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July 24,Nanning LongWen education the second Chinese recitation contest held in nanning LongWen headquarters,Show LuoYanPing the principal of the speech、Learn tube car frequently attended the game as a teacher and the judges,LiangLing、WeiCuiJuan、ShaSha、ChenQingQing、CengYan of nine campus teachers' representative served as the game judges。Nanning LongWen education the second Chinese recitation contest,,The parents of the students get the support and enthusiastic participation,To watch the game on to the child and blocked the parents of nearly 200 people,Everyone gathered,To enjoy nanning LongWen education a audiovisual feast。

    南宁龙文教育第二届中文朗诵比赛在全体师生、家长齐唱龙文校歌的歌声中拉开了序幕,朗诵比赛以"感恩"为主题,旨在引导学生常怀感恩之心,常做感恩之事。来自竹溪校区6岁的茗茗小朋友,一首《游子吟》让在座的父母露出欣慰的笑容;大观校区冰冰同学以龙文学习时光为内容,并制作龙文学习时光的PPT背景,让在座的家长了解到龙文教育不仅是孩子学习的地方,更是孩子一个温暖的家;人民路校区高中学生鹏飞演讲的《唐人街》,抑扬顿挫,慷慨激昂,将感恩由父母上升至感恩祖国,引起全场听众的深思;金浦校区的成成同学,句句引起强烈共鸣,掌声不断。参加朗诵比赛的学生中有的突破了自己的心理障碍:胆小、害怕。凝凝、小宇、英健这三个孩子通过反复排练最终取得的好成绩,相信他们以后会更加有勇气走上舞台展现自己的才艺。     Nanning LongWen education the second Chinese recitation contest in all teachers and students、Parents LongWen in concert JiaoGe song of the curtain was opened,Recitation contest to"gratitude"As the theme,Designed to guide the student to chang huaikang Thanksgiving heart,Often do of gratitude。From the bamboo huxi campus of Ming Ming children 6 years old,a《Sing Chinese》Let all of the parents show gratified smile;The grand view campus students learning time LongWen ice ice for content,And make LongWen learning time PPT background,Let all of the parents understand to LongWen education is not only a child place of study,Is the child of a warm home;Renmin road campus high school students pengfei speech《Chinatown》,modulation,impassioned,Will rise to the gratitude by Thanksgiving parents motherland,Cause all the contemplation of the audience;The campus into students into kingburg,Intense every resonance,Continuous applause。To read the game some of his students breakthrough of psychological barriers:timid、fear。Coagulation of、xiaoyu、YingJian the three children through the practise achieve good result,Believe that their future will be more courage on to the stage show their talent。  
  比赛过程穿插古筝独奏、长笛演奏、舞蹈、歌曲、小品等才艺表演,给孩子们一个展现自我的舞台。比赛选手个个神采飞扬,激情的朗诵赢得了阵阵掌声。观众喝彩声此起彼伏,充分展现了南宁龙文学生的风采,丰富了学生的课余生活也提高了同学们的朗诵水平。       比赛结束后家长们拉着老师们的手说:"表演的太好了,太感谢龙文教育了,给孩子们这么好的平台展示自己的才华,增强了孩子们的自信心。谢谢你们———龙文教育。"家长们建议以后多多开展这样丰富多彩的文艺活动。孩子们纷纷表示此次比赛不仅培养了朗诵能力,提高了朗诵水平,还深刻认识了感恩的重要性。此次比赛体现了龙文教育和谐、亲切、关爱的教学氛围,同时也培养学生的感恩情怀,给家长和孩子提供了互动的机会,同时也沟通了家校感情,使得南宁龙文教育的品牌形象更加深入人心,家长和同学们都期待着下次比赛的到来。南宁龙文教育将为孩子们奉献更多的快乐!孩子们有更多完美的新作,更多快乐体验,让我们相约明年,相约2013激情朗诵!
The game with guzheng solo、Flute performance、dance、songs、Sketch a talent show,Give children a stage show ego。Players all the butterflies,Read, a passion to win the burst of applause。The audience applause and cheers to break out,Show the nanning LongWen students of elegant appearance,Enriching the students' extracurricular life also improve the students reading level。     After the game the parents took the teachers hand said:"Acting too good,Thank you LongWen education,Give the children such a good platform to display their talents,Enhance the children's self-confidence。Thank you--LongWen education。"Parents after the proposal for more such rich and colorful cultural activities。The children have said the game is not only cultivate the ability to read,Improve the reading level,Also profoundly know the importance of gratitude。The game LongWen education embodies the harmonious、kind、Love teaching atmosphere,Also, the training of the students' thankful feelings,For parents and children to provide the interactive opportunity,At the same time also communicate home school feelings,Make LongWen education of nanning brand image more thorough popular feeling,Parents and students are looking forward to the coming of the next contest。Nanning LongWen education will be for the children to dedicate more happiness!Children have more perfect new new,More happy experience,Let's meet next year,Meet the 2013 passion reading!
