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EF EF T: 10px">    T: 10 px">   编者按: Editor's note:8月7日上午,茂名市电白县水东中学的一名高三学生从教学楼八楼坠下身亡。此前,他在给亲人发的短信中称,其遭到学校三名领导的辱骂、嘲笑,他要用自己的死来报复这些人。当地警方初步调查认为,这名学生系跳楼自杀。 On 7 August morning,DianBaiXian maoming a water east high school students of senior three buildings fell from eight floor died。after,He loved to hair of message said,The three officers were school of abuse、Laugh at,He with his own death to get these people。Local police that a preliminary investigation,The student is commit suicide。更多精彩新闻请进入搜狐教育>> More wonderful news please enter sohu education>>高三学生疑遭校领导辱骂坠楼身亡 案发现场 The scene 高三学生疑遭校领导辱骂坠楼身亡


Family members in the school are sad。


On 7 August morning,DianBaiXian maoming a water east high school students of senior three buildings fell from eight floor died。after,He loved to hair of message said,The three officers were school of abuse、Laugh at,He with his own death to get these people。Local police that a preliminary investigation,The student is commit suicide。After the incident,The ambulance arrived at the scene,Students have to jump off a building that killed on the spot,The police will move to investigate students next to understand,Preliminary determination of suicide,The last time when the morning comes as the class,Many students in the onlookers。


“Elder sister,You want to mom and dad grandma brother said I'm sorry,Next generation for child again(a)you,School leaders……Insult me,Cheat me,Scold me,Laugh at me,I can't stand such a blow,Live and it means nothing,I will die(after)Do ghost to repay them……”August 7, at 11 am 38 points,DianBaiXian maoming make small yan mobile suddenly receive text messages of countries brother was born,The content inside the creeping let her,She immediately to brother phone back。But so few seconds of time,Mobile phone that head has spread“Temporarily unable to through”。

  据了解,水东中学是广东省一级学校,在当地被誉为电白县教育前进的“三驾马车之一”。两年前,占国生从电白县博贺镇考入该所重点高中,被家人寄予厚望。就在两天前,他刚拿着家里东拼西凑的学费及补课费赶到学校,开始参加学校组织的补课。该同学教室的座位已人去座空 。

According to understand,Water is guangdong province level 1 school east high school,In the local DianBaiXian education is known as progress“One of the three carriages”。Two years ago,Born of countries from DianBaiXian bo royal admitted to precincts of the key high school,By his family expected to do that。Just two days before,He just took home the tuition in either direction and get to school classes,Began to take part in the school organization makes up a missed lesson。The students of the classroom has to a empty seats 。

  (本文来源:大洋网 )

(This paper source:Ocean nets )
