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海外“微留学”渐升温 国际游学热背后存隐忧--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  新华网北京7月17日电(记者孙伟丽)“一睹美国东西海岸七大常春藤名校风采,亲身感受英伦文化气息,直面招生官详解申请秘籍……”随着暑假到来,被喻为“微留学”的海外修学游陆续迎来出发高峰。专家指出,我国出国游学市场尚待完善,“游多学少”现象普遍,火热的游学营背后存在巨大的利润空间,家长应慎重选择。 Subtitle # e# Xinhuanet Beijing on July 17-(Reporter SunWeiLi)“See the U.S. east coast an ivy seven big style,Experience in British culture breath,Face to face with the recruit students, sep application kept secret……”With the coming summer vacation,Is known as“Micro study abroad”Overseas study in succession of swimming in peak。Experts point out that,Our country to travel abroad market is yet to be perfected,“Swim learn much less”Phenomenon the common,The hot study abroad in the camp are behind huge profit margins,Parents should choose carefully。


海外游学团爆满“微留学”成潮流 Overseas study Tours were full“Micro study abroad”Into tide


11, in the morning,A group of dress uniform t-shirts children from the capital airport on international flights,They are an English training organization“Commenting on the study and dream of the camp”。Children of the itinerary display in his hand,The next three weeks,The children will visit the United States、Canada six big institutions,In the language school practise your oral English,And have the opportunity to host family and live together、accommodation。


multifarious“Study tour”Advertising in the summer before the deluge。Reporters from Beijing travel agencies and education institutions to understand,The United States、Britain's popular travel three months ago line booked out,Average 2 to 30000 yuan each line of the swim almost completely full。


Swimming is rising prices drop this year。The United States、Canada、Europe's eight days to 10 days of group,The cost is the lowest since 25000 yuan,Calculate on each kind of cost,A child in foreign travel cost at least 10 days in 30000 yuan of above,Average cost 3000 yuan。


“We plan to make children after graduation from high school to study in the United States,This application an ivy American study Tours,Is to let the child the experience ahead of university life,Reduce the blindness of study abroad。”Parents Mr Guo words represent the many to children whose parents of study Tours of the idea。


Rev. DE education swim strand manager introduced yanjing temperature,The camp in the study group,About 60% is for the future study of anticipation。“Through the study,These students to study in the future life is more real feeling,Understand yourself if you adapt to life abroad,Still need to improve what ability,So overseas travel was also the image of the yu‘Micro study abroad’。”


According to understand,At present to participate in overseas study Tours can be divided into three kinds of people:The first class with“informative”As the main purpose,Hope to study abroad through the cultural understanding、life,Elementary and junior high school students are in the majority;The second type to“Study abroad the investigation”primarily,Most have to go abroad to study abroad is going to high school students,Hope to experience the relevant countries and schools in advance of the life abroad,Understand enter oneself for an examination the atmosphere of colleges and universities;The third kind to“Decompression relax”primarily,For more than just attended the university entrance exam of the students,On the one hand in order to relieve pressure,Loosen body and mind,On the other hand, is hoping to use this opportunity to access to overseas university,For future applications exchange students graduate student or groundwork。

