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  唐慧(右一)昨在湖南省白马垅劳教所见到自己的辩护律师禁不住潸然泪下。唐慧目前身体状况尚可,但非常担心女儿。 TangHui(Right a)Yesterday in hunan white horse long labor camp meet his defense attorney couldn't help shed。TangHui current health fair,But very worried about my daughter。

  台海网8月7日讯 据新华网报道,距湖南永州幼女被逼卖淫案终审判决两个月后,湖南省委政法委表态,成立调查调查该案办理情况。这是这起举国震惊的刑事案件发生6年后,省一级政法委首次介入调查。

Taiwan network on August 7,-according to xinhua,Yong from hunan evil forced into prostitution case a final decision in two months,Hunan provincial party committee political statement,Panel investigating the case was handle a case。This is the shock of the criminal case happened six years later,Legal committee to look into the provincial level for the first time。


yesterday,Hunan provincial party committee legal committee to the outside world through the media said,Yong's infant daughter to be raped、Its parent TangHui reflect on the high attention,Has established panel to investigate the case for yong。


Investigation team officials say,Once discovery is wrong,Will resolutely corrected according to law。If there are illegal indiscipline,According to regulation according to law to give serious processing。


离奇案件: Bizarre case:


两次重审四次判决 Two new trial four sentence


幼女母亲被送劳教 Mother's infant daughter was sent the detention


11 years old yong girl lele(aliases)Be forced into prostitution case began in six years ago。October 2006,Lele was beguiled、Rape and sell into the“brothels”。In the course of the next three months,Be forced into prostitution more than 100 times。


June 5,,Hunan ShengGaoYuan make final ruling:including“brothels”The boss QinXing, the two defendants for forced prostitution sin was sentenced to death,Four people were sentenced to life imprisonment,Another 1 for punishment of 15 years。


So far,The appalling rape case after two girl review、Four case,Seems to the dust settled。


but,a,Because of dissatisfaction with the judicial organs yong's handling of the case,So many times of TangHui was mother lele“Seriously disturbing social order,Caused the very bad social effect”The name of the sent to labor camp,Cause all across the country, opinion a uproar。


疑问重重: Many questions:


百余嫖客未究刑责 Over go whoring guest did not investigate accountability of punishment


“被救者”否认自杀 “BeiJiuZhe”Denies suicide


TangHui of what“Make visit”?“Make visit”Produce the direct consequence of what?“Seriously disturbing social order”How to determine?Decided to its the detention 1 year 6 months whether“Penalty when its sin”?


August 5,,The public security bureau, which responded publicly questioned,Describes the TangHui has 7 times“Make visit”behavior,And on the outside of the public security question yong help“brothels”Liu XiuXianWu love QinXing boss forged“Observing materials”Trying to reduce the punishment,Reply by making special。Says after investigation,QinXing in jail in custody during ZhouLanLan personnel to suicide“evidence”,Police found no help the defendant make false observing。


The statement did not quell controversy,Lele case defense lawyer Ian yuan spring、HuYiHua then open the intermediate people's court, which ShengGaoYuan and hunan to the case of the three case material,Three times are denied QinXing judgment ultimately save said。


In addition,The court survey conclusion and public security self-examination completely the opposite,Crime QinXing transgressions suspected relatives leadership public security bureau,More than 100 whoring is not waiting to be investigated for criminal responsibility,And even ZhouLanLan appeared denied after suicide was threatened the detention of core question,The public security bureau, which has silence。


唐慧被劳教背后:五大核心疑问亟待调查清楚 TangHui was behind the detention:Five core questions to be investigated


TangHui whether“Make visit”?“Make visit”What appeals?Lele was forced into prostitution in investigation in the course of trying the case whether there is injustice?


TangHui defense lawyers HuYiHua yesterday morning paper reporter told,In place of the day he see in the TangHui。She says she,The public security bureau, which described the“Seriously disturbing social order”Behavior and his“petitions、Right themselves”Details of the process and more,“For the appeal,Because her daughter's case,From beginning to end not get fair treatment。”


According to the morning paper reporter master file the case materials、The parties and lawyer description and public media reports,The judicial organs yong public security organs to lele was especially forced into prostitution case processing,There are lots of controversial problems。


Among them,Especially in more than 100 go whoring guest is not, be investigated for criminal responsibility、Police suspected of helping the defendant“False observing”Event the most outstanding,This is also TangHui“The most can't accept”And continue to appeal,Eventually the detention of the key reasons。


1、当地一民警拒不解救受害人涉嫌渎职,仅获“党内严重警告”处分,是否公平? 1、A local police refused to save the victim alleged malfeasance,Were merely“Party serious warning”sanctions,Is fair?


October 1, 2006,Lele was ZhouJunHui after hijacked rape,Be sold to QinXing have open willow XiuXianWu love,And is forced prostitution over times。


Lele after missing,Its parent TangHui report to the public security organ,Public security organs to“disappearance”Done so,For the original of which zero public security bureau XingZhenDui YangJunXiang mountainous。After filing,TangHuiGen according to the clues,In love the latent XiuXianWu willow more than 10 days,Confirm lele in it。


December 30, 2006 afternoon,TangHui to YangJunXiang report and asked the ChuJing,YangJunXiang came to love the leisure to the back of the willow,Found lele,But refused to save,And flicking。


According to《Criminal law》Article 416 and《The supreme people's procuratorate about malpractice tort criminal cases filed the provisions of the standard》,Yang behavior comply with no rescue abducted、Kidnapping of women、Children's case filing standards,Alleged malfeasance crime。In the next TangHui struggle,Zero in mountainous discipline inspection commission on December 6, 2007 YangJunXiang party to give a serious warning to dispose of。


2、Police station to qin magnitude people organization、Forced prostitution、Rape refused to put on record,Until TangHui“To die mutually force”,Is fair?


December 30, 2006 afternoon,TangHui to zero public security bureau, which mountainous south tianjin crossing to police station,Request done so lele forced prostitution、Rape case,But police station refused to put on record。Until TangHui to the hunan provincial public security department to accuse even“To die mutually force”,The public security bureau chief, which after instructions,Only in 2007 January 5, put on record。


TangHui and lawyer Ian yuan spring、HuYiHua says,Until January 24, 2007,The public security bureau, which were not for effective detection,Miss crimes time,Cause during this period,Have the criminal evidence destruction、Tally their confessions、Dissolved prostitution female、fled。


3、嫖宿幼女的100余名嫖客均未被追究刑事责任,是否公平? 3、Whoring's 100 have been waiting to be investigated for criminal responsibility,Is fair?


According to the case materials,Lele forced into prostitution,All is sent to yong homeland hotel、0 hill hotel、Beauty Aaron hotel,Many times TangHui will investigation of the above information and housing of the camera site registration,The investigators refused to survey,Lead to hundreds of whoring no one waiting to be subject to the accountability of punishment。


The morning paper reporter in hunan ShengGaoYuan final found in order,A man named the fierce of Chiang“Go whoring guest”To witness testimony identity issue,To prove its hand in QinXing had spent 150 yuan will be brought out lele's infant daughter,And in a hotel open room sex。But a“Go whoring guest”Only be imposed administrative detention, which the public security bureau of the punishment of the 15 th。


4、一民警为被告通风报信,仅被“党内警告”,是否公平? 4、A police accused news for ventilation,Only being“Party warned”,Is fair?


According to the material,January 2007,The defendant QinXing to be caught,Police WeiXiaoHui help QinXing and criminal suspects Chen just just tally their confessions。WeiXiaoHui knowingly Chen just just(After being sentenced to life imprisonment)For the case of the prime culprit,Not the catch,And the ventilation and acted in collusion with others,Make Chen just just a lot of female prostitution to sp,The defendant QinBin escape over four years。


According to《Criminal law》Article four hundred and seventeen the provisions,WeiXiaoHui suspected criminals help them escape punishment,The crime of serious professional misconduct。After TangHui fight,Concluded by exposure。2008 years,Public security bureau 0 hill branches, which only give WeiXiaoHui party warning punishment。
