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民办院校招生乱象调查:招生三个月赚十几万考生和家长在翻阅琳琅满目的招生简章,如今民办高校的招生越来越困难。 The examinee and the parents was paging through the wide variety of recruit students general rules,Now the private colleges admissions more and more difficult。

  在普通高校扩招和生源减少的背景下,民办高校的招生困局似乎愈演愈烈,从以前的“不费力就能赚 十几万”到现在的“学生越来越难招到”,看似暴利的招生行业已经每况愈下,甚至在四川 、河南和广东等地接连爆出了考生志愿被招生老师篡改的消息,民办高校的招生手段正从“非常规”向“非法”的演化正是民办高校招生空间日趋逼仄的真实反映。

In the ordinary university students and students under the background of reduced,Private colleges admissions this seems to get worse,From the previous“Don't trouble can make several hundred thousand”To now“Students become more and more difficult to recruit”,Looks like the enrollment of industry profits have gone from bad to worse,Even in sichuan 、Henan and guangdong back-to-back bombshells provoked the volunteer is recruit students teacher of tampering with the news,Private colleges admissions means is from“unconventional”to“illegal”It is run by the evolution of college enrollment is the real reflection of cramped space。


招生三个月赚十几万 Recruit students three month several hundred thousand


July 19,,Distance in shandong province on August 2, provided specialist volunteer and 13 days。Although and two owed the opportunity,But this has 13 days to many college recruit students of the sprint phase。The day,Qingdao a private university in linyi TanChengXian admissions director MaLiang(aliases)To get back to Qingdao for the meeting,The conference theme is the final sprint to the mobilization。


MaLiang 2004 into the line,At that time the MaLiang was a sophomore students,A career in Qingdao technical school,He is being recruit students teacher recruit to come here。Wait until to recruit students,He didn't know,The teacher from him away hundreds of money earn commission。

  “那个时候只要广告出去,学生们知道这个学校,报的人就很多。”马亮告诉记者,在他去之前,学校就已经在省级电视台开始做广告了,等他去了再在当地的媒体上打 打广告,然后就到各个学校门口发单页,“那个时候网络没这么发达,尤其是县城里的农村学生,考得不好也要上学,只要在电视上出了名,他们就认。”

“The time as long as advertising out,The students know the school,The report is a lot。”MaLiang told reporters,In his before to,The school has been in provincial television began to do advertisement,Waiting for him to go to the local media in play on advertising,And then to all the school gate main page,“When the network didn't so developed,Especially in the rural students,Do well on the test also want to go to school,As long as on television on the map,They recognize。”


“I be a person,Less than three months,Pure earned twenty-eight thousand。”Look at the line more than making money recruit students,MaLiang after graduation stayed at school counselor,The main task is to the university entrance exam(Micro bo)During the period of recruit students。

  开始那几年,招生相当顺利。常常还有学生名额超过计划数的,马亮就会和上级领导商量着从别的地方调些计划。“当然,有些学校也会超计划招进一些学生。”马亮 说,那样的学生都拿不到毕业证和学位证,属于非法招进去的。有不少学校的学生都闹过,学校只能从下一年的计划中挪出几个陆续给他们发毕业证。“有的学生毕 业三四年了才拿到毕业证。”

Start that a few years,Recruit students very well。Students often have more than the quota plan,MaLiang will and the higher leadership from other places to discuss the some plan。“Of course,Some schools may also ChaoJiHua recruiting into some of the students。”MaLiang said,So the students can't get the diploma and degree certificate,Belong to illegal recruit to in。There are many schools of the students are make,Schools can only from next year's plan to move for a few have they send graduation card。“Some students finish industry for three or four years to get a diploma。”


“The best time to be is 2007 years ago。”MaLiang exclamation,The most when he once can make several hundred thousand dollars,“This is the recruit students of less than three months 'time。”


Two or three years after graduation,MaLiang and many colleague,Bought a house。Even in the undergraduate graduates,This speed is quick。


“十几个电话叫不来一个学生” “Ten several telephone call not to a student”


MaLiang years of training with a more and not make,Now persuade a student to cost down more stars。


July 18, afternoon,Reporter in MaLiang hotel see he is writing just to sit on his opposite of a student introduced their own school。


The students in employment and school strands private identity。


“Qingdao is now the leading blue economic zone,Countries in here for thousands of,After more job opportunities。”“Public is have a state of financial support,Run by no。I feel only this difference。”


About his school after many advantages,MaLiang and limited places said,Their country is communication,According to score from high to low for admission,Only the first name only guarantee。


“The za this score also requires not too much,As long as it is normal school,Have the regular teacher,Learn to learn bad also in his own。”MaLiang also singled out a little,Students admission is a sign labor contract with them。“One hundred percent that obtain employment,If you didn't work can take this agreement against us。”


Half an hour past,The students were somehow。“Personally, I have no problem,As long as the parents agree to,I'm sure I quote us your school。”

  “跟父母说的和跟学生说的就不一样,跟父母要介绍学校怎么正规 ,管理怎么严。跟学生要说学校环境怎么好,青岛怎么好玩。他们各自关注的点不一样。”

“With parents to say with the students and the said,To introduce school with their parents how normal ,How strict management。With the students to say how school environment,Qingdao how fun。Their respective point of concern。”

  在马亮眼里,打电话目前是最有效的招生方式。学生不好招了之后,各个学校就开始发明一些新手段。带学生参观校园,海发录取通知书以及打电话等方式都一下子出 现了。“海发的录取通知书绝大多数都是计划外的,拿不到毕业证,这是骗人的。现在就是打电话能真正招到学生,打广告都不管用了。”

In MaLiang eyes,Call now is the most effective way to recruit students。Students gathered after the bad,Each schools have devised new means。Visit the school with students,The sea hair admission notice and taking a phone call at all the way now。“The hair of the admission notice most are unplanned,Can't get the diploma,This is a。Now is a real phone to students,Advertise would not work。”

  但打电话的失败率极高,“打十几个电话不一定叫来一个学生。”马亮的团队一共四个人,每人都有两部手机,每天不停地打电话。马亮常感叹人员太少,打电话的速 度太慢。“有些犹豫的还要回访,每天的工作量很大。”话费也是一笔不小的开销,马亮每月的电话费怎么也不会低于五百元。

But the failure rate of call is extremely high,“A dozen telephone not called to one of the students。”MaLiang team's four individuals,Each have two mobile phones,To call all day。MaLiang often plaint personnel too little,The call for speed too slow。“Some hesitate to return visits,The high volume of work every day。”Words fee is also a bunch of spending,MaLiang monthly telephone could not less than five hundred yuan。


For so many of the source of the telephone number,MaLiang never denied,“Most is a buy。Are sold on the Internet dedicated of this thing。And some are from the teacher in charge take place,Some school have address book,From the student got them。”


A few days,MaLiang will take a group of students back to Qingdao to have a look at the school。To travel back and forth themselves out,Schools responsible for room and board。In MaLiang seems,The two years before the rise of the new recruit role is not very great,“Many students look around,But at the end of may none reported。”


高校招生竞争无处不在 College recruit students competition is everywhere

  作为一个小县城 ,郯城现在已经聚集了十几家高校的招生老师。有专科学校,有本科院校的自考和成人教育,还有各种国际办学项目。表面上看起来波澜不惊,地下却暗流涌动。

As a small town ,TanCheng now has brought together a dozen university admissions teacher。Specialist schools,The undergraduate course colleges and universities have take an examination of oneself and adult education,There are all kinds of international education projects。On the surface looks are calm,Underground but the undercurrent。


“Today, and he got one,No easy!”July 19 afternoon,MaLiang after a day's work report to the leadership after today's record,MaLiang said recruit a,The students have said is paying a part of tuition fees,Also is 34000 dollars。


“I never spoke ill of other schools,But some schools admissions the teacher is not tunnel,What recruit made,To the student said other school all day is bad。”


When MaLiang see henan zhoukou students volunteer news being tampered with,He felt a say of the sick。“It is to let a situation to force!”


MaLiang late may this year is to TanCheng......,The first thing is to find a hotel。“Hotel prices can't too high or not is too low,But also to find。”MaLiang explained,Is too high can't stand,Have no face too low。Finally MaLiang selected the bus station near the hotel,He will stay here to late August specialized subject last volunteer end provided,Close to three months。


The next,MaLiang is one of the most important work for graduating class's teacher in charge to drink。This is a means of the rise in previous years,The teacher in charge to part of the commission,Let them help recruit students。


But the competition between private universities even affected the teacher in charge here。“I give four hundred,Another school for one thousand,You say he help who recruit?Now I don't expect the teacher in charge to recruit students,As long as he doesn't make trouble will do。”MaLiang helplessly said,Over the past few years,The teacher in charge's appetite is more and more big。“The original,I dollars will do,Open mouth now is one thousand。”


No matter the teacher in charge haunts the output,As long as the volunteer for their class a few after MaLiang school newspaper,He asked MaLiang to several people earn commission。“Many are we recruit of work,But no way to,The teacher in charge can't offend。”


Do so,Because he will return to their class to publicity,Need to the teacher in charge sees with one eye closed and with one eye。“otherwise,I came in was the teacher in charge nian。”


He is more afraid of,The teacher in charge in the class they deliberately said school back,The difficulty is that he recruit students more。“and,Against the teacher in charge,You next year still want to don't want to gather here......?”


“Wine have to please,The money is to,But can't expect the teacher in charge。”


In MaLiang seems,North of the teacher in charge is kindness,To the south of the teacher in charge more difficult to serve。“We go to the south cost much more than the north recruit students,Mainly in the teacher in charge。”


And to the south of the general to deal with the teacher in charge“Full set”Come together,First to teahouse tea,The condition such as the price said understand。The slowly after tea,Also to FanDianEr......,Then go to eat。Night after meal also have a activities,sauna、KTV,,Sometimes have to seek a young lady。“At the end of the last,A person two in the clouds。”


“The wool in the sheep,To the last of the bill are students。”The reporter sees stick on the wall recruit students general rules,Every year the most cheap tuition and close to six thousand yuan。


招生就是生命线 Enrollment is the lifeline

  在招生季节过去之后 ,马亮的身份会变回某学院的党支部书记。在大多数职业技术学校,几乎所有党政系统的老师都要加入到每年的招生大潮中。

In the admissions season after the past ,The identity of the MaLiang change to return to a college party branch secretary。In most vocational technical school,Almost all of the party and government system the teacher has to add to the tide of recruit students each year。


In MaLiang impression,Before some year,Each school has a few full-time admissions teacher。But now,Couldn't afford the。Nearly two years,Even had never recruit students of the teacher sent to......,“Are you graduate,Learn English(BBS)of,Not recruit students。That sorry,Not recruit students you will leave。”


“Reality is so cruel,In these private school,Enrollment is the lifeline。”MaLiang said。

  招生实行承包制,“比如把辽宁包给我之后,招一个学生就给一千,所有费用你自己出。”马亮说,省区的负责人可以再把地级市的招生权承包出去,提成低一些。“在省内一般承包到县 ,省外基本上承包到地级市。”

Recruit students execute a contract system,“For example the liaoning package to give me later,For a student to one thousand,All the expenses you yourself out。”MaLiang said,The person in charge of the provinces and the enrollment of locally administratered level can be contracted out right,Commission low some。“General contracting to county in the province ,Outside the city to basically contracting。”

  前些年利润高的时候,为了争夺一个好地方,学校内部还要竞争。马亮竞争过,他当时有种竞选的感觉。“上去说说自己以前的战绩,再表表决心。”有的学校还有竞拍的性质,“比如张三说把淄博包给他,他可以招800,而李四说他可以招1000,当然最后要给李四了。”马亮说,最后还要跟学校签军令状,完不成任务要扣钱的。“山东省内,潍坊、临沂 、淄博等地方比较好。”

Before some year profit high,In order to compete for a good place,Inside the school and competition。MaLiang compete across,He was a campaign feeling。“Say something about yourself up before record,Array again to。”Some schools and the nature of the auction,“Such as zhang SAN said the package to give him the zibo,He can recruit 800,And li si said he could recruit 1000,Of course the last to give li si。”MaLiang said,The last but also with the school JunLingZhuang sign,Finished the task should deduct money。“Shandong province,weifang、linyi 、Zibo a good place。”


It is not need to competition,Because it is a good place all not recruit students。“Now as long as don't lose money will do,It is hard to make money。”


This year the commission is every 1400 students,Planing to lodging、Transportation cost,To lose to the teacher in charge and the other of recruit students teacher commission,I almost don't make money。


“Can complete the task is pretty good。”MaLiang under a lot of pressure,Because each teachers have index,Finished the index number,recommendation、Bonuses are not his part。


In MaLiang eyes,This years undergraduate course school of enrollment expansion,They are the main reason of the recruit students has become more and more difficult。“Can undergraduate course,Why is in college?”


Before some year,MaLiang on recruit students of something often encounter xian some private colleges' peers,Over the past few years have not seen。“They have a lot to undergraduate course,This recruit students a lot of little difficulty,You don't have to out gathered around。You see China ocean university undergraduate course when down recruit a life?The student active report all board。”


民办院校办学思路需转变 Private colleges and universities need to change their ideas


21 century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi said,Private higher vocational college entrance examination in student enrollment in the shrinking of trouble,In these events,Get full embodiment。

  在普通高校扩招和生源减少的背景下,民办高校的招生困局似乎愈演愈烈。熊丙奇告诉记者,有相当数量的考生,在高考填报志愿期间,放弃报考某些院校,包括少数二本院校和不少民办高职高专、独立院校、民办本科,这些高校在不少地区的高考录取中,遭遇零投档。虽然经过多番补录,但结果也不如人意。就是这些学校想办法尽量完成招生计划,但被录取却不来报到,也成为当下的难题。“总体来说,大多民办院校、高职院校,都存在两个70% 的问题,完成招生计划70%,录取报到率70%,计算下来,当年能招满计划数一半的学生已经不错。”

In the ordinary university students and students under the background of reduced,Private colleges admissions this seems to get worse。XiongBingJi told reporters,There are a number of candidates,Fill in the university entrance exam volunteer period,Give up some colleges and universities enter oneself for an examination,Including a few 2 this academy and many private vocational、Independent colleges、Private undergraduate course,These university in some areas of the university entrance exam of admission,Zero what calm mark delivers file first encounter。Although after repeated collection,But the results are not encouraging。The school is to think of a way to try to finish to recruit students to plan,But admitted but not to report for duty,Also be present problems。“overall,Mostly private colleges'、Higher vocational colleges,There are two 70% of the problem,Complete admissions plan 70%,Report admission rate 70%,Counted down,That year to recruit students of half full plan has been good。”


XiongBingJi think,Private colleges' to get out of difficult situation,Have to reflect on the traditional managerial train of thought。Keep on going scale line,Will surely into a dead end。“Private colleges' with the recruit students play tricks,Pay attention to the students as show sincerity,Commitment for some outstanding students from tuition fees,Set up a full scholarship,And sent the school teachers into the examinee,The publicity of the idea,Show the characteristics of the professional。”


“We are looking forward to recruit students trouble,Can force private colleges、Change their ideas of higher vocational colleges,Improve education quality,At the same time also looking forward to recruit students trouble,China's higher education can DaoBi management system reform。”XiongBingJi think,Now the problem is,Many private colleges'、Higher vocational colleges,Can't see the higher education management system reform of hope,so,Also feel their own reform、Adjustment hopeless,so,Only at one side“die”in,Side be lucky illegal recruit students,Mix a day is a day。

  21世纪教育研究院副院长熊丙奇认为,民办院校要走出困境,必须反思传统的办学思路。再继续走规模路线,必定走进死胡同。“民办院校与其在招生中玩花招,不如展示重视生源的诚意,承诺对部分优秀学生免除学费,设立全额奖学金,并派学校的教师深入到考生中,宣传本校的办学理念,展示本校的特色专业。”(记者 周超 图/本报记者 王滨)

21 century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi think,Private colleges' to get out of difficult situation,Have to reflect on the traditional managerial train of thought。Keep on going scale line,Will surely into a dead end。“Private colleges' with the recruit students play tricks,Pay attention to the students as show sincerity,Commitment for some outstanding students from tuition fees,Set up a full scholarship,And sent the school teachers into the examinee,The publicity of the idea,Show the characteristics of the professional。”(Reporter ZhouChao figure/our reporter WangBin)


(Source: peninsula metropolis daily)
