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编者按 Editor's note:“银发中国”需要孝文化。我国现在已步入“老龄化国家”之列,老龄人口基数大,增速快,困难老人数量多,“未富先老”、“空巢老人”等现象十分普遍。古人云“父母在,不远游”。可是在这个四通八达、流动性日益增强的现代社会中,守着父母过日子的人又有多少呢?越来越多的人远离故土来到大城市工作,许多刚走出校门的年轻人们也想方设法漂泊在大城市里寻找着属于自己的机会,“父母在不远游”已成为遥远的怀想。“百善孝为先”。现代社会中的子女们难道真的不常常思念自己的父母?并想陪伴在父母身边吗?近日,由全国妇联老龄工作协调办、全国老龄办、全国心系系列活动组委会共同发布新版“24孝”行动标准。小编特采写一些我们身边的孝道故事,与您分享,其实“孝星”就在我们身边和“孝心”也本就存在我们心中,请尽力多关心下父母,尽一份孝心。 :“Silver China”Need filial piety culture。Now our country has entered“Aging countries”list,Aging large population base,faster,Difficult old man quantity,“Get old before it gets rich”、“Empty nester”Wait for a phenomenon is very common。The ancients cloud“Parents in,Don't make the”。But in the extend in all directions、Liquidity growing in modern society,Keep the parents live again? How many?More and more people are far from home to large cities,Many just gratulated last year myself young people also tried to drift in big cities looking for their own opportunities,“Parents don't travel faraway”Has become a distant yearn for。“Hundred good filial first”。In the modern society children don't really don't often miss their parents?And want to accompany their parents around?recently,By the national women's federation old-age work coordination to do、The elderly do、The national heart series the organizing committee jointly issued new edition“24 filial piety”Action standard。Small make up characteristic collection &composition some we side story filial piety,Share with you,In fact“Filial piety star”In our side and“Filial piety”Also this is our hearts,Please try your best to care much about parents down,Do a filial piety。新二十四孝引思考:别让我们白发的父母空等待新“24孝”行动标准出炉 含“教父母学会上网” new“24 filial piety”A standard action containing“Teach parents learn to surf the Internet”


Holidays with my parents often spend、Personally to parents cook、To her parents once a week to make a phone call......13,By the national women's federation old-age work coordination to do、The elderly do、The national heart series the organizing committee jointly issued new edition“24 filial piety”Action standard。


The new standards have inheritance have innovation。In June this year,《Protection of the rights and interests of the elders》The first draft submitted to the National People's Congress standing committee to review,The amendments to the new one“Often home to see”,Cause social great interest and argument。The deputy director of the aged to do,The national heart series of activities, deputy director of the organizing committee WuYuShao said yesterday,new“24 filial piety”Action with the old standard“24 filial piety”contrast,Just want to tell you,The step of time in constant forward,“we‘Filial piety’Cultural understanding,Both inheritance and innovation”。

===“空巢”老人增多 社会现象引关注=== = = =“Empty nest”The old man increased attention to the social phenomenon = = =新二十四孝引思考:别让我们白发的父母空等待百善孝为先 父母“空巢”别空心 The good filial first parents“Empty nest”Don't hollow


Since the ancient times,Chinese parents will hold a used、At the heart of the female ChengFeng cultivate their children,It really when the children left home、They act,But he himself can't really happy,They are more hope that their children can often accompany in your side。And for people far away from the land for overseas Chinese,And they did not know“Hundred good filial first”?And how may often exert a filial piety?


however,Due to the outstanding play of the elder spell,Most Chinese career and family are abroad。When they can't leave everything to return to China for permanent residence,And don't have enough time and energy“Often home to see”。so,There are many overseas Chinese parents will choose to live beside him,But it wasn't long before problem came out。The old man living in a foreign country,Don't know the language,Habits are difficult to adapt to。More key is,In addition to their children,They had almost no one acquaintance,Life to be extremely depressed。


中国人均预期寿命超74岁 男女寿命差扩大 China's per capita life expectancy over 74 years old men and women life difference to expand


The national bureau of statistics has news,According to the sixth national population census detailed summary data calculation,In 2010, the Chinese population's average life expectancy reached 74.83 years,More than 10 years ago is improved by 3.43 years old。Data display,In 2010, the Chinese male population's average life expectancy is 72.38 years old,Higher than that of 2000, 2.75 years;The female is 77.37 years,Improve 4.04 years。The average life expectancy of men and women the difference compared with ten years ago,By 3.70 years to expand to 4.99 years old。


"空巢现象"需全社会关注 谁忍心让父母老无所依 "Empty nest phenomenon"The whole society should pay attention to parents who have the heart to let no country for old men


In fact,The old man was alone in his home before things happened,Whether dalian the 68 - year - old press the toilet 2 months press the fall 98 tons of water woman,Or has been in the car sit don't get off the only sent time to look at the scenery of Qingdao LiShuAn retired old man,In these seemingly“fantastic”Behind the behavior of the,They reflect their inner extremely lonely and lonely。As early as in 1980,Century old man bing xin in her works《Empty nest》will“Empty nester”The lonely evening scene depicting the life,now,China's empty nest phenomena and bring a series of social problems is increasingly prominent。In fact,The old man was alone in his home before things happened,Whether dalian the 68 - year - old press the toilet 2 months press the fall 98 tons of water woman,Or has been in the car sit don't get off the only sent time to look at the scenery of Qingdao LiShuAn retired old man,In these seemingly“fantastic”Behind the behavior of the,They reflect their inner extremely lonely and lonely。As early as in 1980,Century old man bing xin in her works《Empty nest》will“Empty nester”The lonely evening scene depicting the life,now,China's empty nest phenomena and bring a series of social problems is increasingly prominent。

===“孝星”在身边=== = = =“Filial piety star”In the side = = =研究生与弟弟休学辞工守护植物人父亲 每天呼唤 Graduate students and brother quit school quit guardian vegetable father call every day新二十四孝引思考:别让我们白发的父母空等待


Father's day eve,Online heat transfer with a warm story:Since my father was a serious illness become a vegetable,Jinan university graduate student wang tao and brother WangBo successive suspension quit,Day and night waiting on the bed before nursing、Call father。Took his“Do experiment”Self-study needle、infusion,Call father every day for times,Every half an hour for father take a back、Every two hours over a body...Online heat transfer of the video and picture,Two boys to father attentive professional care moved a lot of net friend。Not a few net friend exclamation,“Long before the bed has a son”,The two brothers to father buchibuqi guardian,This father's day is one of the most beautiful gift。detailed


武大博士生用爱唤醒植物人母亲 孝心创造生命奇迹 Wu3 da4 doctoral student in love wake up vegetable mother filial piety to create life miracle


“Even if there is a 0.1% chance,I also have to pay 200% of the efforts,Believe in miracles happen!”let“vegetable”Mother to come back to life,And is not an easy thing,But yellow big watch day and night,Never give up。Because the mother can't eat,Only by playing nutrition needle to maintain,Yellow the big worry her enough nutrition,Every day with syringe through the stomach tube let mother“drink”The eggs and milk;Every two hours,He has to help mother turn a body,Prevent long-term bed have bedsore。

In order to awaken the mother's memory,As long as a leisure,Yellow big will lie prone on mother's ear,Gave her“stories”。About his college life,About his future plan,Speak he and mother together those hardships and happy days。61岁孝子抱母求医感动网友 曾为双亲拒升官 61 - year - old son embrace mother moved net friend had healed for parents refused promotion新二十四孝引思考:别让我们白发的父母空等待


2, occurred in tainan odd beauty of the hospital“Filial son embrace mother”See a doctor's deep picture,Make many netizens、Readers deeply,The main character in the story is tainan city DiaoZhaZhan retirement specialist DingZu Ji。“See butyl vice seat embrace mother to the hospital,It's no surprise!”Tainan city DiaoZhaZhan personnel to see“Filial son embrace mother”photos,Recognized is old sir DingZu Ji,“Fbi uphill and downhill all know that he is a dutiful son”,Hoping to,“Not only give up promotion,Even willing to falling tone”。

新二十四孝引思考:别让我们白发的父母空等待=== 养老,无远虑必有近忧=== = = = endowment,No foresight will = = =老龄化的隐忧:养老问题是家庭之痛也是社会之痛 Aging of malaises: endowment the problem is the pain of the family is society pain


More worried is our next generation only their children。Now when festivals,To have many of his family in 80,Not only to visit his parents、Grandpa's grandmother、Grandpa and grandma,To visit each other's these relatives,Take a few days off,Just see the elder had to their exhaustion of body and mind,Let alone the support in the future、Took care。And for those who go out in the outside of middle-aged couples, including young couples,30 and whose old man together,It is a headache reality problem,This husband and wife make antinomy、The argument is not a few。One of my colleagues solution is to:Thirty in Beijing with his father-in-law had his mother-in-law,First fly back to accompany their parents。Flounder is about some,Fortunately can kill two birds with one stone,And those who both parents are not around and both husband and wife are very far apart,Always in the realm of。Can't accompany、Take care of growing old parents,Many people become more the pain。


《老年人保障法》将修订 可操作性不等同于可诉性 《Protection of the elderly》Will be revised operability does not equate to justiciability

“Can according to‘Often home to see’Such a clause in the litigation,Can discuss。”He said,In fact,《Protection of the rights and interests of the elders》Many of the policy clause,Can be the basis of litigation,But they can become judge right and wrong、Administrative accountability、Family dispute mediation of the important principle。Generally speaking,In reflect distinct sanctions nature of the law,Those who do not have compulsory execution sexual moral requirements,Shall not directly into the among them。“But in《Protection of the rights and interests of the elders》This kind of distinct social law attribute of law,Join children‘Often home to see’And so on ethical requirements,Nondestructive legal authority,More embodies the legal guidelines、Education role。”


===破解之道=== = = = = = = the way of crack社会养老缓解养老压力 Social endowment ease endowment pressure

Social endowment will inevitably become the main mode of China's endowment。And the current,Although China also has social endowment pattern,But is limited to a few specific personnel to have the opportunity to enjoy their life of give up and quantity is very limited or public or private nursing home,Many nursing homes in small range、Condition difference、Care not professional、The problems such as nonstandard management,Far cannot solve an aging population brings endowment pressure。


“常回家看看” 社会各方均需伸出援手 “Often home to see” Social parties all needs to lend a hand


Net friend“BaiShang dust”:We have to humble abode for bread out。We take what go home often?


Net friend“advantageous”:Don't know how much the parents for their children to see their own less time to go to court,Experts ah,You know not to know now engage in a lawsuit to spend how many money?How much time?


Net friend“Maaseiah water droplets”:Penitence married away!My family don't have a car,Change the car back to a maiden five hours,To take this 4 years old children,The child can't stand ah!Side was a child,Side is parents!I love dearly ah!


孝敬父母,关键需要用心用情 Obeying your parents,The key, use your heart with love


Carefully read the new“24 filial piety”Action standard,Content is extensive,Keep pace with The Times,feasible。but,Have a question haunted heart,That is:Implementing new“24 filial piety”Action standard,Should first respect parents opinion。Since introduced the new standard,You should put a new standard into effect,Otherwise the new standard is on old parchment、Be an armchair strategist。And how to implement the standards,The author thinks that,We must first respect parents opinion。


Obeying your parents,The key, use your heart with love。As long as there is really、With the truth,In fact have standard is not important。His parents happy、Health and happiness are the biggest wish their children,We honor your father and your mother,For the parents to do everything,Should master this“standard”And the degree,Perhaps this is the most important。
