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EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   摘要: the:八成80后父母教养照顾宝宝存在极大误区,缺乏科学正确的方法和手段;同时约七成父母对当前家园共育的现状表示不满,由哈佛教育专家和原IBM科技精英联袂打造的3IKIDS“互动宝宝家园共育”整体解决方案,在社会各界引发强烈关注。 Eighty percent 80 parents take care of the baby after education is a great error,Lack of scientific correct method and means;And about seventy percent of the parents of the present situation of home GongYu expressed dissatisfaction,By the harvard education experts and former IBM technology elite create 3 IKIDS co-star“Interactive GongYu baby home”Overall solutions,In the social from all walks of life cause strong attention。


 警钟敲响 八成父母教养幼儿存误区 Alarm bells ring parents educated young children save eighty percent erroneous zone

  哈佛早教专家提议关注“家园共育” Harvard expert proposal development concern“Home GongYu”


Children's education for our future,For the nation's prosperity and decline and development。Is also about the future of the individual,Affect the entire family happiness。recent,By tracing the experts at home and abroad“Home GongYu”Research of China survey report shows: up to 70% of 80 children in kindergarten parents on the education of the existing discontent,Especially at home school communication this link;But as much as eighty percent of the teacher is mixed:The problems existing in the child's the parents more problems,The kindergarten agency regulations、Formal education,Soon two days at the weekend to kill to danger。


The growth of the baby face every day,kindergarten、Teachers and parents,But how to bear?Today's 80 most of the parents from theoretical,Has the baby with kindergarten GongYu of consciousness,But when to send their child to kindergartens later,And because work favour wait for a reason,In the practical education level,And put the boy threw to the kindergarten。Tsinghua university kindergarten a child parent said:He is the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak,Can't find any good method to children in the garden in to the growth process。


The study by the“Home GongYu”Group and sohu education jointly launched“About GongYu home”investigation,In the Beijing several large key kindergarten in the form of random sampling。Children's home GongYu respectively the content of the concept、Strategy method、Tools means、Results and results are a thorough investigation。unfortunately,The results are not encouraging。Most of the kindergarten,The principal and teachers、Parents to their homes GongYu endorsed the idea,In an average of more than 85% approval;And for their homes GongYu strategy and method,The parents of the incredibly less than 50% satisfaction;Special attention is worth our parents,Parents and kindergarten in how to carry out the strong exchange and interaction aspects,Eighty percent of the parents、The teacher and the principal think not the right tools and method!And for the effects and the results GongYu homes,The parents in an average of 40% satisfaction and down。parents、teachers、The principal different groups average satisfaction details listed below:


The results of the survey vividly shows that parents and teachers for their homes GongYu concept of knowledge and attitude。survey,We especially visited tsinghua university kindergarten several parents,One of them is a three years old baby's father,Love children,Care for children in the park's education,Want to know more about the baby in the garden of life、The game and education,however,Really feel very at a loss。Telephone communication and speak face to face seems to be very limited,Can't understand the baby's heart,And teachers to the baby observations。“Most of our parents have a very urgent and strong desire,Hope to be able to understand the true child in the study,Hope to see more direct the growth of children。”Let the development of children see,The tsinghua kindergartens parents wish,Can say is most of their parents。


专家:“家园共育互动宝宝新平台”是互动好方法 experts:“Home GongYu interactive baby new platform”Is interactive good method


The baby is healthy growth,Character the harmonious development of the emotion,Need home GongYu,Teachers and parents' work hand in hand。however,How to do?How to implement the?Need to what kind of strategies method,Depend on what kind of tools with can better do this?As is known to all,The nursery teacher work the red tape has come to full load level,communication、share、Interactive need time,How to solve these problems?

  哈佛大学教授、早教专家Kurt Fischer先生和哈佛大学教育学院博士、布朗大学Jin Li女士等一批教授、早教专家深刻的感受到当前家园共育的迫切性,在思想理念上呼吁国内外幼教人士,关注家园共育的实践探索。呼吁幼教人士,包括一线教师,使用当代高科技信息技术,尽力在实践层面上多方位探索家园共育有效途径。有专家提到,使用家园互动媒体平台——手机端、IPHONE、 3iPad 教师助手终端等高端技术,建立家长和教师之间的连接,让家长真实的看见孩子的成长,应当是一个科学、便捷而又高效的方法。

Harvard University professor、Development experts Kurt Fischer and Mr. Harvard University education college, dr、Brown university ms Jin Li, and a number of professor、Development experts deep feel the current GongYu home the urgency,In thought idea for childcare people at home and abroad,Focus on the home GongYu practice exploration。Called for preschool education people,Including the teacher,Use contemporary high-tech information technology,Try to practice level to explore an effective way GongYu multiple homes。Experts mentioned,Home use interactive media platform-the cell phone、iphone、 Three iPad teacher assistant terminal and other high-end technology,Establish the connection between parents and teachers,Let parents see the growth of real children,Should be a science、Convenient and efficient method。


China central training section old professor zheng,Is our country after the founding of the first batch of children's education professionals,Engaged in preschool education work 50 years,In early childhood education field,Countless rich fruits,It may be said had translated many foreign。In recent years the only increase in their children,Zheng gradually more attention to GongYu to their homes,Focus on the development of children's psychological emotional really need。He has called for a kindergarten and family GongYu cooperation,Explore formed real education force mode。Baby's growth,Parents and teachers need comprehensive care and education。

  访谈中,郑教授不断强调,高效的家园共育模式,需要科学正确的思想和理念,需要智慧的策略和方法,也需要先进便捷的手段和科技工具,实现这些,需要社会各界力量的合作,需要跨行业的合作与支持。其中,极为重要的一点是,幼儿家长的参与和投入,在时间和精力上更多的参与和投入。而有效的利用高科技手段,比如手机用户端,iPhone, 3iPad 教师助手终端等,及时了解、查询幼儿在园的情况和信息,进行线上交流和沟通,应当说是一种比较及时、便捷、高效而经济的方法。建立多渠道的沟通方式,面谈、电话、网络、书信、园刊、宣传栏、活动图片等,利用电子技术储存这些内容,使家园沟通的渠道保持畅通无阻,共同为幼儿的健康成长提供双重保障。不仅促进提升家园共育的成效和质量,促进幼儿身心健康和谐发展,成为园所发展的宝贵教育资料,也是儿童发展的宝贵财富和记忆。

interview,Professor zheng constantly stressed,Efficient homes GongYu mode,Need science right of thoughts and ideas,Need strategies and methods of wisdom,Also need advanced convenient means and technology tools,Realize these,Need to the social from all walks of life force of cooperation,Need cross-industry cooperation and support。Among them,It is very important,The parents of the children's participation and input,In the time and energy on more participation and input。And the effective use of high-tech means,Such as mobile phone client,iphone, Three iPad teacher assistant terminal, etc,Prompt understanding、The children in the garden query and information,Online communication,Ought to saying is a more timely、convenient、Efficient and economical method。To set up multi-channel way of communication,interview、phone、network、letters、Garden issue、Publicity column、Activities pictures, etc,By electronics store these content,Make home communication channel keep clear,For the healthy growth of the children to provide double security。Not only to advance the effects and quality GongYu homes,To promote the harmonious development of children's physical and mental health,Be in the development of the precious education material,Is the precious wealth of the children's development and memory。


Considering the current in children education field“Home GongYu”Problems and the status quo,The original IBM technology elite and harvard education experts made three IKIDS co-star“Interactive GongYu baby home”Overall solutions,The use of advanced scientific information technology,In their homes GongYu means tools had very bold exploration,Its products in the city several kindergarten testing,Get the kindergarten teachers and parents widespread high praise,And in the social from all walks of life cause strong attention。


 何为“3IKIDS互动宝宝家园共育整体解决方案”? What is“3 IKIDS interactive baby home GongYu total solution”?


Interactive baby is a harvard education science and technology research institute and the Kowloon blue ocean science and technology Co., LTD. Together for 0-6,7 years old baby the homes of research and development GongYu interaction of total solution。This solution adhering to the international advanced development concept,The world's leading early education experts and to make IT experts,For kindergarten teachers、The principal and parents GongYu interaction provide convenient、timely、Effective platform and tools。

  的确,当前我国幼教发展的现实状况,需要一个开放的窗口, 一个全新的多媒体互动平台。3IKIDS互动宝宝家园共育整体解决方案,面向家长,使他们更加深入生动地了解孩子在幼儿园的实际生活、学习、游戏和社会交往情况,及时发现可能存在的问题,并提供了解参与幼儿园教育的机会。对于园长和管理者,在管理运营中, 这套方案也是不可或缺的助手,既可以说是园长办公管理的秘书,也是教师备课、管理课堂和家长联系沟通的高效秘书,也有利于促进家园双方建立起平等互助的关系。这套系统化的多媒体家园互动平台,可以说是当今条件下婴幼儿教育机构和管理的福音。对于教育和管理质量的提升,将会发生着深远的影响。

indeed,The current our country preschool education development of the reality situation,Need of an open window, A new multi-media interactive platform。3 IKIDS interactive baby home GongYu total solution,For parents,Make them more in-depth understanding of children in kindergarten vivid actual life、learning、Games and social interaction,Discovered in time the question,And provide the opportunity to participate in kindergarten education understanding。For the principal and managers,In management operation, This program is also an indispensable assistant,Not only can say is the principal office management secretary,Is also preparing teachers、Management class and parents of efficient communication secretary,Also be helpful for promoting the mutual equality set up home the relationship。The systematic multimedia home interactive platform,Can say is the infant education institutions and under the condition of the Gospel of the management。For education and quality of management of ascension,Will occur the far-reaching influence。


The following is the happen in real life, a real example,All ranks have caused the social concern,In preschool education field it is knocked on the home GongYu alarms。But when these parents to receive“3 IKIDS home GongYu media interactive platform”information,Hiss hiss at:If at the time, the kindergarten and teacher,To have this IT means and parents communication,They will be able to immediately and vivid to see the child in the garden,Early concern,so,Children will not appear this kind of miserable sight。


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  误区案例一:两岁暴力倾向孩,香港小学受挫 Error case a:Two years old boy violent,Hong Kong elementary school frustrated


In Beijing dongcheng district a famous kindergarten parents,The child from the age of two is delivered to the kindergarten,Have been to elementary school soon,A to live in Hong Kong,The results found that children out of the question。Children in Hong Kong schools,There was a serious social maladjustment,Can't study and companions communication,Violence serious tendency towards outstanding。Friends are very worried,Looking for children education experts for help。After the research found the problem the roots of the early education kindergarten children is home to stage communication problems。Parents are busy working,And teachers take care of the whole class 40 children,And parents communication not unobstructed,The baby's emotional needs are not being met,Appear all sorts of vent sex behavior。Teachers and parents contact,But because the video image data without vivid,Teachers' verbal description and did not cause the attention of parents。So the problem has been accumulated,To Hong Kong finally explosion。Parents at this moment to remedy and heal again need to spend more than ten times more energy and time,For the children of things,Compelled to,The mother gave up the job。For parents is felt sick,If in the kindergarten stage,Give children some attention,Many and teacher to some communication and exchange,Listen to the teacher and the principal Suggestions,The baby's growth will be another way。


误区案例二:孩子音乐有所成,4年不往家挂一个电话 Error second example:Children music has becomes,4 years not to hang a phone home

  几年前,在东城区一所幼儿园,有一个孩子,为父母所宠爱。父亲从孩子4岁上幼儿园时开始教他学小提琴。一直到孩子小学毕业后,父母花掉所有的积蓄把孩子送到了维也纳继续深造。然而,孩子走了4年, 到如今一直没有回来过。把一生的希望全都寄托在孩子身上的父亲紧张了,他每天在幼儿园门口徘徊,不明白孩子为什么出去4年,再也不肯回来,甚至连一个电话也没有。想念孩子的父亲每天在幼儿园门口踱来踱去,有时候也会去找园长聊天。两人共同的感慨就是,如果在幼儿园的时候多和孩子一些交流,老师家长多一些互动沟通,如果多了解一些孩子真实的情感需要……然而,孩子的成长,经历过去了,就不再有选择。

A few years ago,In dongcheng district a nursery school,To have a child,For parents dote on。Father from children in the kindergarten 4 years old when he began to teach learn violin。Have been to child elementary school graduation,Parents spend all of the savings children to Vienna to further my study。however,Children went four years, Up to now the never to come back。The hope of the life all in the child's father on nervous,Every day he in kindergarten wandering at the door,Don't understand why their kids out four years,Again is not willing to come back,Even a phone never。Miss the father of the child every day in kindergarten to pace up and down the door,Sometimes will also go to find the principal chat。Two people together is the feeling,If in kindergarten when many children and some exchanges,The teacher parents more interactive communication,If know more about real emotional needs of children……however,The development of children,The past the,You no longer have a choice。
