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广西女婴心脏长右边 “镜面”宝宝成功接受手术--亲稳网络舆情监控室
孩子是个“镜面人” The child was a“Mirror people”
PingGuoXian civil affairs bureau of leaders, social affairs HuangCheng told reporters,February 16,,Small qian appeared in local terminal market,But her side no adult care。
Can't find parents of children,Police will be sent to the civil affairs bureau baby girl。“See the child at the first glance know she was sick。”Huang Lin,At that time she was bleeding,Especially lips and nails,Deep purple,See her at the time of the end,Estimates only 1 year old。
HuangCheng with small qian to local hospital inspection。The doctor with the receiver in her chest to the left to half a day,Didn't hear action,Very is wonder。Do to exceed discovered,Small qian heart incredibly long on the right,The liver is long to the left,The position of the normal internal organs with the complete opposite,Is rare“Mirror people”。According to understand,“Mirror people”There is one over one million chance of。
“不顺手”的手术很成功 “Not at”The operation was a success
The examination also detected small qian suffered from severe congenital heart disease,She's purple is caused by heart disease。A long against the problem of the heart,Operation difficulty is very big,The local hospital advice to the big hospital turn nanning treatment。
June 6,,HuangCheng with small qian came to guangxi university of Chinese medicine hospital affiliated rui kang。June 15,,Small qian in the successful accepted the heart operation。The morning on July 25,,Reporters in the hospital met small qian。The head nurse is holding her in the corridor practice to walk,To see the head nurse took out her photo before surgery,Small qian curiously zheng big eyes,By hand grasp a photo,Look at the two eyes to the people in the picture that is yourself,Giggling nonstop。
该院心胸外科主任吴文森介绍,小倩的手术难度很大,不仅是因为心脏位置反了,而且心脏本身的内部结构也跟正常人差别很大。普通人的静脉血是流入肺部,小倩的静脉血却流入主动脉,这就造成了体内缺氧,出现严重的紫绀现象,这种情况俗称“蓝小孩”(源自英文的“blue baby”)。
The director of the thoracic surgeons WuWenSen introduced,Small qian operation very difficult,Not only because of the position of the heart,And the internal structure of heart itself with normal person the difference is very big。The operations of the common venous blood is into the lungs,Small qian of venous blood but into the aorta,This created the oxygen to body,Appear serious defect of purple phenomenon,This kind of situation commonly known as“Blue children”(Derived from the English“Blue baby”)。
WuWenSen said,Give small qian heart surgery like transformation a house,Some door little the,In and out of the difficult,Will widen;Some door open is not local,Have to move over a little。The awful position in the heart is the......,When the doctor operated on the position of the station、The position of the instrument has to change,And just like the people with the right hand to suddenly want to switch to the left hand,“Not at,But preoperative have prepared for it,So the operation was a success”。According to introducing,And then after a period of recovery,Small qian can like normal children learn、life。
康复后另觅家庭温暖 Rehabilitation find another family warm
In nanning during be in hospital,PingGuoXian civil affairs bureau to small qian please a nanny personal care for her。Nanny lee aunt told reporters,Before the operation of small qian is poor,A cry will whole body purple with rage,Return a side to cry edge that“dad、mother”。More than a month to get along to the poor aunt li and lovely girl has the feelings,The surge to buy her a few things,Small qian feet in red is the gift of aunt li sandals。
The nurse in the hospital are also very love small qian,Everybody bought her a lot of toys,And every day bring her fruit、snacks。All the expenses of the hospital is about 100000 yuan,In the hospital from 40000 yuan。Rest will by the civil affairs departments of congenital heart disease patients relief project funding。
The day,The recovery HuangCheng discharged from the hospital small qian pingguo take back,“The first live a long time welfare homes,I'll think of a way to find a seldom adopt her”。
据介绍,通常情况下,“镜面人”只是内脏的位置跟正常人相反,功能上没有区别,能完全像健康人一样生活。“镜面人”的出现与遗传等多种因素有关,目前医学上对这一现象的成因还没定论。医生提醒,部分先天性疾病可通过产前检查发现,负责任的父母应该在孕期接受正规的产前检查,将出生缺陷发生的几率降到最低。(记者 张若凡 实习生 梁芳丹)
According to introducing,usually,“Mirror people”Only the position of the internal organs with normal person instead,The function no difference,Can completely healthy life as the same。“Mirror people”The appearance and genetic and so on many kinds of factors,The medicine at present to the causes of this phenomenon undecided。The doctor warned the,Part of the congenital diseases can be through the antenatal examination found,Responsible parents should be in pregnancy formal antenatal examination,Will the incidence of birth defects to a minimum。(Reporter ZhangRe every intern LiangFangDan)
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