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Core clew:Many college graduates exclamation,After getting out of school found that get salary can barely keep their livelihood,Don't say more than 10 years of education in the short term investment costs cannot be recalled,Home business is by all is a problem。

  最近几年,“毕业即失业”已经成为广大学子经常挂在嘴边调侃的话题,而事实上,“就业难”也已经成为近几年困扰毕业生们的主要问题。今年6月,教育咨 询机构麦可思发布的一项对2012年应届大学毕业生的调查显示,截至6月25日,2012届本科毕业生签约率仅为42%。

In recent years,“Graduation is unemployed”Has become the general scholars often uttered by the ridicule topic,And, in fact,“Difficult employment”In recent years and has become the main problems of the troubled graduates。In June this year,Education for clients think Michael issued by the organization in a 2012 survey of university graduates,By June 25,,2012 university graduate signing rate is only 42%。


  根据麦可思另一项有关2012届大学毕业生流向的调查显示,被调查的2012届应届本科毕业生签约月收入最高的10个专业类中,工科类专业占绝大多 数。其中,本科签约月收入最高的专业类前三位依次为地矿类(3401元)、测绘类(3344元)、能源动力类(3335元),排在第十位的专业材料科学类 的签约月收入为2987元。

According to Michael think another about the 2012 university graduates to flow to the survey,The fresh graduates of 2012 signing of the highest monthly income 10 professional class,Professional engineering account for most several more。Among them,Undergraduate course on the highest income signed professional top three for geoscientific class in turn($3401)、Surveying and mapping class($3344)、Energy power class($3335),In the first row of ten professional materials science class on the signing of income for 2987 yuan。


And according to tsinghua university of China's economy and society, recently released data center of college students' income report,In 2011 the university graduates of the initial salary for 2719 yuan on average,Specific to see,Graduates 69% starting pay less than 2000 yuan,The minimum for 500 yuan,Up to $100000 of,The starting salary for 5000 yuan only 3% of graduates。

  不少大学毕业生感叹,十几年寒窗苦读,还要经历惨烈高考的考验,再经过至少4年大学生活的洗礼,走出校门后发现拿到的工资只能勉强维持自己的生计,别 说十几年的教育投资成本短期内难以收回,就连成家立业都很成问题。还有不少农村学子,家里含辛茹苦地供他们读大学,结果毕业后不仅无法供养父母,甚至连供 养自己都有一些难度,随着城市生活成本的不断提高,这种现象已经越来越明显。

Many college graduates exclamation,More than ten years cold window study hard,Experience even deadly college entrance examination test,And then after at least four year university life baptism,After getting out of school found that get salary can barely keep their livelihood,Don't say more than 10 years of education in the short term investment costs cannot be recalled,Home business is by all is a problem。And many rural students,Home to suck it up for their college,The results not only provide for parents after graduation,Even for custody have some difficulty,With the continuous improvement of the cost of city life,This phenomenon has become more and more obvious。


专业不对口 工作不好找 Profession wrong not seek work

  毕业于中山大学的梁同学就读的是药理学专业,但是她自己并不想找和本专业相关的工作。 因此在大四这一年她找工作时更多地把简历投向了国企、银行和一些事业单位。“家里人希望我能找个稳定一些的文职工作,最好不需要经常在外面跑的,按照我自己的性格来说,这样的工作也比较适合我。”但是由于专业过于偏向理科,梁同学找工作并不顺利。

Graduated from zhongshan university students attended the beam of pharmacology is professional,But she and don't want to find and this job。 So as a senior this year she looking for a job more the resume to the state-owned enterprises、Banks and some institutions。“Family hope I can find a stable some of the civilian work,Had better not need often outside of the run,According to my own personality speaking,This work also is suitable for me。”But as the professional too turn to science,Students looking for work is not smooth beam。

  经历了近一年的找工作,在毕业过后两周,梁同学才算找到了自己的第一份工作:在一家公司做文秘,起薪是2500元。虽然对自己的工作并不是十分满意, 但是梁同学表示还是会工作一段时间再考虑一下跳槽。“因为我自己的家在东莞,住在家里的话开销可能会少一些,我比较理想的工资还是月薪在4000元左 右。”梁同学说。

After nearly a year to find a job,In the two weeks after graduation,Beam students just calculate found his first job:Working as a company secretary,The starting salary is 2500 yuan。Although to his job and not very satisfied, But students say will still work beam a period of time to think about change。“Because I own home in dongguan,Word of living in the house will have less cost,I quite ideal salary monthly salary is in 4000 yuan of the left or right。”Beam classmate say。


生活成本高 城市居不易 High cost of living in the city is not easy

  去年华南农业大学人力资源管理专业毕业的陈同学,现在东莞一家民企做人力专员,回想起一年前的求职经历,陈同学也感叹找工作的不易。“当时好多企业只 能给到3000元不到的工资,而在广州的生活成本又那么高,2000多元实在是很难生存,于是我最后选择来到了东莞。”

Last year, south China agricultural university human resources management of specialized graduation ChenTongXue,Now the dongguan a corporation to do human commissioner,Recall a year ago job experience,ChenTongXue also exclamation looking for work is not easy。“At that time a lot of enterprise only can give to 3000 yuan less than wages,And in guangzhou's cost of living and so high,It is hard to live 2000 yuan,So I chose come to dongguan。”


ChenTongXue now monthly salary is 3000 yuan,Remove the basic expenses such as rent to eat,Can the rest of the money is not much also,basically“The moonlight”。

  陈同学的老家在湖南省的一个小县城,家中不算特别富裕,虽然父母现在不需要他供养,但是也没办法在经济上对他有所资助,陈同学虽然很想留在广东发展, 但是高居不下的房价与不断上涨的物价让他深深地感受到了大城市的“居不易”,“我现在的工资不算高,也许以后会慢慢好起来,但是现阶段还是什么都不敢想, 我想也许过段时间我会选择回家乡去发展吧,家里那边生活成本会低一些。”

ChenTongXue hometown of hunan province in a small town,The home is not particularly rich,Although now parents need to his support,But didn't also way in economic aid for him to be,ChenTongXue although want to stay in guangdong development, But not at the house price and rising price let he feels deeply to the big city“Not easily in the”,“I now of the salary is not high,Maybe it'll getting well,But at present or what all dare not to think, I think maybe after a short time I will choose back home to develop it,There will be low cost home life some。”


职业培训师:大学毕业生应摆正心态 Vocational trainers:University graduate should put things right


College students pay less competitive is the fact that does not dispute,But many graduates think you read so many years,Results income than some migrant workers,Psychological gap will be hard to avoid is bigger,Even once had“Reading useless”feeling。


this,Human resources market houjie vocational training that more than a teacher,College graduates have just walked out of the school gate,Faces from“Knowledge people”into“capacity”process,In this transition process,Salary level some low is normal。And migrant workers is mostly grasped certain labor skills,This just out of school and college students is nothing comparable。

  余甲同时认为,“大学应届毕业生此时是一个积累的过程,相比收入,个人的发展和人脉的积累更加重要,大学毕业生应尽量保持务实的心态,踏踏实实努力奋 斗。”余甲说,大学应届毕业生应该为自己确立正确的定位和目标,要相信自己的潜力和发展空间,不要被一时的挫折所阻碍,迷失了方向,更不应该盲目盯着别人 的收入,反而忽视了自己应该做的事情。

At the same time that more than armour,“Students graduating from college this year at this time is a process of accumulation,Income compared,Personal development and the accumulation of contacts is more important,University graduate should try to keep the practical state of mind,Steadfast effort a zealot。”More than a say,College graduates should set themselves the correct orientation and target,To believe that their potential and development space,Don't be hampered by a temporary setback,Lost direction,More should not blind stare at other people's income,But ignore the thing you should do。
