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考生存偏见 低分录取难解专科高职院校招录困局--亲稳舆论引导监测室

考生存偏见 低分录取难解专科高职院校招录困局 高职学生正在上婴儿抢救实验课,她们将被打造成社会急需的高技能人才。杨凡 摄 Higher vocational students are on baby rescue LABS,They will be making the society needs talents with high ability。YangFan perturbation


这边考学极易,那厢招生很难 KaoXue here extremely easily,The box is difficult to recruit students


“180”就能上大学背后的职校招生困局透视 “180”Can the vocational schools, the college admissions dilemma behind perspective


A director of higher vocational colleges,Our province(shandong)From 1998 began to explore the higher vocational colleges entrance admission,At that time only 2 vocational province,Just 14 years time have been developed to the current 70。Some colleges and universities is quite hasty mount,School running conditions、Teachers didn't keep up with them,It is difficult to attract the examinee enter oneself for an examination,These schools if does not actively respond to,Is likely to be eliminated。


180分的门槛究竟多低 180 points threshold of how low


49万高考生,180分以下的不到三千 490000 high candidates,Below 180 points of less than three thousand


Last year,Shandong college entrance 2 batches of 180 points to admit a line,Specialized subject again this year admit a line the flat“The lowest in history”record,Become a topic of ablaze。


180 points to admit a line,Means the university entrance exam 5 door average as long as 36 points can be knocking the door of a university。“Is the university entrance exam failure、The university has,The great leap forward much easier or universities?”Sina micro bo users“Science and education director old Sue”said。


“Fractional line in higher vocational college batch,Almost a symbolic requirements。”Shandong institute of business ministry manages, deputy director of the WangPingAn think。


In summer the university entrance exam of of all kinds of don't,Overall the examinee of 180 points or more in 488340,And this summer the university entrance exam register a number for 497684 people,Considering the exams have an average of more than 7000 people lack of the examination,This means that in the end attend the university entrance exam 5 subject test summer of students,Students with below a 180 fewer than 3000 people。


为啥专科线降成这样 Why the specialized subject line drop into this


本科扩张、生源锐减,挤压了专科空间 Undergraduate expansion、Matriculate declined,Squeezed the specialized subject space


“Test can quote,No fractional line。”In the 2012 years of higher vocational college entrance required number of inquiry,A lot of higher vocational colleges should not talk“Fractional line”,For many in higher vocational colleges,180 points can admit a student is with trepidation。


From 2008 to 2012,Students down let many in higher vocational colleges recruit students has“Roller coaster”Experience of。


From 2008 to 2012,The university entrance exam registration number by the peak of nearly 800000,Fell by 240000 more than person;This specialized subject the acceptance rate from 65% in 2008 to rise to 87% in 2011。


Although the acceptance rate is improving,But in 2011 to in from 2008 four years undergraduate enrollment expansion plan,College plans are in shrink,Acceptance rates to improve the main is a significant contribution in undergraduate education。


Analysis in four years college level and undergraduate level admit number can be seen,In 2008 and 2009,Specialized subject batch admit number by more than 50000 people above undergraduate batch;By 2010,In the actual admission,Undergraduate course plan by 16000,College plans are badly in 22000;2011 years,Specialized subject“plays”Situation finally complete is broken,The number of undergraduate admission first to more than 250000 more than specialized subject,Specialized subject batch shrink again more than 40000 to recruit students to plan。


2012 years,The ministry of education to stop undergraduate enrollment expansion。But WangPingAn think,Because the years of enrollment expansion,Undergraduate enrollment scale have remembered,Students dropped badly,Part of the higher vocational hard enrollment this situation is a change in the short term。


职校咋还吃不饱 Vocational schools, the zha still do not have enough to eat


对职教有偏见,不少考生宁愿复读也不报专科 Have a bias for vocational education,Many candidates would rather answer read also don't quote specialized subject


The vice President DongLiangJun province recruitment has said,Specialized subject to admit fractional line reduced,Higher education resources in our province show that the fast development,To speed up the popularization of higher education process。In addition,Low position is the students“Main accept education in higher vocational colleges”。


And an embarrassing phenomenon is,Even if the fractional line scratched the 180 points,Specialized subject batch there is still a massive number of higher vocational schools do not have enough to eat。This year a specialized subject to volunteer what calm mark delivers file first, for example,Even if enter oneself for an examination the examinee to 180 points can what calm mark delivers file first,Arts and sciences still has some eighty percent college“Do not have enough to eat”。And liberal arts 143、Science in 140 colleges and universities“Zero what calm mark delivers file first”。


Jinan intelligence training school to learn the teacher with many Howard of high school students,Students and parents in the volunteer to enter oneself for an examination of vocational education when existing bias,He deeply,“Even if the test scores is not high,Fill in vocational schools volunteer when,They also often consider two points,One is this school have rise this may,2 it is the professional can provide a decent job。”Also some candidates by conventional idea influence,Would rather answer read a year again undergraduate course,Also refused to go to college。


21 century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi think,With the reduction of the number of,Higher education the gross enrollment ratio rose,The university entrance exam to admit fractional line will more and more low。In fact,In many areas,According to the higher vocational colleges recruit students to plan and the specific number of applicants,If education examination department admitted not cross the line,Due to recruit students plan more than the number of enter oneself for an examination,There will be zero points to the university。


低分考生咋培养 探索“宽进严出”,让低分考生成为实践高手 Explore how low grade students training“Wide into severe out”,Let students practice low as superior


The more pressing is,180 points and 300 points、400 points children sat at the same in the classroom,And how to ensure their training quality?


Part of the higher vocational and according to the present fractional line of down,Began to explore the classification training。“180 points of the students,Basic theory do worse,But their beginning ability is strong。”Qingdao institute director manages LiuZhenQing binhai said,Encourage the basic theory of students through strengthening weak some practice course requirements,To balance the gap。“For example,The reform practice calculate credit,Graduation can't a scale to measure student。”


“Higher vocational colleges don't take the scores are too heavy,To explore the cultivation of the students' practice ability,Let them have graduated from the way out。”Dongying vocational college recruit students everywhere long ZhangRuShan said。

  熊丙奇进一步指出,低分数线要求高等教育进行根本性变革,即实行宽进严出,从发达国家看,高等教育大众化到一定程度,必然有一批学校(社区学院和职业学院)将实行申请入学、注册入学,在这种情况下,要保证高等教育质量,必须实行严格的培养标准,否则学校的学历将贬值,而教育质量也难以得到承认。(记者 杨凡 徐洁 实习生 李巧萍)

XiongBingJi further pointed out,Higher education for low division requires a fundamental reform,That is a wide into severe out,Look from the developed countries,The higher education popularity to a certain degree,There must be a group of school(Community colleges and vocational colleges)Will be apply for admission、matriculation,In this case,To ensure the quality of higher education,Must be strict training standards,Otherwise the school education will devaluation,And education quality also is difficult to be admitted。(Reporter YangFan XuJie interns LiQiaoPing)
