeiDong music masters such as national music lectures will do,At the same time also will hold the series music to paint activities。(finish)
(Source: China news service)
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