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19岁准大学生暑假忙卖瓜 向父母借3万当本钱--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

昨日,菜园坝九滨路,雷鸣正吆喝着卖西瓜。 首席记者 钟志兵摄 昨日,菜园坝九滨路,雷鸣正吆喝着卖西瓜。 首席记者 钟志兵摄
  昨天下午,火辣辣的太阳照射在菜园坝九滨路上,19岁的铜梁小伙雷鸣正忙着称西瓜、搬西瓜,汗流浃背。在西瓜市场“潜伏”四天后,认定西瓜行情的他找父母借了3万元,和同学一起从宁夏拉回一车西瓜,“想赚点学费,不想让父母再操心我了”。据了解,雷鸣今年参加高考,现在已被成都体育学院录取了。“不过,我不想去读,想学点技术,已经在重庆电子工程职业技术学院报名了”,雷鸣说。   Yesterday afternoon,火辣辣的太阳照射在菜园坝九滨路上,19岁的铜梁小伙雷鸣正忙着称西瓜、搬西瓜,汗流浃背。在西瓜市场“潜伏”四天后,认定西瓜行情的他找父母借了3万元,和同学一起从宁夏拉回一车西瓜,“想赚点学费,不想让父母再操心我了”。据了解,雷鸣今年参加高考,现在已被成都体育学院录取了。“不过,我不想去读,想学点技术,已经在重庆电子工程职业技术学院报名了”,雷鸣说。


  凌晨3点起来搬运西瓜 凌晨3点起来搬运西瓜










  选瓜八小时弯腰两千次 Choose the melon eight hours bent down to two thousand times


After steal,Thunder they and the students go to ningxia PanGuangCheng trafficking watermelon。Because this was the first time to do business,experience,Students help they contact the mother offered、Vehicles and so on,Thunder and PanGuangCheng mainly responsible for choose melon、Sell melon。July 23,,Thunder with the parents to the $30000 acquisition of watermelon came to ningxia。


  “26 tons of watermelon is he a candidate”,PanGuangCheng sister PanXiaoLi said,“The whole watermelon to hundreds of acres,To draw a piece of watermelon offered to give us,Let us choose their own,Choose good move on after the specialist is responsible”,She said,Thunder take tags,In the earth slowly choose watermelon,Results thunder got lost。


  “Choose the melon is too focused,Forget the direction,Seven or eight hours,I turned away from the direction of the two kilometers away”,雷鸣说,He wants to choose big and ripe watermelon,A liking for a stick a label,“On average, each watermelon 20 jins,One car 26 tons,At least I bend over two thousand times”。


  卖瓜每天睡三四个小时 Salesman boasts three to four hours of sleep every day


Early July 29,,26 tons of watermelon to chongqing。


  “Don't watermelon,Buy a 1.5 yuan a kilo,Buy a tons 1 yuan。”Yesterday afternoon,See someone to ask watermelon,Thunder enthusiastically introduced,Sun flushed face hang full of sweat。


A cart watermelon has sold more than half,The rest of the part of the neat to pile on the hay。A wholesale watermelon guest website to the small trucks,Thunder turned to knock the watermelon,Seriously to him pick melon,A small pair the boss is like。Treats people go after,Thunder wiped the sweat on his forehead:“Is really hard in the shitter,Every day can only three to four hours sleep,Even like basketball game also can see the replay。”据了解,At 3 o 'clock they generally will begin selling watermelons,Three and four in the afternoon to go back to rest。


Thunder introduced,A cart watermelon they can earn 56000 yuan,“The car is sold out after,I will also make the melon to sell,Want to do to a few days before the start of the”。


  声音 voice


  父亲:支持儿子卖西瓜,让他体会赚钱不容易 father:Support son sell watermelon,Let he realized the money is not easy


Thunder's father LeiYun told reporters,In fact the condition in the home can also,“Don't lack a child to read a book tuition fees、Living expenses, etc,But son very independent,Puts forward to want to sell and students earn watermelon tuition fees,I support his”。

  “给他一点钱当成本做西瓜生意,总比把钱拿去乱花了好”,雷云说,儿子现在19岁了,能自己去闯一闯,体会赚钱不容易,哪怕三万元本钱亏了也值,“我给他提了三个要求:生活、经济、人格独立”。(重庆商报记者 郑三波 廖娴雅 实习生 石抒曼)

  “Give him a little money when costs do watermelon business,Better than take money to spend a good”,LeiYun said,Son is 19,Can to break into a cross,Experience is not easy to make money,Even if thirty thousand yuan capital also lost value,“I give he made three requirements:life、economic、Independent personality”。(Chongqing business newspaper reporter zheng three waves of liao bigly interns stone express))
