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男孩7楼坠至2楼平台奇迹生还 房门反锁留求救纸--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


男孩7楼坠至2楼平台奇迹生还 The little boy and a floor to floor 2 platform miracle survive


反锁房门下留着小孩的求救纸条,坠楼极可能是没等到外出的外婆回来,情急之下爬窗户 Under the door locks with child note for help,From a building may be extremely didn't go out until the grandma back,Under the feeling be nasty climb the window

男孩7楼坠至2楼平台奇迹生还 房门反锁留求救纸
   左图:开着的窗口是孩子坠楼处;右图:孩子留言显示自己被关房内。 the:The open window is from a building in children;right:The child shows up his message room。


Yesterday morning,Nanjing road a small area of heilongjiang's a 7-year-old boy from the floor of the house fell,Fall in cement floor 2 platform。Because finding and,Injured boy was the first time taken to children's hospitals,Temporary life-threatening。The incident once again on the summer child safety alarms。The reporter understands,Children from a building in a few minutes before,The old man go out to buy food,The home of the management and no parents。


坠楼回放 From a building playback


砸到水泥地弹起,男孩一度翻身坐起 Hit up to cement,The boy was sitting up in turn over


XuanXuan boy from a building(aliases)Live in the seventh floor。Yangzi evening news yesterday when the reporter arrived on the scene,“120”Has the injured XuanXuan sent to nanjing children hospital。


Village monitoring system replays showed,Yesterday morning 9 16 points and 22 seconds,A black dots fell on 2 / f platform,And the black spots from a building is the XiaoXuan mission,From the seventh floor fall down to 2 / f platform time is 2 to 3 seconds。Monitoring system clearly on display,XuanXuan fall to cement after platform,Be heavy up and down,A few seconds later he actually turn over sat up,But then was flat and fainted。


Monitoring system at 9 o 'clock in the morning show 21 points,Property security personnel on the platform will from a building boy picked up,5 minutes before and after。Then came from distress call the ambulance will be 120 children sent to the hospital,Almost no delay period。


At the time of king captain involved in rescue security master said,He and his colleagues jia get master from a building with the boy,Found him still breathing,Small hand also were trembling,Expression was painful,And a faint cry for help:“uncle,I was the seventh floor of the,I very suffered。”


记者调查 A survey


孩子坠楼前写下“求救小纸片” The child fell to write down the building“For help little pieces of”


Yesterday morning 10 PM,Reporter in the room 203 residents of the cement floor window platform to see,XuanXuan from a building where there are still stains of blood。The earth have a few pencils and exercise books,It says XuanXuan name and“A grade 5 classes”words。The seventh floor window has been open。


Why XuanXuan from 7 buildings from a building?Children in the home,Red with very anxious children grandmother rim told reporters,The eent when she is going to buy food,Not long before going out,Just received a phone call,Said the grandson of home had an accident。When she heard that her frighten leg all soft,Now is not call to hospital,Can only pray children ok。


The reporter saw,From a building in the house of XuanXuan window study,Book door lock is the could not open the。Grandmother told reporters,She found the grandson home before wrote a note for help。Note content is:“popo(mother-in-law),Would you please dai(wear)Jing eye(mirror)see,My fang(room)Door ka(card)zhu(live)the,I get out,Please call for dad。”Elementary school children have just read a grade,Many words are all use pinyin instead。


Room 203 residents of speculation,Lock the door may be XuanXuan......,Won't open,Can help,The child the feeling be nasty under just want to climb out of the window。


奇迹生还与孩子身体较柔软有关 Miracle child survival and soft body are concerned


11 o 'clock yesterday morning,Reporter arrived nanjing after the children's hospital,XiaoXuan xuan is intensive care ward observed。The doctor diagnosed says,Children now are not life-threatening,In addition to fractured his right arm and body a few bruises outside,Did not hurt and important organs。XuanXuan father have hurried to the hospital,And small area security personnel have been weakly in intensive care outside。


According to understand,XuanXuan from 7 buildings on the second floor of the fall in cement platform,5 buildings more highly,The vertical distance almost 20 m,Middle and no object like awning, cut off,According to the free fall gravity acceleration,20 meters height drop to touch the ground moment speed more than 20 m/s almost,Converted to speed,Up to 72 km/hour,Far more than the world sprint champion a-yard dash of speed。Such high speed and cement floor impact occurred,Why the softness of the children would somehow survive,Just arm fractures and a few bruises?The explanation is a doctor,May fall and Angle and the little boy body tissues partial soft relevant。

  截至昨晚8点半记者发稿时,来自儿童医院的消息:半小时前,小宣宣因为胸部有淤血需要手术,已经被推进手术室接受治疗,尽管暂无什么危险,但情况并不稳定。 (报料人:于先生)

As a reporter at half past eight last night,The news from the children's hospital:Half an hour ago,XiaoXuan mission because chest congestion need surgery,Has pushed to the operating room for treatment,Although no dangerous,But it is not stable。 (People attempting:Mr. In)


安全警示 warnings


尽量别让小孩脱离您的视线 Try not to let the child from your sight


Reporter interview to understand,XuanXuanCai 7 years old,The second half on the second grade,Yesterday his father out to do the work,Mother in the town on business。It is with XuanXuan grandmother at home,But the grandma before go out to buy food,In just ten minutes away from my grandmother,Happened from a building things。In fact,Put after summer,The child's safety problem has been controversial。But even so,All children died、High altitude fall event or often been made public。

  扬子晚报再次提醒广大家长们,假期里,无论在家还是出门,尽量让孩子呆在您的视线内。如果父母上班,老人带小孩,也务必叮嘱老人看好孩子,没有什么比孩子的安全更重要的。(记者 吴胜 文/摄)

Yangtze evening paper again to remind our parents,holiday,Whether at home or go out,As far as possible let children stay in your sight。If the parents to work,The old man to take their children,Also be sure to told the old man good children,Nothing is more important than the child's safety。(Reporter WuSheng wen/perturbation)


(Source: Yangtze evening paper)
