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东莞大朗22天内49名留守儿童走失 已被找回--亲稳网络舆情监测室

东莞大朗22天内49名留守儿童走失 已被找回   警方澄清:均不存在儿童被拐卖、拐骗情况,其中48 人在一小时内已被寻回,另有1 人属离家出走已取得联系 The police clarify:There are no children are trafficked、Kidnapping case,Which 48 people in an hour already was found,Another 1 person is away from home already get in touch

  7 月30 日,一则“家长们小心! 大朗22 天内发生49 宗儿童走失案”的微博在网上疯转,引发社会强烈关注。“小候鸟”

July 30,,a“Parents be careful! 22 days enterprise happening in the 49 cases in children's lost”Micro bo in online crazy to turn,Trigger social strong concern。“Small migratory birds”


Speculation is abducted, etc in the dongguan by word of mouth。

  8 月1 日,记者从大朗镇政府了解到,7 月1 日至22 日,大朗分局接到儿童走失报案49 宗,比上月明显增加(整个6 月,仅接报34 宗)。走失的这49 名儿童,均为新莞人子女,暑假之际前来东莞与父母相聚。目前,其中的48 人均在报警后一个小时内被寻回,仅有一名女童因家庭矛盾而离家出走,已与家庭取得联系。大朗警方辟谣称,这49 名走失的小孩,均不存在儿童被拐卖、拐骗的情况。

August 1,,Reporters from the enterprise to know,July 1, to 22,Enterprise receiving children lost 49 to report the bureau reported,Obviously increase than last month(The June,Tipped only 34 cases)。The lost this forty-nine children,All for the new enterprise people of their children,The summer vacation to the dongguan and parents together。At present,One of the 48 per capita in alarm within an hour was found,Only a girl for family conflicts and away from home,Already and family get in touch。Enterprise to dampen the police said,The 49 name for the lost child,There are no children are trafficked、Kidnapping of。

  东莞“小候鸟”安全应如何保障? 东莞理工学院城市学院何鹏举教授认为,社工服务应将新莞人子女纳入服务范畴。

The dongguan“Small migratory birds”How to guarantee the safety should be? Dongguan institute of the urban institute HePengJu professor considered,Social work services will be new people into the service enterprise children category。




article、The large market and the most vulnerable to market“danger”


48 lost children already get back

  记者从大朗镇政府了解到,7月1 日至22 日, 大朗分局接到儿童走失的报案有49 宗。截至8 月1日,已找回48 人,这48 名走失小孩均在报案后一小时内寻回,但仍有一名小孩因与家庭发生矛盾离家出走, 目前已与家庭取得联系。

Reporters from the enterprise to know,July 1, to 22, Enterprise receiving reports of the lost children branch of 49 cases。As of August 1,,Already find 48,The 48 lost in a child after all report seeks hours,But there are still a child for conflict and family to run away from home, Up to now, contact with the family。

  这49 名走失的小孩, 均不存在儿童被拐卖、拐骗的情况。

The 49 name for the lost child, There are no children are trafficked、Kidnapping of。

  据介绍,眼下正是暑假,由于新莞人家长忙于生计,无暇照看在家小孩, 或因小孩和家人发生矛盾,小孩外出迷路及负气离家出走等情况经常发生。

According to introducing,At the moment it's summer vacation,Because new parents are busy people enterprise living,Too busy at home looking after children, Because of the child and family or conflict,The child got lost and just go out to run away from home and often happens。

  大朗公安分局接到报警后,都立刻启动“走失儿童快速反应联动工作机制”,同时制作寻人启事,组织民警和基层治安力量,以儿童走失的地点为中心, 到辖区各路段、网吧及娱乐场所等地方倾力寻找。

Enterprise after receiving public security bureau alarm,Are immediately start“The lost children rapid response linkage mechanisms”,Also produce without notice,Police and security forces grass-roots organization,Take the children to the location of the lost for the center, To the jurisdiction of link、Internet cafe and places of entertainment for the place such as lean strength。


At the same time in found the child,Police also parents over education for children,Asked them under strict custody of children,To prevent a similar situation occurred。


According to the enterprise statistics public security bureau,The place is most children lost article,Second is the large market and some markets。Police say,Although these children lost in the joint efforts of the police and parents is near misses,Successful return to his parents,But it also was a wake-up call to the parents。




Parents who want to work,“HaiZiWang”With a help children play


Common alone children flee into appear

  8 月1 日下午2 点左右,记者来到大朗镇人流量较大的蔡边步行街、佛新综合菜市场、长富广场等地, 发现街面上的小孩都有大人陪伴玩耍, 但在出租屋附近的巷道和商场,却见到儿童独自窜进窜出。

On August 1, 2 PM,The reporter comes to town enterprise of the large stream of CAI walking street、Buddha new comprehensive markets、Long rich square, etc, Find JieMianShang children have adult with play, But in the article of near and shopping malls,But see children alone flee into appear。

  蔡边步行街商场林立, 人流量大,在一家购物广场前,五六个小孩光着臂膀正在追逐玩耍, 随后一阵风似地冲进了广场内,嬉笑打闹。广场的一名值班人员告诉记者, 这几个孩子都是住在附近的新莞人子女,因为家长要上班无暇照顾,几个孩子常凑在一起玩耍, 年龄较大的孩子就成了“孩子王”。

CAI edge pedestrian street stores, Stream of,In a shopping square before,Five or six children light arms are chasing play, Then a gust of wind, like rushed into the square inside,Mocked swooping。The square a the officer on duty told reporters, This several children are living near the new enterprise people of their children,For parents who want to work too busy to take care of,Several children often gather together playing together, Older children become“HaiZiWang”。

  这名值班人员回忆, 上个周末上午8 点半左右, 一个5 岁的小女孩跟着爷爷在村里的老年中心玩,爷爷正下着棋, 突然发现孙女不见了,寻遍整个中心仍不见孙女身影,心急之下, 只能向附近巡逻的治安队员求助,在附近找了三个多小时,才在一家购物广场里找到了人。

This name recall the officer on duty, Last weekend at about 8:30 at morning, A 5 year-old girl followed grandpa in the village of older center to play,Grandpa is next move, Suddenly found granddaughter gone,Find all over the center still don't figure granddaughter,Under a watched pot, Only near the security team to patrol for help,In the nearby for more than three hours,In a shopping plaza to find the man。

  他告诉记者, 商场里也发生过小孩走失的情况, 多数是家长在选购商品时,小孩子一溜烟就不见了。

He told reporters, Store has happened a lost child, Most parents choose and buy is in goods,Child away and disappear disappeared。

  遇此情况, 除了通过视频监控和广播找人之外, 他们还会把守在商场出口,看到小孩子跑走,就留个心眼多看几眼,或能帮助家长找到人。

Encounter the situation, Except for the video monitoring and radio for someone to outside, They will also be guarded in export market,See kids ran away,He left a mind's eye look more a few eye,Or can help parents find people。


So concerned


All the children to keep accompany her to sell food,Children to be guilty


Don't take on all he can to which?

  在佛新综合菜市场里, 卖蔬菜的李小姐正在忙着, 一旁两个儿子乖巧地守在身旁, 小的那个只有两岁。李小姐说,她是广西人,来东莞卖菜已经3 年, 每年暑假儿子就过来一趟,但因为她和老公都很忙,将孩子放在家里又不放心, 只能带到菜市场里来。幸亏小孩很乖,只在菜市场周边玩, 李小姐当着记者的面教导孩子:“你一个人不准走远。”

In the Buddha in new comprehensive markets, Sell vegetables of miss li is busy, Aside two son clever ground on the side, Small that only two years old。Miss li said,She is guangxi people,To the dongguan sell food has 3 years, Every summer son came to a visit,But because she and her husband are all very busy,Children will be put in the home and not trust, Can only to markets。Thanks to a child is very good,Only around markets in play, Miss li in the face of the reporters teach children:“You are not allowed to go far。”

  像李小姐这样的家长, 在佛新综合市场里不在少数, 虽把孩子接来城市生活, 但孩子们只能终日与菜市场为伴, 隔壁光鲜的大商场也成奢望,不曾踏进一步,对此李小姐表示很无奈, 称心中对孩子有几分愧疚。

Like miss li such parents, In the Buddha new comprehensive market not in the minority, Although bring him to city life, But the children can only with the company markets all day long, The next big market also showcase into extravagant hopes,Never step further,Ms. Li said this very helpless, Say to the child is somewhat guilty in the heart。

  不 过李小姐强调: 如果不这么把孩子带在身边,他可以去哪? 我怎么能放心?

Don't ever miss li stressed: If not so the child with you,He can go to which? How can I trust?


The police remind

  若发现孩子被拐 切莫“私下谈判”

If discover the child is never turn“Private negotiations”


The summer is the lost children are trafficked case and almost two decades,Citizens must not neglect the child is safe。Parents should first to master the lost as much as possible、Prevent trafficking knowledge,Children in goes out to play,Don't let the child from his line of sight。


If parents if they find the lost child or turn,To immediately report to the police for help。If discover the child had been abducted or kidnapped,More should actively provide related information to the public security organ,Do not hold fluky psychology and criminals“Private negotiations”。


These experts:

  企业可多搞活动 社工应拓宽服务

The enterprise can organize activities social work should be expanded service

  东莞理工学院城市学院何鹏举教授认为,东莞外来工群体大, 每年留守儿童来莞,东莞市新莞人服务管理局、共青团等都组织了一些活动,效果很好, 但未普及到各个家庭,尤其镇街还不到位。

Dongguan institute of the urban institute HePengJu professor considered,The dongguan migrant workers in large groups, Every year left-behind children to enterprise,Following the new enterprise people services authority、The communist youth league and so on all organized some activities,Effect is very good, But did not spread to each family,Especially ZhenJie still do not reach the designated position。


He felt,The dongguan enterprise are talking about treat employees、Retain employees,The new enterprise children to summer people enterprise,This is a good chance。Conditional enterprise if Ken will new enterprise children who get together,Some of the children organization care activities,This is the best of the humanistic care to employees。


And for the soho speaking,More children are with him。He thinks that this is a contact with the society、Learn a good chance,But a lot of new people to the enterprise children parents realize,Pure will only child tied to the side,Easy to let children produce aversion,To run away from home。He thinks,For these children,Social work services should be included in the more they service category。
