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悠长暑假怎样带孩子 独养?圈养?拼养?--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

悠长暑假怎样带孩子 独养?圈养?拼养?


Let kids alone nest at home to watch TV、Internet,Or send their children to hosting class、Training kill time?In summer,Many families where both parents are for how to take children by trouble。“Alone to burn wood、An only son to find it hard to teach。”Recently, reporters know to interview,Is called a“Family help each other”Take Ya way quietly popular in wuhan,Multiple family division and cooperation,change“Alone raise”、“captivity”for“Spell keep”,Not only reduce the burden of the parents,And let the children enjoy the fun to play with friends。


家长轮流当班安排丰富多彩 The parents take turns on duty for rich and colorful


July 31, 9:00 am xu,Province museum,13 years old WangHuaiTian、LiYanNi、DongChao、DengHan Joe,In WangHuaiTian father WangXingYou lead,Together with“Culture to swim”(As shown in figure)。From the chu cultural center to bells hall,Four children sometimes earnest appreciation of cultural relics,Sometimes an intense discussion,Play very not happy。“I am this activity‘Parents on duty’,Several other children's parents have to work。”WangXingYou introduced,Four children in wuhan city high school is 25“Must second”students,Last year,In the school encouragement,A few families to“Spell keep”children,Every day at least, take turns to arrange a parents chaperone。The children in the school was like peas and carrots,The homework after school,Weekends and holidays also study groups、Play or to participate in social practice。This summer,Besides do a summer homework assignments、Outside in the pew,The parents for the children also arranged for the rich and colorful activities,Such as a visit to the museum、To the east lake to admire the lotus, etc,Prepare to the provincial tourism rooms。“With four children than with a relaxed。They say together,Won't tease me。”WangXingYou said with a laugh。


孩子觉得有趣假期不再孤单 Children find interesting holiday no longer lonely


Visit the museum of province two hours,Four children talking and laughing,came。“Before the,I a person may be alone,Often noisy want mom to give I have a brother and sister。Now we four is the brothers and sisters。”LiYanNi said。


DongChao said,Before he was very lonely,Ever indulge in online games。Now have a companion,Everyone in the study together、TiaoPiJin、chess、drawing、play,Be happy everyday,So much love the Internet。


The Spring Festival,The four families also have a special dinner together。“We all come to my house,A people make a best dishes,Curry potatoes、Scrambled egg with tomato、Coke chicken wings……”DengHan Joe said,This is your most memorable a reunion dinner,Feel very warm。


整合家庭资源相互取长补短 Family resources integration mutual complement each other


In the four children of the teacher in charge ChengDongFeng and parents look,“Spell keep”Families can integrate resources,Mutual complement each other,Let the children grow faster。


ChengDongFeng for example,DongChao math is very good,Three other children often take to him。And DongChao English before relatively poor,In three other under the help of the students,Now had the very big progress。“I hate to remember things,LiYanNi often give I teach grammar、Sentence patterns,Teach me memory method,Also often my recite selective examination,Learning effect much better。”DongChao said。“The children together interact with each other,Common progress。DengHan Joe now much more sensible,Sometimes will help share housework,No longer to be self-centered。”DengHan Joe's mother ZhuYaPing said。


WangXingYou told reporters,Parents are usually communicate frequently,Learn from each other good education method,Look at problems more active,For children have become more understanding and tolerance。


观点:加强安全教育费用各家分摊 view:Strengthening the safety education cost his contribution


According to understand,In wuhan,“Spell keep”The child's family is not a few。this,Wuhan science institute teenagers teach psychological counseling center, deputy director of the ChenMinLi think,“Spell keep”than“Alone raise”More scientific,Not only let children no longer lonely,It can cultivate their solidarity cooperation spirit。But there are limitations,“The children together,Need family living space large enough,And parents to set up enough between the trust。Will pay special attention to safety problems,Or accident who is in charge?”


Harvard University professor QiaoXinSheng zhongnan financial advice,“Spell keep”The family must strengthen to the children's safety、Since the、Self-rescue education。When the children appear when the conflict,Parents try to stay out,To let the children learn to solve themselves。

  武汉家长魏红英也对孩子实行“拼养”模式。她的经验是:经济方面实行AA制。孩子们到家中吃饭,无非就是加几个菜,这部分费用由各家支付就行了;但一些额外开支,如看电影、参观、外出旅游等,建议建立明细账,由各家分摊。这样一来,“拼养”基本上就不存在额外支出了。(楚天都市报 记者罗欣 实习生邹红 陈楠 周书粲 通讯员高莉)

Parents of children WeiGongYing wuhan also carried out“Spell keep”mode。Her experience is:Economic aspects of AA system。The children to the home for dinner,It is nothing but add some dishes,This part of the fee paid by families will do;But some extra spending,Such as movies、visit、Traveling, etc,Proposal to set up subsidiary ledger,By his share。so,“Spell keep”Basically does not exist the extra expenses。(Hunan day metropolis daily reporter LuoXin interns ZouGong ChenNan week ruled GaoLi book correspondent)
