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湖南永州幼女被逼卖淫案 母亲以死相逼才立案--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  [提要] [abstract]11岁女孩惨遭强暴,随后又被拐骗至休闲中心卖淫。母亲蹲守十来天终于摸清了女孩的下落,可当她向警方求助时,前来处理的警察却未能立即采取得力措施。[我要评论] 11 year old girl were raped,Later it was abducted to leisure center prostitution。Mother squat down to guard to day finally found out ten girl's whereabouts,But when she went to the police for help,To deal with the police failed to immediately take effective measures。[I want to review] 湖南永州幼女被逼卖淫案 母亲以死相逼才立案  就秦星“救人立功”一事,被救人周兰兰现身表明,此事并没发生在自己身上。2012年2月21日,周兰兰(左)查看所谓的现场图片,并陪同唐慧住在小宾馆里。 It QinXing“Ultimately save”in,Be ZhouLanLan appeared that save,It didn't happen in yourself。February 21, 2012,ZhouLanLan(left)Check the so-called pictures,And TangHui accompanied live in a small hotel。

  早报讯 11岁女孩惨遭强暴,随后又被拐骗至休闲中心卖淫。母亲蹲守十来天终于摸清了女孩的下落,可当她向警方求助时,前来处理的警察却未能立即采取得力措施。

Morning paper dispatch 11 year old girl were raped,Later it was abducted to leisure center prostitution。Mother squat down to guard to day finally found out ten girl's whereabouts,But when she went to the police for help,To deal with the police failed to immediately take effective measures。


女儿失踪了 Daughter missing


October 1, 2006 at 9 PM,Place the stall with her husband home TangHui pack,Found 10 daughter lele and didn't come back,The husband and wife find all night on fruit。The second day early in the morning,While the husband and wife out in a rash,Lele but home on your own......。Facing parents inquiries,She said:“Last night I in students home to do the homework late sleep。”


But careful mother found his daughter was dull,Arm still injured,He brought her to the hospital inspection,At that time and didn't check out what's wrong with it。As TangHui couple hanging heart just to put down,Accident happened again。October 3, afternoon,TangHui found lele and gone home,The table left a note wrote:“mother,I can't read again,Someone call I go out to do,I don't go out no good,mother,I'll be back,I will come back……”


Lenovo to daughter all night not back a few days before and abnormal behavior,TangHui began to have a very bad feeling。then,She and her husband and family friends or relatives to search the local bus stop、The railway station and streets,But not found his daughter in sight。But under them to the local police。


“She was so small,Usually I lovely。So I believe that she must have been trafficked people......。”TangHui said。In order to find the daughter,She began to expand without a range,The announcement even meaner touching in guangxi、guangdong……


艰难的寻找 Difficult looking for


In the daughter missing more than two months after the 12 at 8 PM on 20 more minutes,TangHui received a telephone call from mysterious man:“A look very like your daughter's child in zero mountainous love willow leisure centre,You go and see it!”


After a short word,This phone hung up,But this help straw lit up the hope of TangHui again。On the night she was found the leisure centre,But squat till midnight also turned up nothing。


In order not to startle,Worried that her daughter was the transfer,She chose the leisure center is opposite a building of the fourth floor“All-weather squat down to guard”。As every day in the past,She looked at a lot of GongNanLuNv figure in the doorway dives,How she wanted her daughter did not fall into the flashpoint,Hope this moment and how to find her daughter。


For a few days in the squat down to guard,In order to find the daughter,TangHui said she ran dangers pulled out all the stops,“After dark,I can't see clearly,Is wearing a straw hat disguised as picking up trash to see inside the quietly。”


To the more than ten days later,Relatives are advised TangHui give up,Everybody analysis,That may be just a“See eye of people”or“Cheat money phone”。


But TangHui wouldn't budge。Good things come to those who wait,Finally in December 30 afternoon at 5 more minutes,TangHui saw a man like his daughter sat glared leisure center in a corner of the sofa。


噩梦般的遭遇 Nightmare of the encounter


Hard to find that his daughter will appear in the willows recreation center after you,TangHui efforts to restrain inner excited,Call to a relative,Disguised as a“customer”door“consumption”。A relative in the closest to the girl,Confirmed she was missing for nearly three months of lele。


TangHui said,She was the first phone call to the public security bureau, which is responsible for the mountainous zero daughter's disappearance XingZhenDui mid-team leader Yang is one。“But Yang to store did not take any measures after he left。”TangHui said。


See the door aggressive“thugs”,TangHui know to rely on the ability of individuals absolutely can't save the daughter,She again make a 110 report to the police,5 minutes after the 110 police came to help her out with lele。


Lele saw mother did not seem to make much reaction,Eyes still gazing at the police、Looked at the mother,Until she returned home safely,She didn't fall on mother bosom,crying。


Lele with TangHui tells the story of a nightmare of the life,In just three months,Just over 11 years in her beaten、threats、Stress under be forced prostitution more than one hundred times,Throughout the size of which hotel,Once also were the four men for five hours of gang rape。


曲折的立案 Twists and turns on the


Daughter finally came home,But her daughter in the missing from torture during nonhuman let TangHui cruelty,Her daughter is determined to get a claim。


Daughter was digging out of the second day early in the morning,TangHui went to zero for Yang is a mountainous public security bureau requirements put on record。TangHui said:“I had never expected that is Yang said it was just a general public security case,You put the man took home even if......。”


TangHui again ran to the leisure center belongs to the south of tianjin crossing police station,Get reply is also:“We care,You still have to find bureau。”


On January 1, 2007、2 days、3 days……TangHui in order to get a reasonable for her daughter,Every day to find a branch of Yang,Can get answer is always the same。In her insisted,On January 4,,Finally, someone to the mother and daughter to be interviewed。January 5,,Formally filed。


“19 days passed,Case has been no progress,The leisure center still business as usual,Booming business。25,XingJu only the leisure center owner QinXing a person。”TangHui said,Let her hard to accept it,In QinXing held in 0 hill detention period,Zero public security bureau mountainous south tianjin cross police station staff WeiXiaoHui should help transfer letters,Make internal and external communication,Interferes with the judicial justice。


Until her to die mutually force,And the public security organs in hunan province level liang direct intervention,Lele case only enter into the normal channels。March 2011,Then the seven defendants to yong first sentence,The leisure center wife of shop-owner and ZhouJunHui was sentenced to death,The four men were sentenced to life imprisonment,Another man was sentenced to 15 years,And seven defendants compensation lele 200000 yuan。(According to《Sanxiang urban paper》)

  强奸幼女案不过是冰山一角 Rape case but girl is the tip of the iceberg

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Henan province YongChengShi a girl li mou of victims sobbing father,To hear of the:The deputy secretary-general of the city's municipal party committee LiXinGong commit adultery removal was arrested nearly。The suspect,On May 8, 2012 in YongChengShi third middle school for the door when the crime,The policemen were caught。[详细] [detailed]

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The stone bridge city 21 years old female personnel colluding with its cousin Lin mou probably,Eight underage girls will successively(Three of them under the age of 14)To lure in article,With five questioning their individual private owners of many times have sex,Exorbitant profits from。[详细] [detailed]

  各方评论 Parties comments

  就事论事:湖南幼女遭强奸母亲上访被劳教 官方称无理取闹 hard-eyed:Hunan's infant daughter were raped mother by the detention officials say so unreasonable


Daughter is people raped、Forced prostitution,7 two people involved among was sentenced to death,Mother TangHui around HanYuan petitions,Requirements the death penalty,Was sent to the detention after a year and a half。yesterday,At this,Hunan in the bureau's official website which public security bureau hair case,Say TangHui seriously disturbing social order。[详细] [detailed]

  中国青年报:99%嫖宿幼女判得比强奸重 China youth daily:99% whoring sentenced to better than rape heavy


Recent appear constantly maidens were the sex abuse cases,Mostly by qualitative for“whoring”。Whoring is discussed by sin should be abolished。China university of politics and law of punishment law professor RuanJiLin says,“Whoring is too light punishment”Is a false statement,“Judicial practice,99% of whoring to sin than rape heavy。”[详细] [detailed]
