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老师卖假证帮学生上重点小学 获利50余万被判刑--亲稳舆论引导监测室
老师卖假证 帮学生上重点小学 The teacher duty to help students focus on selling elementary school
南都讯 记者陈万如 通讯员胡冰 广州市从化一重点小学教师罗某称自己有关系,可帮助学生入读户籍地以外的从化重点小学,向家长出售假户口本和房产证,按学校等级不同收取12000元到14000元不等的费用。近日罗某被从化市法院判处有期徒刑三年六个月。
SMW reporter ChenWanRu correspondent ms.bing hu guangzhou a key primary school teachers LuoMou conghua said they have relations,To help students to read into the key primary school outside assess conghua,Selling fake registered permanent residence and ask the house property card,According to school grade for different differs 12000 yuan to 14000 yuan fee。Recently LuoMou was CongHuaShi court sentenced him to three years and six months。
按学校等级收1.2万到1.4万元 According to school level receives 12000 to 14000 yuan
Last may,In order to give Mr. Deng conghua citizens registered permanent residence is not around the child can conghua read key primary school,Subject to find relationship around。After repeated about,Mr. Deng that conghua city some key primary school teachers LuoMou can help children into the school reading,On condition that the LuoMou make 15000 yuan as sponsor fee,Mr. Deng not hesitate to put the money to call the LuoMou。June,LuoMou to Mr. Deng a registered permanent residence and a house property card,Charged said have to remember the address of the registered permanent residence this getting on,When signing up someone asked said registered permanent residence this getting on the address。July,Mr. Deng to the key primary school when signing up for the child,The teacher found that recruit students have unusual certificates,After careful appraisal,Confirm the registered permanent residence of Mr. Deng and the house property card are forged,The children do not have qualification。A number of other LuoMou find“Rbis relationship”Parents and also in when signing up dead ends,There are parents know certificate is a fake,The anger and the tear up on the spot。
It causes the attention and research。In July 2011, LuoMou surrendered to surrender。After investigation,LuoMou associates with some、WuMou in 2010 to 2011 period,Run through the duty way to make more than 50 students enrolled in each city, conghua elementary school。According to different degrees of school,LuoMou charge as 12000 yuan to 14000 yuan fee,Profit total more than 50 ten thousand yuan。
此前已有多人以假证入学 People have been aired before duty to school
These parents says LuoMou fake documents did not know about,Also don't know to their registered permanent residence and house property card is false,Because LuoMou itself for key primary school teachers,Many successful cases have been aired before,Then think LuoMou really is“There is a relationship between”。
Immediately after the crime,These through the LuoMou“operation”The key success read primary school children have not been affected,Can continue to learn in the school。
The police investigation found that,A clear division of the gang,LuoMou and another partner responsible for to the kindergarten looking for students and consult with the parents,Others responsible for the manufacture of duty、Printing and so on the link。The police ShunTengMoGua,Capture the duty HeZhong a manufacturing、HeQiu a two people,And captured the state organs seal fake 536 pieces,Certificates of a state organ over 1000 pieces。These false chapter duty production cost of money from a few dollars to 100 dollars,After a few word profit is yuan changed hands。
recently,LuoMou etc CongHuaShi respectively by the people's court to forge、Buying and selling national office documents、certificate、Seal sin sentenced to imprisonment,LuoMou was sentenced to three years of six months imprisonment。
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