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Subtitle # e#  图为新改扩建的都户明德小学的音乐教室,教室里拥有钢琴等乐器。崔涛摄 The graph is new renovated and all the music classroom mingde primary school,The classroom with Musical Instruments such as the piano。CuiTaoShe
  图为改扩建的灵寿县慈峪镇刘庄中心小学干净整洁的校园。崔涛摄 The graph is renovated LingShouXian valley town center elementary school kindness liuzhuang clean campus。CuiTaoShe
石家庄白领丁诺2007年在灵寿县牛城小学抓拍的山区孩子的照片。丁诺摄 Shijiazhuang white-collar DingNuo 2007 in LingShouXian cow town primary school of children of the mountains shot photos。DingNuo perturbation

  中新网石家庄8月3日电(记者 鲁达 陈国林 崔涛)“以前都是在电视上看到贵州、云南山区孩子上学艰苦,没想到在石家庄这个省会也有这样贫困的地方。”张胜利说。
Beijing, shijiazhuang August 3(The reporter of ChenGuoLin CuiTao robust)“Before is seen on TV guizhou、Yunnan children to school hard mountain area,Didn't expect in shijiazhuang, the provincial capital, this also have such poor place。”ZhangShengLi said。


ZhangShengLi is shijiazhuang northerners group organization deputy minister of discipline inspection。2011 years,The city“Mountain area education poverty alleviation projects”After implementing the,In addition to the hundreds of millions of dollars money transfer financial,The social from all walks of life have action,Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots、Overseas Chinese also give great support。The group to the engineering involved the second middle school ZanHuangXian donated 400000 yuan worth of desks and chairs。


When ZhangShengLi who are planning to ZanHuang set in the construction of research,There were a wasteland。He through mountains and the parents of the students、The teachers understand to the discussion,Much ShenShanOu is often a few users、Dozens of families together,Children often have to go through more than ten in the school to have mountain place to go to school。Most of the mountain schools is a few grade in a class,A teacher to teach in many subjects。Teaching facilities are scarce,The children's desks and chairs are very old,Sit up ZhiYa immensity。


That ZanHuang 2 in September that year will be put into use,And the most urgent need is the desks and chairs,ZhangShengLi back to the company to do the report。Northerners group held two meeting,The chairman of the king、President BaiShan and ultimately decided the donation。ZhangShengLi pointed to save on the computer photos told reporters:“Was the company want to donate iron assembly of the desks and chairs,Although the price your point but easy to transport。The school the teacher told us,Mountainous area child‘naughty’,Will the screws on the desks and twisted off,But more easily than woodiness tables and chairs bad。”


The project comes to know,ZhangShengLi said,Mountain city as lovely children and children,Just born the place determines their life。When the children see mountains that eager eyes,Let a person feel whether city children or children mountain area,Should receive good education。and“Mountain area education poverty alleviation projects”For the children are created the conditions。


“后希望工程时代”的山区之困 “Project hope after age”Mountains of the trapped


Not that ZhangShengLi victory, tel。and“Big eyes”as,“ZhangShengLi”Was an era of symbols。


At the end of the 1980 s,Each year China has more than 100 pupils for poor families can not afford to pay the $40 to 50 ShuZaFei and to drop out。1989 years,Group the central、China youth development foundation launched to help poor areas to drop out of the young to go back to school“Project hope”。The engineering to folk way widely mobilize resources at home and abroad,Set up the hope project fund,Funds impoverished area children continue your studies、Improve managerial condition in the poor areas,Because of the high amount of public funds raised,To help poor students、Rebuilding schools,called“The miracle of the world history of public welfare”。2007 years,China QingJiHui announced the project hope overall upgrade,To the students“relief”Models to expand for“Aid development”mode。


Taihang mountains and the hope project has“Indissoluble bond”。Project mainly one of the sponsors、Then China QingJiHui secretary general of the XuYongGuang revealed,Its first foundation stone in hebei LaiYuanXian peach wooden spread a knot in one's heart village,The first recipients named ZhangShengLi is the junior high school students。Not only that,Zhang film《1 can't be little》In the WeiMinZhi and ZhangHuiKe chicheng county,Also in hebei taihang mountains、Yanshan border。


Hebei youth development foundation to provide the data show,By the end of 2011,The province hope engineering has received the social from all walks of life, donated 400 million yuan,Funding 183777 primary and middle school students,7718 high school students,College students' 19091,Rebuilding hope 806 primary schools,When hope library 1225,Hope primary school teachers training awards 2686。


At present,Poverty alleviation and development in the taihang mountains is China's important regional one,Most counties scattered national in hebei province。Only six county of the western mountainous area of shijiazhuang,HangTang、Spirit life、PingShan、ZanHuang 4 county is listed as“National poverty alleviation work county”。Reporters from shijiazhuang office know to project hope,The hope project started in 1992 in shijiazhuang implementation,20 years were raised funds of 48 million yuan,Rebuilding hope 83 primary schools。


Beijing reporter in shijiazhuang the western mountainous area in an interview to see,In the taihang mountains GouGou KanKan,The red and the back of project hope remains can be seen everywhere。“Project hope after”era,As countries implement in rural areas“Two avoid a”policies,Unless the children give up,Read the books already is not main problem。But in the poor areas,How to let the children are relatively good education,How to let the teacher become professional、calmly,Education department is always a difficult problem。“Pulled from the point BingJiao”after,Education resources though relatively integration,But the direct consequence is for students and parents bring traffic inconvenience。


HangTangXian on successive female teacher zhang ping elementary school three years ago from provincial capital to teach taihang mountain,At the time, the primary school only five、6 grade,The Windows of the classroom and dormitory deformation,Crunched tables and chairs,No heating in winter,And now and then the blackout。“No TV、No network,Outside the stars whirling,The house only TuHang a”That's the true portraiture of teachers。One night,3 female teachers in the yard, see the fireflies,But let them happy days and become a long time conservation。


More bitter than teachers,Fireflies are children。They also works night after school to go more than ten、Even many of the road home,The next day and stepping on the morning dew to go to school。Some school children don't know staff,No touched the brush。


In ZanHuangXian XuTing township,Graduated from shijiazhuang college ChenSuJie teacher told reporters,Three years ago she to the township of five-mile village elementary school,School buildings is adobe,Only one classroom,She is the only teacher。Class has two second grade students,3 a grade students and two young children。She is responsible for a second year and professor grade math、Chinese、Moral character this three courses,And three young children for enlightenment education。“The classroom without electricity,The window and no glass。Cloudy rain,Dim light outside,Students cannot see the blackboard。”


ChenSuJie said,The children live in the mountains,Lack of communication with the outside world,Character is more and more introverted withdrawn,Laughter less。


remote、Lonely and stick to,And not that of female teachers exclusive。JingXingXian fish: the town primary school teachers LiHePing said the man,He was teaching south temple elementary school summer“The mountains of the heavy rain,Rain in the classroom”。The snow in winter to promptly swept the roof of snow,Or the sun came out,Snow water will drip-drip-drip fell in the children's books。


As the only boarding school teacher,LiHePing once is typical of the mountains“almighty”Of teacher:From Monday to Friday,To complete the Chinese teacher、Mathematics teacher、The science teacher、The English teacher、Sports teacher of the transformation of the role。With 1500 yuan a month of his salary,but“bag”With five、Grade six almost all of the course。


Ten or even four or five children,“Double entry class”class,A teacher to teach 10 to course……Impoverished mountainous area school of hard is similar,Every school of hard and have their own different。


LiHePing memory the deepest is the county DouGuZhuang a classroom,The top three or four pillars,The roof is falling soil,On the class a large piece of soil falls out,Particularly dangerous。


LingShouXian Keats valley town of liuzhuang center primary school principals GaoQingLi said,She used to in the town ZhaiLi nursery hope primary school teaching。This elementary school 1998 by the Hong Kong sowers action to donate money to build,Only a 2 layer teaching buildings,But when a condition better schools。More than ten years,This elementary school now compared with the center elementary school behind a lot,“The classroom desks and chairs deformities,Schools don't have the stool,The students can only move stool from home in class。”
