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“一睹美国东西海岸七大常春藤名校风采,亲身感受英伦文化气息,直面招生官详解申请秘籍……” “See the U.S. east coast an ivy seven big style,Experience in British culture breath,Face to face with the recruit students, sep application kept secret……”


In the two months in the summer,And as the temperature of high fever is parents give children made all kinds of summer plans。And nowadays most fashionable summer vacation activities,Have to travel abroad, however, is a summer。


Reporter in an interview to understand,Local and overseas training and study abroad organization students to travel abroad investigation,Generally a 10 to 20 days,Cost of 30000 ~ 50000 yuan。For children whose parents not hesitate heavy gold“School swimming”,Want to is to let the children of informative、Feel the charm of some famous overseas,In the future in order to send children to study abroad do matting;however,Spending the high cost,The children can harvest could meet the parents expectation in the heart?“travel”Exactly is“swim”or“learn”?


 游学“热”“贵”族化,一场出国留学的预热 travel“hot”“your”Family of,Preheat a study abroad


On July 8 in the morning,A group of dress uniform t-shirts children from Mr Nakagawa lanzhou airport boarded the plane for Beijing,They are an English training organization“Dream trip--the United States and study abroad in the camp”。Children of the itinerary display in his hand,The next three weeks,The children will visit the United States、Canada six big institutions,In the language school practise your oral English,And have the opportunity to host family and live together、accommodation。


 游学,一种边学边玩的国际性文化体验模式 travel,A study of the play international cultural experience mode

  主要参与对象是12岁至18岁的中小学生 The main object is involved in 12 to 18 years of primary and middle school students


For many have let the child go abroad to study abroad the parents to it,“travel”Just can provide a chance to go abroad preheated。“We plan to make children after graduation from high school to study in the United States(Micro bo),This application an ivy American study Tours,Is to let the child the experience ahead of university life,Reduce the blindness of study abroad。”Parents Mr Guo words represent the many to children whose parents of study Tours of the idea。


“Domestic modern to travel abroad is 2002 years to developed rapidly,The number of people to travel abroad to participate in the province also than the one more than a year。”Macao border education group the lanzhou branch manager、Study abroad HouJuan adviser introduced,International travel agencies in gansu province and international students study most of the focus in lanzhou,And lanzhou have no direct flight to foreign flights,So whether to participate in local study Tours in lanzhou or sign up beyond the lanzhou study Tours,All need to go through north to fly wide destination。In number,Lanzhou city registration study Tours though students increased year by year,But on the whole wide than north developed regions,Or is quite different from。


The camp in the study group,About 60% is for the future study of anticipation。“Through the study,These students to study in the future life is more real feeling,Understand yourself if you adapt to life abroad,Still need to improve what ability,So overseas travel was also the image of the yu‘Micro study abroad’。”A study visa agencies responsible for the ester also has revealed,The student good exit for them in their academic record to go abroad、Study abroad“Add cent”,This is also a lot of parents let children study in the cause of the camp early。


According to understand,At present to participate in overseas study Tours can be divided into three kinds of people:The first class with“informative”As the main purpose,Hope to study abroad through the cultural understanding、life,Elementary and junior high school students are in the majority;The second type to“Study abroad the investigation”primarily,Most have to go abroad to study abroad is going to high school students,Hope to experience the relevant countries and schools in advance of the life abroad,Understand enter oneself for an examination the atmosphere of colleges and universities;The third kind to“Decompression relax”primarily,For more than just attended the university entrance exam(Micro bo)(Micro bo)students,On the one hand to loosen body and mind,On the other hand, is hoping to use this opportunity to access to overseas university,For future applications exchange students graduate student or groundwork。


 “贵”族化 “your”Family of

  价格从3.5万到8万元不等 Prices from 35000 to 80000 yuan


The reporter understands,At present“travel”Products usually divided into domestic travel and foreign swim two kinds。Industry insiders said,YuLiRun compared with low domestic travel,At present the travel agency、Training institutions、Study abroad intermediary tend to launch to the United States、British、Australia and other English country primarily international tour products。This summer,A one way ticket to the us has gone up to 12000 to 13000 yuan RMB,Or a ticket, it is difficult to find。Another according to the capital airport statistics,Last August,The number of the capital airport exit as high as more than 790000 people,One student accounts for more than ten percent of the total number exit。And the domestic study Tours,Also is“Summer camp”,To so far this year,Basic be summer parent-child swim replaced。


A lot of that information on its web site,Travel products the price does not poor。Short 10 days of travel,Offer basic is in 30000 yuan of above。In the United States, for example,Los Angeles two weeks a boarding school camp,Harvard University things coast exploration of the camp,“Genius trip”TOP school camp, and so on,Prices from 35000 to 80000 yuan。


 动辄数万元的游学费用,究竟贵在哪里? Tens of thousands of yuan cost of travel easily,Where exactly is the?


“International study a big space to profits,In the United States, for example,If can get cheaper ticket,Organizations from every campers will earn at least $5000。”A long-term study in the international organizations working people told reporters。


In a training organization's web site,Online customer service staff to let us know,If now want to participate in the study tour,Have no quota,Because many students in four、May have signed up,The other lines suggested coming in October。Reporters on the agency web site found,The agency each route of travel expenses contains a application fee、Groom cost、activities、Round international airfare、Company guide tips、Insurance and in the outside to eat、live、Travel expenses。“A round trip ticket to go to the United States about 10000-15000 yuan,More advanced reservation is a lot cheaper,Even to 67000 yuan low,Because of the commitment in their lives in the United States,eat、Live will be really cheap compared to the tour group,Plus everyday the tolls,Lay open to each person, 800 yuan every day,20 day of travel in the U.S. linger time at most is also 16 days,Add up to 25000 yuan per ticket cost to the left。”The industry insiders said。


 需清醒 Should be awake

  游学时要看所选择的项目 Travel to see when the choice of project


For many have let the child go abroad to study abroad the parents to it,“travel”Just can provide a chance to go abroad preheated,So many people decided to try,But the effect is not the ideal。


Last summer vacation,Ms. Li embrace of silver to improve oral English level of purpose,Give the second daughter signed up“Study English charm summer camp”。However daughter after returning home,Said the enthusiasm of English haven't seen increased,But, as he sees them through the suit cases souvenirs,Ms liang to speak English countryside scenery beautiful how,Castle trip so magical。


The original,Ms liang to get the contract does not indicate scenic spots and visit the university schedule proportion。According to the child reflect,16 days,Only four days travel agency for the morning visit Oxford、Cambridge elite,The rest of the time is tourist attractions,Every one can arrange the tour guide shopping activities。Typically the visit of the type lets the daughter struggling anyway,No chance and campus students communicate depth,The tour guide to explain in Chinese,Spoken English is not improving。


Mr. Ding some time ago to give citizens to the son of high for a European study Tours,“When thinking about him can take this opportunity to experience the each school atmosphere,Wait until the study application when also can have a reference,Choose suitable for his school。”However Mr. Ding soon found,His idea is just wishful thinking,Over the“Micro study abroad”after,Son came home just a strength said“Had a high”,But for the school but no impression。


Reporter in several study institutions、Travel agency、Training organization's web site to see,Study tour line wide variety,But after careful observation found,Almost all of the line tourism accounts for more than half of the time,And not really achieve“study”purpose。With a bilingual school study as an example of the line,In a study of 18 days of travel,The United States did not see any line for visiting school object,Also did not see any training course。But the schedule of famous brand discount store there but for shopping center、Disney、Universal studios、Las Vegas and entertainment shopping project。Britain and Canada trip though there were respectively Cambridge university and British Columbia University visit time,But in general is still dominated the sightseeing in the study of absolute time。


“With the name of the study,Wander the exotic amorous feelings。”A study in agency workers said,“When study to see your choice of project,Some play and study all accounts for half,Some is the pure play。In fact this is a personal choice。Some parents of children is the study as a reward way,The main consideration security problems,Don't be too concerned about the essential contents of the study,As long as the children had just happy。”


But LanHua one teacher ZhaoYuan think,The study of youth development is one way。Both at home and abroad,Travel by students and parents are welcome。We are now in the street is not hard to see foreign to study Chinese students,The same Chinese conditional can also go out。But she has a kind of anxiety:“I think now a large number of Chinese children go abroad,A the biggest problem,Administer is、nobility。The route is typically adult route,Live luxury hotel,Eat French restaurant,Go shopping on sale field,Buy luxury,This is a kind of error。”


ZhaoYuan thinks highly of some schools of simple and unadorned exchange activities,The students have the opportunity to live a home stay facility,In order to truly access to foreign life and culture。

  “冷”思考 “cold”thinking

  游学最好还是由学校来做 Travel by the school to do better


“undeniable,The child to study abroad can widen our sight、informative。Especially to prepare for a child to study abroad in the future,The future of abroad life a scout。But the problems are,YiHongErShang overseas travel often deviated from the original intention。”Chinese American、Love the international education institutions letter(AIE)President BaiTieJun pointed to study abroad in the market at present, dr mess:“Look from the mentality,Follow suit phenomenon common,‘comparisons’Complex serious;Look from the effects of,Often given the,Even just‘swim’Don't‘learn’。”


“The purpose of the study is‘learn’,From the early travel the child's age and personality traits,It is difficult to achieve the real purpose of study。so,We make clear what is in the study、When travel、Based on the study of what is,Might as well to ponder calmly:Our children need to study whether overseas?”BaiTieJun think,The child's knowledge accumulation and judgment not to a certain extent,Does not fit for travel activities,“The price of travel easily three or four ten thousand yuan,The expectations of the parents and the actual return will produce larger gap”。


HouJuan it is suggested that,Students and parents in the choice before study lines,Want to see curriculum,Is truly both study,Or is it just a sightseeing tour didn't study,or“learn”Content is not enough in position;2 see security,Whether the organization has the related qualification,Whether to buy insurance;Three see children interest,The interests of the child and the destination、The theme of the camp if it fits the study,First make sure your child has a positive learning attitude,Active learning the children get more。


“See only on one hand,But more important is the process of looking at,Can stimulate a child's an interest,A more aggressive heart,Mining the child's potential,The school before me,I think of??? What??,Or to give yourself a planning,This is our Chinese children is the flaw place。”HouJuan think,The significance of the study is to children concept and consciousness of ascension。“For children and adults study of touches is different,Different age paragraph the children come back will have different harvest and change。These every touches,For more than ten years old children outlook on life and values of the form,And even their lives,Can produce a subtle influence”。


ZhaoYuan said,Travel can indeed be a real eye-opener、Long experience。But don't be exaggerated overseas study education function。Some intermediary overstating the education effect abroad,Will only give students bring misunderstanding,In fact,Some of students is not strong self-control after abroad,Are faced with the problem may be much more。and,Domestic intermediary good and evil people mixed up、Qualification is differ,No corresponding to the department of supervision。She thought,Travel by the school to do better,Because a lot of schools are paired off with foreign school,Learn more about each other school education characteristics,Results may be even greater。
