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90后微博控随手街拍照片 成交通肇事最重要线索--亲稳舆论引导监测室


随手街拍的照片成最重要线索 With street photos into the most important clues


Together the scene of the accident,After 90 is precisely a micro bo girl path control,So take out phone-snapping picture the scene。The results,This photo became the most important clues of the police in cracking the case。because,With her husband has crumbled secretly run away,Cause the traffic police can't handle any evidence and clues。


电瓶车将人撞成重伤 Sanya will man hit into severely wounded

  事发后4天,这起事故中被撞的女子付郁正在医院等待手术。年仅23岁的付郁右腿股骨头胫骨断裂,很可能留下一辈子也难以完全愈合的伤痕,甚至将影响生育。 “被一辆电瓶车从侧面撞的。 ”付郁的家人向本报记者描述,26日下午5时47分,付郁在安徽阜城一道河中路大唐金池附近行走时,被一辆从西向东行驶的电瓶车撞倒在地。付郁当场倒地痛哭不已。

Four days after the incident,The accident was the woman FuYu hit is in the hospital waiting for surgery。Only 23 years old FuYu tibial fracture of the femoral head right leg,Is likely to leave his life is difficult to fully heal the wounds,Even will affect fertility。 “Be a car from the side of the sanya hit。 ”FuYu family to our reporter description,26 5 p.m. 47 points,FuYu in anhui fucheng road near a river datang JinChi when walking,Be a car driving from west to east of sanya slammed to the ground。FuYu down on the spot and wept bitterly unceasingly。


time,Surround, many。Someone call 110 report to the police,And emergency telephone call 120。Threats is a woman around the age of 30,The woman called her husband notice to the site。About 35 minutes,The men family came to the scene,Then followed 120 the ambulance came the city hospital,Immediately to threats“Her husband has followed to the hospital”for,Leave the scene。


肇事者夫妻都玩消失 Husband and wife are allowed to play disappear


Let people didn't expect it,The husband of threats to the hospital,While the doctor save their patients of machine,Run out。

  “我们家人认为,那名撞人女子看到很多人围观,很难当场跑掉,于是打电话,玩个花招,借此逃脱。 ”付郁的家人郭先生说。

“Our family think,Of the hit woman saw many people gathered,It is difficult to run on the spot,So she called,Play a trick,To escape。 ”FuYu family Mr Guo said。


Reporters from fuyang city hospital to understand,Her husband on a wrecker began 120 emergency vehicles to fuyang city hospital,In emergency personnel will FuYu to emergency centers,Took the opportunity to slip away。Because a start with no threats to the hospital,A husband and wife two all gone,The wrecked the victim to a family had to traffic police for help,But because of the scene did not leave any clues,Traffic police is also bewildered。


“微博控”拍照成线索 “Micro bo control”Photos into clues


In fuyang police for case when trouble,They visit in nearby,A little girl who provide clues for handling the police of the surprise,The woman provides many pictures,Record the process,And take wrecker face clearly。

  这名女孩叫小路,平时爱玩微博,喜欢用手机拍照。 “看到特别的事情就拍下来,现在微博的粉丝过千了。 ”小路说,她当时也是无意识拍下,能助警方一臂之力让她非常高兴。根据这些照片,阜阳市警方已经发布悬赏公告。对于此事,阜阳交警部门也得到启发,他们建议,一旦遇到此类事件,受害者自己可以通过手机进行拍照,为自己保留证据,便于自己维权。

The girl that path,Peacetime love to play the Po,Like to use mobile phone taking pictures。 “See special things would take down,Now the Po fans had thousand。 ”Path said,She was also taken unconscious,Can help the police a helping hand to let her very happy。According to these photos,Fuyang city police have issued a reward for a public announcement。In the matter,Fuyang traffic department also inspired,They suggest that,Once encountered such events,The victim can take photo by mobile phone,Reserve evidence,Facilitate their rights。
