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青岛海归生存调查 花几十万留学月挣1200元--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  一提到“海归”,很多人可能就会把他们和高薪、好工作联系起来,而如今海归的就业形势却发生了不少变化,起薪低、竞争激烈、难以适应国内环境……从国外普通学校毕业的海归要找到一份称心的工作并不容易。但不可否认的是 ,留学数年后,海归有着更宽广的眼界和更灵活的思维。专家表示,“应聘工作的王牌永远是工作能力,而不是留学生的身份。”

A mention“overseas”,A lot of people probably would bring them and high salary、Good job connected,And now the overseas employment situation has undergone many changes,Starting salary low、competitive、Hard to adapt to the environment……Ordinary school graduation from abroad to sea to find a good job is not easy。But it is undeniable that the ,After several years study in,Turtle has a more broad vision and more flexible thinking。Experts say,“For a job ace is always working ability,Not the identity of the students。”

  无奈 想找份好工作咋就这么难

But want to find a good job zha so difficult


Vote for the 117 resumes with a sieve

  李思琦26岁,2009年9月赴日本留学,于2012年3月毕业,5月从日本广岛来到青岛。现在,她每天早上醒来第一件事情就是打开电脑 ,点开收藏的招聘网站,选两家“差不多”的企业,把简历发过去 ,然后边玩三国杀,边等待公司的面试通知。“这些步骤现在闭着眼睛我都能操作了。”李思琦毫不掩饰她无奈的情绪。

LiSiQi 26 years old,In September 2009 to study in Japan,In march, 2012, graduate,5. From the Japanese city of Hiroshima came to Qingdao。now,She wake up every day the first thing is to open up the computer ,PM on the collection of recruitment website,Choose two“almost”enterprise,Send the resume in the past ,Then play three killed,Waiting for an interview the company。“These steps now with eyes closed and I can operate。”LiSiQi made no effort to hide her helpless mood。

  李思琦从初中起对化学产生兴趣,在南京师范大学主修环境科学专业,毕业后为了开阔眼界,给自己镀金,她去了日本广岛大学读硕士,让她没想到的是 ,日本的环境科学专业与国内的不太一样,“他们这个专业注重对企业社会环境的研究,而且日本上市企业每年都会对环保状况进行评估。但在中国,我好像找不出什么岗位能用上我学的这些知识,所以工作越找越灰心,要求也越来越低。”

LiSiQi from junior middle school up to interested in chemistry,In nanjing normal university major in environmental science professional,After graduation in order to widen your horizon,Give oneself the aureate,She went to the Japanese city of Hiroshima university read a master,Let she didn't expect it ,Japan's environmental science professional and domestic are not quite the same,“They pay attention to this professional enterprise social environment study,And Japan every year to the environmental protection listed enterprise evaluated the state。But in China,I like to find out what can I learn post these knowledge,So the more work for the lose heart,Demand is also more and more low。”


“The earliest time,I mainly is to find and professional related position,When choosing a job is very fussy,Most of the resume is some and environment science related companies,Monthly pay 5000 yuan,But now,I have more than reality,The industry needs is engineering、Appraisal personnel,I and these are not them,Turn to financial、Human resources accessible industry,As long as the company almost I will resume,And online search the company introduction。”In addition,In the column of a month,She carefully chose 2000 yuan or“negotiable”。

  为了多一些机会,她还委托招聘网站根据自己的就职偏好投简历,希望通过广撒网的方式,给自己多一些机会,第一次委托是在6月底,她接到了几个面试电话,第一个打来电话的是南京路上的一家外语学校,职位是日本留学咨询,但是面试时候被告知,还要兼职销售,看了员工条款后 ,她觉得这是不可能完成的任务,虽然马上接到了上岗电话,但是她没有去。她接到的第二个电话是一家证劵公司打来的,提供的是分析师职位,用人单位想让她从客户经理开始做起,陆续参加各种考试,考虑自身情况,她也没有去。

In order to more opportunities,She also entrust recruitment website in of preference according to his resume,Hope that through the wide spread nets upon the way,Give yourself more opportunities,The first is entrusted by the end of June,She got several telephone interview,The first call on nanjing road is a foreign language school,Position is Japan study abroad seek advice,But when the interview was told,Also part-time sales,See the staff after the terms ,She felt this was impossible mission,Although immediately received a phone mount guard,But she didn't have to。She received the second call is a coupon calling card company,The offer is analysts position,The employing units to want her to start from the customer manager,Take part in all kinds of test in succession,Consider oneself circumstance,She also didn't go to。

  委托网站投简历,得到的机会虽然多,但是毕竟不是本人投简历,很多职位不符合求职者的意愿 。网站替她大概投出100多份简历,但大部分都石沉大海,这让硕士学历的李思琦备受打击。

Entrust website resume,Get chance even more,But after all, not my resume,Many positions do not accord with the will of the applicant 。Web site for she probably threw more than 100 copies of your resume,But most of all ShiChenDaHai,This let master degree of LiSiQi devastated。

  “前两天,我看一家日本料理店招聘店长,我知道自己没有相关工作经验,但是招聘条件之一是会日语,所以我就投了,我知道自己做店长肯定不现实,但让我做个店长助理也行,谁知道他们面试完后,竟然让我从服务员做起,还说 ,全店上下 ,包括大厨都去过日本,日语不是优势。”李思琦说 ,自己有点委屈,“我上了那么多年学,难道回来只能和初中、高中学历的人一样当服务员吗?我对这份工作不感兴趣了,就离开了。”她认为硕士学历是个很尴尬的学历,普通企业愿意选择有年龄优势的本科生,研究机构更愿意选择有博士学历的。

“Two days before the,I see a Japanese restaurant manager recruitment,I know I don't have related working experience,But one of the requirements is Japanese,So I would vote for,I know my manager must not do reality,But let me make a manager assistant also do,Who know them after the interview,Unexpectedly let me start from the waiter,Also said ,Store up and down ,Including the chef has been to Japan,Japanese is not advantage。”LiSiQi said ,Yourself a little injustice,“I learn so many years,Don't come back only and junior high school、High school degree as when the waiter?I'm not interested in the job,left。”She think master degree is a very awkward degree,Ordinary enterprises want to choose to have the advantage of age undergraduates,Research institutions are more willing to choose to have the doctor degree。

  李思琦说,自己一共投出117份简历,面试的机会大概 10次,她只去面试了两次。对她来说缺少的是信息和资源,除了在网上投简历,她不知道还有什么找工作的渠道。如今她还是很迷茫,采访结束时,她开玩笑地说,“我现在其实也有工作,我的工作就是找工作。”

LiSiQi said,His throwing out altogether 117 resumes,Chance to interview about 10 times,She only to interview two times。For her lack of information and resources,Except in online resume,She doesn't know what else to find work channel。Now she is confused,interview,She joked,“Now I actually do work,My job is to look for a job。”


A one-year internship left to their own business

  “早知道找工作这么难还不如不出国。”宋建说 ,这是回国两年后发自内心的想法,1989年出生的宋建学的是法律专业,大二的时候他从青岛大学去了美国,“虽然一年二十多万元的开支对我们家来说负担也挺重,但当时爸爸听说他两个朋友的孩子出国了,就和我商量让我也出去,无非就是想见识见识,回来之后找个好工作。我自己也心动了,‘留学生’在我们年轻人心里是个很洋气的词,想到能接受西方先进的教育,回来之后又能操着一口流利的英语,我就稀里糊涂地出了国。”

“Early know to seek work so hard to also do not go abroad。”SongJian said ,This is home two years later the idea of heart,Born in 1989 SongJianXue is the major of law,Sophomore year he from Qingdao university to the United States,“Although a year more than 20 $ten thousand spending for our family is also pretty heavy burden,But at that time the father heard that his two friends children to go abroad,And I will discuss let I also go out,It is nothing but want to knowledge knowledge,Come back after finding a good job。I myself also move,‘students’Young people in our heart is a very western style words,Think of can accept advanced western education,After coming back and speaks English,I was out of the country。”

  “出国之后 ,我却发现不是自己想的那样。”宋建说,在他的学校,中国留学生占了很大一部分,很快他就和身边的留学生混熟了,生活学习几乎都在一起,很少跟外国人接触,宋建承认,由于语言跟不上,上课变成了一种负担。

“Go abroad after ,I found that is not you want to be。”SongJian said,In his school,Chinese students was occupied very big one part,He soon and the students around mix,Almost all together in life to learn,Little contact with foreigners,SongJian admit,Because languages can't keep up,Class into a kind of burden。


“One time I negligent,Not to the Chinese restaurant with friends play is the blind,Graduation front one meal for evil,Very not easy to get a diploma,After graduation I rush to buy the tickets,Want to come back to begin a new life。”

  让他失望的是 ,回国后的就业形势并不乐观。“2010年,我在家投了两个月简历,后来是在亲戚的介绍下 ,我在一家人力资源企业的法律顾问部实习了一年。”宋建说,那段时间真是什么工作都干,就是个打杂儿的,公司还是没有留他的意思,所以他没跟家人商量就离开了。

Let his disappointment ,Back in the employment situation is not optimistic。“2010 years,I was at home for two months resume,Later in introduced by relatives ,I am in a human resources enterprise legal advisers of practice for a year。”SongJian said,That time is really what a job,Is a DaZaEr,The company still did not take his meaning,So he didn't discuss with my family left。

  于是他又恢复了待业的生活,天天投简历,后来又陆续找了一些工作,有的工资低得让人难以接受,有的工作枯燥得让人干不下去,有的时候他觉得跟单位同事合不来 ,今年,在父母的资助下,他跟朋友合开了一个英式奶茶店,现在刚刚起步,希望以后能做得顺利一点 。

So he went back to the unemployment of life,Resume every day,And subsequently to all find some work,Some pay is low enough to hard to accept,Some work to let a person do not boring go down,He sometimes think colleagues aren't compatible with the unit ,This year,In the parents' support,His friends in conjunction with a British milk tea shop,Now just the start,Hope I can do it well point 。


In major domestic very unpopular


Born in 1986, he has a highly educated plug in the domestic struggling couldn't find a job,His main in New Zealand a and maritime relevant professional,Graduate with excellent results,He hurried back to Qingdao thinking about doing something great。


The results he found their own major in domestic very unpopular,Is hard to find a job,Thanks to the Singapore has a friend of familiar with the enterprise,Sun plug said,“Recently I was the related formalities,See if we can go to Singapore took office。”


Into the bank but finished the task


Live in laoshan area before going abroad ZhangXin in Qingdao read prep school,Tuition fee of 60000 RMB,Because the house is hired,Still have to take a lot of the rent,later,ZhangXin through the final exam far go to England to attend the postgraduate program,Read a master in Britain,1 years most can graduate,But this year's tuition、Living expenses is as high as 250000 yuan,In order to reduce the economic burden of home,He went to the Chinese restaurant do the physical work。December 2011,He successfully get diploma,Can find work the problem such as the mountains as pressure on him。Because of the company business enterprise now conventional require students degree certificate,For this ZhangXin bitter and four months,To get a series of proof,The family said,A bank inauguration in Qingdao。


For most people it is a public bank,High wages,Welfare good,But ZhangXin don't think so,Every day he can't have finished the task for his distress,This thinking about work not troublesome family,But now need to work he constantly expand contacts,For this he and his family dispute continuously。Because it was not well,Also have no business,The salary of a month to hand is 1200 RMB。To his advantage“Foreign language”,He think didn't the use。


“I prefer to go to foreign company,At least English will not waste,Also like foreign companies working environment,I now work or that have nothing to do all day,Otherwise is to do the driver,No one willing to teach you in business。The office colleagues are inconsistent some foreign students,The key is too difficult task of finish,This work can't do。”


Now after work he will also go to recruitment website scan,See if you can find a more suitable jobs。


Overseas said employment




He has visited Japan to study abroad


reality:Reduce request


experience:“But in China,I like to find out what can I learn post these knowledge,So the more work for the lose heart,Demand is also more and more low。”In the column of a month,She carefully chose 2000 yuan or“negotiable”。LiSiQi said,His throwing out altogether 117 resumes,Chance to interview about 10 times,She only to interview two times。For her lack of information and resources,Except in online resume,She doesn't know what else to find work channel。




He has visited the United States


reality:Own business

  经历:“2010年,我在家投了两个月简历,后来是在亲戚的介绍下,我在一家人力资源企业的法律顾问部实习了一年。”宋建说,那段时间真是什么工作都干,就是个打杂儿的,公司还是没有留他的意思 ,所以他没跟家人商量就离开了。今年,在父母的资助下,他跟朋友合开了一个英式奶茶店,现在刚刚起步,希望以后能做得顺利一点。

experience:“2010 years,I was at home for two months resume,Later in introduced by relatives,I am in a human resources enterprise legal advisers of practice for a year。”SongJian said,That time is really what a job,Is a DaZaEr,The company still did not take his meaning ,So he didn't discuss with my family left。This year,In the parents' support,His friends in conjunction with a British milk tea shop,Now just the start,Hope I can do it well point。


Sun plug


He has visited New Zealand study abroad


reality:Employment abroad


experience:He has a highly educated plug in the domestic struggling couldn't find a job,His main in New Zealand a and maritime relevant professional,Graduate with excellent results,He hurried back to Qingdao thinking about doing something great。The results he found their own major in domestic very unpopular,Is hard to find a job,Thanks to the Singapore has a friend of familiar with the enterprise,Sun plug said,“Recently I was the related formalities,See if we can go to Singapore took office。”




He has visited study in Britain


reality:Inadequate contacts


experience:For most people it is a public bank,High wages,Welfare good,But ZhangXin don't think so,Every day he can't have finished the task for his distress,This thinking about work not troublesome family,But now need to work he constantly expand contacts,For this he and his family dispute continuously。Because it was not well,Also have no business,The salary of a month to hand is 1200 RMB。To his advantage“Foreign language”,He think didn't the use。

  成功 锻炼心理素质,抓住机遇

Successful exercise psychological quality,Seize the opportunity


Of course,Overseas employment difficult problems and returned home,It's not all the present situation of the sea,Can deny that the advantage of sea,Many have excellent work ability turtle,After returning home development rather“dazzling”。

  于非在2008年至2010年于美国亚利桑那州立大学就读微电子工程硕士课程。“毕业后我找工作找了4个月,网投、招聘会都去过,但是都不靠谱,国外大学的毕业时间与国内高校校园招聘的时间错开了,社会招聘又不适合刚毕业的学生”。于非说,他毕业后的第一份工作是在上海,是通过美国导师的关系进入了这家公司,工作基本和本专业相符 ,后来机缘巧合,他在一个环保产业论坛上又认识了一位曾在华尔街工作的老总,于是转做了金融行业。“其实从开始找工作到现在都是机缘巧合。总体来说,虽然偏离了本专业,但是自己对这份工作还是挺感兴趣的。”

In the years from 2008 to 2010 in the United States Arizona state university in micro-electronic engineering postgraduate program。“After graduation I find work for four months,Nets for、Recruitment has been to,But are not by the spectrum,The university of foreign and domestic university graduation time campus recruitment time stagger,Social recruitment and not suitable for graduate students”。In the,He first graduate job is in Shanghai,Is the relationship between the United States through the teacher entered the company,Work is the basic and professional ,Later chance occurrences,He in a BBS on environmental protection industry and understanding a was the President of working on Wall Street,Then turn the financial industry do。“In fact from started looking for work to are now the chance occurrences。overall,Although deviated from the professional,But for the job or very interested in。”


That was why not stay in the development of the United States?“In fact this is professional in the United States is good looking for work,But I don't want to be an engineer for a lifetime,Surrounded by some in the United States and the inauguration of a classmate later are all back slowly,I think cultural differences can't because you in two or three years that life is smaller。”In addition,In the returned students employment to put forward some Suggestions。“Students employment can't just want high salary,Salary is determined according to the post,This post to the content of the work the decision you can give enterprise how much the value,Don't expect a office work or assistant position to give you 5000 yuan,Looking for a job before thinking really up to。”


Jiaonan zhang jie is the other examples of success。Study abroad in France,He have a chance to apply for to loreal companies practice,After graduation,He was a French public relations company Asia as President,He was just 23 years old。Said zhang jie,“I think to study abroad or have the advantage,Spend several years in foreign countries,The outlook and thinking will be widened。”

  张杰说,孤身一人前往异国他乡,所有的事情都要自己去处理,这无形中锻炼了自己独立应对的能力,而刚开始没有朋友的时候,必须要忍受孤独,学会自己调节状态,就能造就强大的心理素质 。而国外开放的学习方式,逼得你必须进入角色,必须动脑子参与,必须开口说话,这种不一样的学习环境可以调动积极性,赋予你在众人面前演讲的勇气,还有接触不同的文化,会带来思维和眼界的开阔。总之,几年的留学时间可以把一个稚嫩的孩子变成一个心胸豁达,眼界开阔,积极向上,心智成熟的人,这些性格的养成对于你未来的发展有着重要的影响。

Said zhang jie,To a foreign country alone,All the things to deal with,This exercise their own independent deal with virtually the ability,And just start without a friend,Must stand alone,Learn how to adjust state,He will have a powerful psychological quality 。And foreign open ways of learning,Force you must enter the role,Must move the brain involved,Must speak,This is not the same as the learning environment can mobilize enthusiasm,Give you in the presence of all the courage of speech,Still have contact with different culture,Will bring thinking and the open horizon。In short,Years of study time can take a young child into a mind open-minded,Eyes open,positive,The maturity,The character of the form for your future development has a significant impact。

  难题 就业面窄,起薪低

The employment problem narrow face,Starting salary low


“At present,The employment situation to sea to do a more awkward stage,On one hand, the number of students has greatly increased,On the other hand enterprise of this section of the people is become more and more cautious acceptance。”Shandong province service center for studying abroad relevant controller introduces said。Reporters access to,In 2011, study abroad personnel for a total of 339700 people,Study abroad at one's own expenses of 314800 people。In the same year all kinds of returned people for a total of 186200 people。Compared with 2010,The number of students and returned all have increased the number。Zhilian zhaopin Qingdao area general manager wang bin said,“Although the rate of employment for sea festival.guests and no statistics,But a large presence that sea‘Content for your notes’Thought no longer exists,And with the increase of the number of overseas employment experience,Many enterprise controller also gradually calm at sea to the employees。And like Qingdao comparison of shortage of the import and export trade and other logistics industry need tend to be professional,Virtually also narrowed the students employment range。”

  被工作困扰的李思琪就困惑地说,“对于普通海归来说,除了在网上投简历,根本不知道工作还可以去哪找。”有时候她甚至觉得自己是被忽略的那部分人,大家对于专科生 、大学生就业都非常关心,而唯独海归就业问题,感觉无人问津。对此,青岛人力资源和社会保障局的赵主任也表示,“普通留学生的就业问题,确实是一个需要研究的课题。”

The problems in the LiSiQi will be puzzled said,“For ordinary for overseas,Except in online resume,Don't know where to find work can also。”Sometimes she even feel is ignored that part of the people,For all students 、College students' employment are very concerned about,And the only overseas employment problem,Feeling go unattended。this,Qingdao human resources and the social security bureau director zhao also said,“Ordinary students employment problems,Is really a need of research。”


July 22,,Zhilian zhaopin few in the sea of recruitment information,A company recruit overseas for the master's degree,Monthly salary for 3000 yuan RMB,This standard only slightly higher than domestic students,Some college graduate mechanic may get even higher than this month。


“Just return the,My ideal for 6000 yuan a month,I think oneself or compare reality,But the interview the interviewer a listen to this number,Expression is a little strange,Then began a little down requirements,But not good work and find where。”From South Korea to study abroad the liu Yang gave back said,“We spend so many money to go abroad for further study,After I come back to China, take salary as domestic specialized subject、Undergraduate students make no difference,Even some companies prefer to hire them and not willing to hire us,Is really don't understand。”

  对于留学生们的种种疑惑,王斌说,“就业面窄、起薪低、国内工作环境难适应,这些都是目前海归们面临的问题。虽然在就业率上,没有机构做过统计,但是从我们反馈的情况,我们了解到海归的就业率并不高。据我了解,刚回国的海归,要求月薪多在6000元至8000元人民币之间,也有要求1万元以上的。这个薪水标准与国内硕士、博士并无太大差别。然而,很多国内的公司却并不买账 。并且,不少海归找到工作几天后也会跳槽,因为国内与国外意识差别真的特别大,工作中复杂的人事环境让海归们难以接受。

For the students of all sorts of doubts,Bin wang said,“Employment narrow face、Starting salary low、Domestic work environment difficult to get used to,These are now the sea to the problems faced。Although in employment,No institutions do statistics,But from our feedback,We understand that the employment rate of sea is not high。I understand,Just back to sea,Monthly salary requirements in 6000 yuan more to 8000 yuan between,Also have requirement of 10000 yuan of above。The salary standard and domestic master、Ph.D. And without too much difference。however,Many of the domestic company does not buy it 。and,Many overseas to find work after a few days will also change,Because domestic and foreign consciousness difference really big,The work of the complicated environment for the overseas personnel to accept。

  说法 海归找工作还得靠能力

Sea that job are counting on ability

  “以前招过留学生 ,但他们除了给我提意见让我建个茶水间之外,几乎没给公司做过任何贡献,你让他接个国外的单子,但他的英文水平却连件事情都讲不清楚,还不如我们这里普通的业务员。”香港中路一家外贸企业的负责人刘总向记者抱怨。另一家人力资源公司的经理幽默地说,“不管你是纽约腔调还是伦敦腔调,来这里都要给我们变回来,踏踏实实干活。”

“Before a students gathered ,But they let me in addition to the opinions of I build a break room besides,Almost didn't do any contribution to the company,You let him pick up a list of foreign countries,But his English level is not even thing all speak not clear,We here than ordinary salesman。”A foreign trade enterprise Hong Kong middle road to the head of the liu2 zong3 to journalists complain。Another human resources manager of the company in good humor said,“No matter you are the New York accent or London accent,Come here will give us grow back,Dependable work。”

  虽然,刘总聘用的海归只是个例,但大部分本土企业都比较现实,在选择人才时也不会只盯着你是不是海归。而且国内外的环境差异很大,虽然留学生出去只有几年,但是回国后却需要一段时间来适应,另外,留学生海外生活年限短,交往人群一般仅限于同国籍人,学生的外语难以有质的变化,除非有明确的自我规划能改变这些弊端。否则留学生就是普通学生 ,也不存在优势。

although,Liu2 zong3 hire sea just alone,But most of the local enterprises are reality,In choosing talents won't just stare at you are overseas。And the difference is very big environment at home and abroad,Although the students out of a few years,But after returning home but will need time to adapt,In addition,Students of short life abroad,Communication with the nationality people generally limited to people,Students' foreign language is difficult to have a qualitative change,Unless there is a clear self planning can change these abuses。Otherwise students is ordinary student ,There is no advantage。


Studied in Japan two years of LiSiQi to reporter said,Study abroad two years later,She USES the simple Japanese and English communication must be no problem,But to say do this professional too strong Japanese translation work must not,Because in Japan during class,Her most around are Chinese,Everyone in Chinese communication。

  “留学生找工作的王牌不是留学生的身份,而是自己的工作能力。”青岛市人社局孙处长说,部分海归就业难的问题与他们的心态有着很大的关系,“有的海归认为自己留学几年,花了家里不少的钱,到了公司就想要高工资、高职位,而对自己的能力并不清楚,甚至有些留学生出去留学几年,语言都不过关 ,结果大事做不了,小事又不想做;再就是海归对就业企业比较挑剔,回国后,大部分都愿意选择在一些大企业,无形中加剧了这些岗位的竞争激烈程度。”

“Students looking for work ace is not the identity of the students,But their own ability to work。”Qingdao people club bureau director sun said,Part of the sea to the problem of employment and their mentality has the very big relations,“Some overseas think you study abroad for a few years,Spent a lot of money at home,The company will want a high salary、High position,And for his ability is not clear,Even some students go out to study abroad for a few years,Language doesn't pass ,The results can't do great things,Little things and don't want to do;Then on employment overseas enterprise is very fussy,Returned home after,Most would choose in some big enterprises,Virtually increased the competition for jobs intensity。”


Wang bin suggested,“Looking for work should be ignored when their education background,Emphasize their work experience in China、Skilled foreign language level and in overseas work experience,So you will greatly improve the competitiveness。Now the enterprise is very real,You work in a problem,Enterprise can't because you are overseas special treatment。”His special remind,In the foreign be about to exercise their ability to work and work experience,And back in domestic will adapt to domestic employment environment。


“For the demand of Qingdao sea or some,Such as some of new industries,Like the ocean、Biological pharmaceutical, etc,All these need have relevant professional sea in return。”Samson said to the director of,“Qingdao has been welcome innovation ability、The returned students undertaking abilities,This has been our wish。”

  实习生 吴瑞琦 记者 丁辉

Interns WuRuiQi DingHui reporters


Experts remind


Want to make career planning


More and more students choose to go abroad“For further study”,but“For further study”Behind it is full of uncertainty,Parents and students are still need careful face,This can largely avoid the problem of employment。”Qingdao Po hong education marketing chief, WangYu said,The sea to obtain employment problem,We began to pay attention to early and research,We found that many parents send their children abroad to escape the domestic college entrance examination。Children learn bad grades,Parents can't think of any other way,Think money to send the boy go out everything is all right。In schools and professional choice,Relatively obscure。Plus some irresponsible intermediary induction,Many into the“pheasant”university。After a few years,Children parents spent one million yuan deposit,Get a dirty school diploma or fake diplomas,After returning home to find a job。

  王雨说,孩子在选择专业时,要考虑自己的个性特点和兴趣爱好,要对个人未来的职业规划有一个初步的定位。孩子到了国外以后,第一学年非常重要 ,如果没有很好的引导,很容易混进不学习的群体中,所以家长应该联合留学中介机构,对孩子有一年的跟踪服务期,对环境和课业成绩进行监督。在国外掌握了真本领,回国后才是真真正正有含金量的人才,实际上企业不是排斥海归,还是排斥只有文凭没有真本领的海归。

WangYu said,Children in when the choice is professional,Want to consider his own personality characteristics and interests,To the individual future career plan has a primary orientation。After the children at abroad,The first year is very important ,If not a very good guide,Very easy to get not learning groups,So parents should joint consultative organizations,The child a year of tracking service period,On the environment and academic achievements supervision。In the foreign master the real ability,After returning home is really is a measure of talents,In fact enterprise is not reject overseas,Or repel only diploma no real ability turtle。


Go abroad not gold plating,Can calculate sightseeing

  前不久,在一宗求职节目上,一位留学生上台来,自称在海外修了不少学位,结果被那些boss质疑 ,晕倒在现场。且不去说他的学位到底是真是假,单是看到他拿着国外那些事情显摆,却不能展示自己的真才实学,纵是手握十个真证书,这些国内的 boss一样会把他击倒在地。

Not long ago,In a job on the program,A student on stage,In overseas repaired many claim degree,The result was the boss questioned ,Faint in the field。And not to say his degree is it true or not,Single is to see he take a foreign those things nevertheless,But can't show he's made of,The hand is ten really certificate,These domestic of boss will knocked him to the ground。


now,The domestic enterprise is no longer only degree、Was born the employing,But pay more attention to their own quality and ability of talents。“turtle”That is no longer as 20 years ago,Is a shining XiHanWu,“turtle”change“kelp”Examples will be more and more,This warning the people,Don't try to rely on a overseas diploma,Back to find specialization。If you are overseas not gold plating,Home only lead to the above his business worst qualities,Then you go abroad can be take parents money go out to walk a circle。Can calculate long knowledge,Can't calculate long skill。


Has had many foreign students are studying in foreign do beautiful dream:Back in the international big enterprise not to go;Yearly salary is less than 100000 yuan;Working place the big cities。Don't know they face now,Will not laugh,Then look at the window。


Real over gold plating“turtle”are,No matter where you go,Believe they back always gold across,If just landmarks,Tour of foreign urban landscapes,They have,It can only be a central back。
